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Everything posted by SDS

  1. This is an audio only suggestion. You can make a new anonymous account for it.
  2. 1. SDS 2. That Aud Smell 3. d4ksabre 4. Taro T 5. add your name!
  3. I wish there was another way, but my wife commutes 40 min the opposite way. It's the hand I'm dealt, so it's the hand I play.
  4. 1. SDS 2. That Aud Smell 3. Skype will allow 23 more. Please sign up.
  5. I would be happy to host a Skype audio only chat for anyone who would like to talk. Please indicate your willingness to get a skype account and join in. As it stands now, there is no amount of productive time that could possibly be devoted to informing, correcting and persuading people via the forum format. Too many posters, too many opinions, too many issues to address and too many people posting more and reading less. The only way to actually make progress is a real voice conversation. FTR, my days are full. I commute 2-3 hours round trip every day and I have a 12 and 16 year old playing soccer year round. I coach one and I am the manager for the other. I also train both of them at the gym, while I try to maintain some semblance of my own health. Whatever posts I make on my phone are usually during water breaks at some activity or during a small break at work. I apologize for not responding to certain issues in a more timely way, but there literally is no time for me to address the scope of this situation, particularly since some posters wake up every day hell bent on making everything worse. I have but a bucket of water, but if the town people insist on lighting the entire village on fire then there is nothing I can do about it. Civilization hinges civility...
  6. Are you sure they didn't mean - at the time, one game over the course of the games already played?
  7. When? I'm not saying you're lying but I don't believe either would have said that.
  8. I barely know where to put the gas in and I've done a dozen brake jobs. It's probably the easiest thing you can do other than changing routine filters.
  9. I have not made any substantive changes in a very long time to the software on my side, so any abnormalities are due to the user configuration. It could be that bugs in the older version of the message board are starting to be surfaced through updates in browsers.
  10. Randall, I implore you to make this thread great by implementing an open/lock system. You should be the only one posting in it. If not, then a scrapbook of memories will be devolve into more scraps than memories.
  11. OS/version? Browser/version? Desktop/mobile? Ad blockers?
  12. Well, other than Ted Nolan just telling telling everyone to play hard, what do we have to compare this speech to? I've never heard one. I don't see what's necessarily wrong about recapping the strategy for the game.
  13. There's a possibility that the older software is no longer standards compliant to new browsers. Other than that I have not seen this error.
  14. Obviously it depends upon what your income was for 30 years. But definitely over 200k, especially since you are married, IIRC, so that represents savings for two people.
  15. The year Joshua Tree came out. Pre-grunge and post 70s mega-bands...
  16. Could the posters talking about generic free agency destinations please start a new thread about it so other people can join in? No one is going to go to the Vesey thread to discuss this topic.
  17. The question would be - "Could someone explain what happened with Chris Drury and why he left the Sabres!". My source is from within the organization. Told to me on the golf course. Long time employee.
  18. If everyone still wants to talk about the Vesey deal - we can leave this open. But, the discussion has clearly gone off the rails...
  19. THIS is what the question and answer forum was supposed to be for, so that this doesn't have to be rehashed. They agreed to a contract in October. Drury signed it. Golisano didn't it. After three weeks Drury rescinded his acceptance and played out the season.
  20. Which grand injustice does this rectify?
  21. That's all hindsight. When he was drafted, he faced decisions. Now that he seems to have played his cards perfectly, is no reason for anyone to scoff at his situation of "being able to choose where he goes". If it was that easy, everyone would just do it. That says WAY more about you than JV. Just sayin...
  22. Would $1M be fair to say over the course of the last couple years? I think that is substantial money left on the table and a sizable gamble.
  23. He can only pick what where he can play because he worked hard enough and possesses enough skill for teams to want him. He has also given up a substantial amount of money to be where he is today at age 23.
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