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  2. It would be better if they changed the minimum draft age to 20
  3. What has he done this series besides the four point night ?
  4. But living down in Texas with border/migrant/immigrant/Mexican cartel issues is great somehow? Not to mention weeks and weeks of unrelenting temperatures over 90+ and sometimes more than a month straight of 100+? When you have to plan outdoor activities around potentially dying due to heat, something isn't right.
  5. Saw him at the casino in Salamanca Now we’re talking
  6. I agree. I like Mangiapane as a target, but I don’t think he should cost #11.
  7. Intriguing proposal. I wouldn't be against that.
  8. Ah, yes, but 6 years ago (when the Sabres traded for Skinner in an analogous contract situation), Skinner was how old?
  9. what? Mangiapane is 28. Skinner is 32..... His points are a bit lower than I expected though. Maybe a package deal with the Flames. They just seem like a team that could also use a shakeup
  10. I couldn't deal with the constant ups/downs and twists and turns of the roads there...cannot even imagine what it must be like driving when there is snow or ice on the ground... it's definitely a cool city to visit tho, although only in the summer for me 😂 The taxes also go to pay teachers who get paid basically like fast food employees in the Southern US which explains the standardized test scores plummeting in those states over the last few decades. In some places, they could actually work in fast food and make more than they do teaching. What person in their right mind is signing up for garbage pay, coming out of their own pocket for classroom supplies constantly and dealing with kids that have no respect for anyone due parents who have no respect for anyone and who have kids that can do no wrong? It's like that everywhere, but at least teachers up here get paid to deal with the crap.
  11. The Cats had some bad luck, and they made mistakes (Montour played that goal all wrong), and they got swept up by the emption of the crowd. Oiler's avoided the sweep by finally finishing on some plays and getting some good fortune too. Panthers will need to play more physical at home to turn this around and finish them off. The Oilers are getting away with some borderline hits. I am surprised by the Oilers, they are much more physical than I thought.
  12. Every place has drawbacks and advantages. My argument about housing not accounting for higher taxes is a true statement. Not sure why the seemingly hostile response. WNY housing is misleading when it comes to affordability. Here are the realities from my own personal experience. My house in Texas is valued by the county at $850,000 and my property tax bill is $8,200. My insurance on the house is $3,750 a year in Texas ($5k deductible for the roof which is on the more expensive side, for sure). This is the same state where apparently every house is leveled every 5 to 10 years—even though Monroe County, NY has had more tornadoes the last ten years than my county in Texas. Anyway, that’s basically $12,000 a year in property tax + insurance on an $850,000, 3,700 square foot home with a four car attached garage. Now we can talk about Florida and income tax. It’s not as much as people think, but a quick calculator assumes $10,000 in NY income tax on $200,000 taxable income for a married couple. Since no income tax in Texas would make this Florida rule apply, I’m adding it in. I don’t see a 10 year old 3,700 square foot home with a four car attached garage costing less than $12,000 a year in insurance and property tax in NY. At least not in economically equivalent areas. Much less when we add in the $10,000 in income taxes. But my point was about the effect on the market. By raising property taxes to avoid cutting spending— a requirement due to depressed real estate prices from heavy industry leaving (among other things) in the 70s and 80s—WNY essentially kept property values depressed. It directly affects the affordability of most buyers. Cash buyers are the exception. It’s also worth mentioning that those school taxes go to a lot. My hometown outside Rochester offers a lot more AP classes and general college prep programs than where we currently live. College placement and standardized exam scores are roughly the same so academically the schools are pretty similar, but NY certainly wins by a country mile when it comes to opportunities. I would happily pay more tax for those kinds of opportunities, but we generally just want to spend tax money on high school football stadiums. There isn’t anything wrong with WNY. It’s a great place to raise a family. It’s just the taxes cause the cost of housing to be higher than I believe that article is giving credit to.
  13. Today
  14. He's got 1 year left on a team with oodles of cap room and just about everyone already signed. Also a M-NTC. That's a steep overpay for a 40-55 point rental. Similar situation to Skinner, except Skinner was a much more consistent goal-scorer and two years younger than Mangiapane is now. That was a 2nd, Pu (not a top prospect by any stretch), and some filler picks.
