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Everything posted by SDS

  1. Ha. Why am I thinking there was a Syracuse connection somehow? I'm sorry. He grew up in East Syracuse. I assume he was a big fan of their sports teams.
  2. Eh. Regardless, Brandon just happening to select a coach from Syracuse is too convenient to me. I was not a fan of that process. I think he flat out lied about the process and had Marrone pre-selected.
  3. People are also forgetting Doug Marrone and the no stone left unturned search that resulted in him hiring the coach from his alma mater.
  4. Correction. Bill doesn't retweet political posts, he "likes" them and they show up on your feed anyway. https://twitter.com/markagee/status/855892132904685569 Is an example of a liked tweet.
  5. He retweets things. Nothing all that controversial, IMO.
  6. For those fighting the good fight, you may want to consider that some people may lack the mathematical comfort to appreciate Paul's pile of horseshit for what it is. I doubt Paul understands it either and that's why he wrote it.
  7. A possibility is that behind closed doors, maybe FGMTM was less than grace under pressure? It's easy when you are selling assets to collect draft picks. But this was the first year with expectations and perhaps the lack of success revealed weak points in his abilities that weren't a parent in the previous years.
  8. SDS

    New GM Watch

    I do. I want to stab my eyes out whenever I see alumni suggested for either team. Keeping alumni out of these positions at least helps abate the relentless, never ending parade of nostalgic suggestions.
  9. The bottom line is Buffalo has way too many people covering sports. We have two major teams. How many people really need to cover two organizations?
  10. The method was clear. Give a short simple controlled message. Answer a few questions and get out. The organization knows he isnt a good public speaker. He said the minimum for our benefit.
  11. After six years, I don't expect Pegula to get this right because I don't expect any ownership anywhere will get it right (meaning a championship will just follow the latest shakeup), but it has been long enough that whatever approach he takes - it should be reasonable. I expect him to make reasonable decisions and he has the resources to verify his direction prior to proceeding.
  12. The problem with "learning the sports ownership business" is that it really isn't analog. There are these large jumps in real world experience when personnel change followed by long bouts of observation of the current structure. There is no cookbook to all this despite fan pontificatation. If there was a right way everyone would just buy Sports Ownership for Dummies and follow the helpful tips. There's about 25 key personalities that all have to come together, along with a lot of luck (Carolina). In all of this, it is also good to remind oneself that winning a championship in a parity league is hard. 30+ teams search the answer every year. If it were easy, then no one would care. We are all frustrated with the lack of results but never pretend that this is easy.
  13. Well, that assumes his "sense" is true. I don't know why he would know what the plan is.
  14. How much of that Rochester help is sitting in juniors or in college right now?
  15. Kevin Sylvester: For what it's worth: I'm told the decision to fire Murray and Bylsma was made before the meeting with the Pegulas yesterday.
  16. I would be more inclined to believe they are watching Toronto, Edmonton and Calgary in the playoffs and said we aren't good enough under GMTM.
  17. Perhaps I have mistakenly placed more faith in GMTM than he deserves, but I don't see him falling on his sword for Bylsma. He knew there were issues and said as much. He's a smart hockey man. I'm waiting for an alternative explanation.
  18. Honestly, I had a hard time disagreeing with almost anything he said. He was refreshingly honest, direct and informative.
  19. Ugh. Tim Murray was the one thing I liked most about the Sabres.
  20. For those of you heating up an oven, a pan or a grill to reheat a slice of pizza, I have a question… What temperature do you set your toilet seat to when you sit down to take a piss in the morning?
  21. He has 38 NHL goals since he was drafted in 2009. Its 2017. I'm not losing sleep. He obviously had talent, it's always been on him.
  22. The Sabres traded with Vancouver. The Oilers picked up a player 2x discarded.
  23. The 3.X series of this board software is officially end of lifed as of 4/1/17 and there will be no more updates to it from the developers. So, the Facebook login is most likely dead until I either upgrade to the new 4.X version or move to xenforo or another platform.
  24. The board uses an old piece of Facebook code that Facebook no longer accepts.
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