  15. Looking at players that could still be on the board at 11 and their Star Wars names: Zeev Buium (D) - Rebel snowspeeder pilot. Zeev and Zev. Brandsegg-Nygård (RW) - A shipyards best known for producing light frigates and transports that support your fleet. Zayne Parekh (D) - The Galactic Senate now recognizes Senator Zayne of the Parekh system. Dickinson (D) - Boring Earthy name. Move along. Greentree (RW) - Probably a translation of Ewokese. An Ewok. Berkly Catton (F) - Rebel pilot. Very Lucasian. Beckett (RW) - Beckett from Solo. Crime syndicate-hired thief/bounty hunter type. Konsta Helenius (C/RW) - Denizen of your local cantina Trevor Connelly (LW) - So boring Earthy. Move along, move along. Tij Iginla (F) - Rebel pilot, but probably in a bomber. Y-wing, B-wing, tail-gunner in a Resistance bomber thingy. Wears a cool-looking helmet and a jumpsuit. Cole Eiserman (LW) - An icy, uptight Imperial Officer who gets his comeuppance. Artyom Levshunov (D) - Sullustian pod racer Anton Silayev (D) - Captain of an Imperial Star Destroyer Carter Yakemchuk (D) - Yakemchuk is an Ugnaught whose respect is hard-earned, but whose friendship proves invaluable Basha (F) - A Gigorian bodyguard to the Graf family https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Basha Past Star Wars players and their outcomes for your reference: 2019 Byram -- Rebel pilot Cozens -- Imperial officer Krebs -- An Ewok  2020 Quinn -- sounds like a smuggler 2021 Owen Power – Unnnnnlimmited Owen Power! 2022 Savoie C - Force-sensitive human who is seduced by the dark side of the Concept. Kulich C -- An asteroid belt in the Inner Rim Östlund C -- Imperial officer. 2 Osteds are Imperial navy officers! Amazing. Alater and Wermis! https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Osted_Alater ; https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Osted_Wermis 2023 Benson -- "I don't know anyone named Ben Son, but Old Ben…is kind of a strange old hermit."
  16. Just used capfriendly to check Sabres draft picks since they list all the upcoming ones we own. What a ***** fan I must be for engaging in something so stupid.
  17. I think Rochester and Buffalo are both nice, especially the suburbs... Though North Buffalo is also very nice IMO. Pittsburgh is a really good city in my opinion. I'd easily live there. Cleveland is okay too, though not as good as Pittsburgh from my limited experience. Detroit is still a pass for me, though it's coming around. The rest I haven't been to, but I'd like to see Cincinnati as I understand it's made a recovery similar to Pittsburgh.
  18. People forget that taxes do in fact pay for things. The suburbs of Buffalo have some really good schools with a lot of support services that get paid for by property taxes. I know a friend with a child that has a speech issue, they lived in the burbs here and in pre-k were getting services. They moved to texas and get nothing. They are now paying extra for a private speech pathologist, but hey! Their property taxes are lower. That said, to each their own. Some ppl value the longer summers and more moderate climate, some like winters, some like the services they get here and some want lower taxes. Live where you want, all places have pros and cons.
  19. Hurry up and go...the people like you with your attitudes are why it's taking so long for it to improve...it's having to be done kicking and screaming over people who want to live in negativity. But the momentum is clearly not in your favor at this point.
  20. 11th + prospect for Mangiapane?
  21. It's because of Lake Effect Snow, salt on the roads, high taxes, government for the government (and not the people), and we're viewed as the Rednecks of North. Rochester and Buffalo are equal sh#tholes. There's not a destination on that list that I would want to move to when we leave WNY.
  22. Defense: Charlie Elick, 6'3" RHD might be an option at 43. He is physical. Dominik Badinka, 6'3" RHD might also be an option at 43 and he is less physical than Elick but still has that element. Adam Kleber, 6'5" RHD should be an option at 43. Physical with great skating, his size and skating allow him to defend very well. Lukas Fischer, 6'4" LHD will be an option at 43. Physical but like Eliasson 6 days shy of the 2025 draft, he is someone who has lots of runway and already is doing lots of little things you like to see. I actually really like the idea of Fischer at 43 but he might fall into the 3rd because he is raw. NHL teams do a terrible job of accounting for age. For example Helenius is 7 months younger than Nygard, that's a full season of development. Fischer is 11 months younger than Nygard for example. Spencer Gill, 6'4" RHD could be an option at 43 or perhaps the 3rd round. Another young guy with an Aug 17 bday and room for improvement. Forwards: Michael Brandsegg-Nygard, 6'1" W 207lbs is a very physical forward if they keep 11. Konsta Helenius, 5'11" C 190lbs has that high motor, 2-way thing that Nygard does with a bit less physicality. Would be another good option at 11. Sam O'Reilly, 6'1" C 176lbs, is another high motor guy with 2-way physicality to his game. Most likely someone to look at at #43. Javon Morre, 6'4" LW 203lbs, probably available in the 3rd and could be a draft steal. HS players are always hard to project but he looks good. AJ Spellacy, 6'3" C 190lbs, 3rd round is a real possibility for him but he's big, skates really well, has some good ideas and some physicality
  23. I wonder if it also gives some of those vultures more time to poach the trademarks on certain names. I’d imagine that the team claims as many as possible, but people still seem to find a way.
  24. Gotcha... I was going off the basis of how you said monthly payments were the same for mortgage + taxes.
  25. Then he would lead in a fancy stat. I don't think saying I want a guy that is so good and physical defensive that he won't lead in fancy stats, because that makes no sense. If he is so physical that he continuously separates players from the puck with that skill and gets the puck out of his zone, shots against and especially dangerous shots against would be way down with him on the ice. What I am saying is "possession" is a measurable fancy stat for a defender that we would see. At the J20 level Eliasson has bad stats, like really bad. Now he is ridiculously young for his class, being a whopping 6 days away from the 2025 class. At his height and being so young, it shouldn't be a surprise that he has some issues. Would I draft him in the say the 4th when Buffalo has 2 picks (which I found out by quickly looking at Capfriendly), sure why not. He is going to college next year so you get at least 3 years to let him develop on NA ice which is great and maybe, just maybe you get yourself a 3rd pair defender.
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