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  2. Move those goalposts, Pops!! I don’t think the culturals inspire quite the same kind of inside baseball activities that you see in pro sports. That said, rest assured that Tony and Linda (Shea’s sth’s since 1992) write lengthy emails to Shea’s president about restoration projects, shows that get booked (and not booked), the choice of junior development officers, and such. And then they kibitz about those same things at the Friday fish fry with Ed and Rene.
  3. I like Benson and Quinn a lot and would be reluctant to move them. You and and a few others see more potential than I think is there though. Both can be high-level NHL players. It is highly unlikely that either will ever be seriously considered worthy of being the center-piece of a trade for an elite player such as MacKinnon.
  4. I miss the French broadcasts that NHL.TV would show. Even though I don't speak French, I would often have those on while doing other stuff. You get the energy of the game and know when to look, and you could ignore the mindless sports drivel.
  5. Remember when we heard, “Perreault winding up behind his own net … “ and we could follow that radio call all the way down the ice? Lost art indeed.
  6. I have closed the old poll and added an updated poll with more of the choices we have been discussing here and on the Off-season game plan thread.
  7. I believe this is called the Mike Tirico Syndrome. For a football fan with at least half a brain, it can be fatal over time. The only cure is turning off the sound on the broadcast or going the bathroom when it starts picking up, usually with canned, gaudy graphics.
  8. My dislike of Dunleavy has absolutely nothing to do with RJ in the least. And the fact that other PBP guys around the league are just as bad as Dunleavy doesn’t elevate him in the least, either. It seems radio play by play is a lost art. Much to the detriment of the audience.
  9. I don’t know the stats but my viewings of him are that a lot of his goals were tap ins and rebounds because Tocchet got him using his big body to go to the front of the net. Shooting pe4centage should be good from inside of 6 feet.
  10. If you enjoy Pringles and choose to consume them, then you certainly should want to know as much about them as possible, especially their ingredients, nutritional value (or lack thereof) and the effects consuming Pringles has on your health. If, for example, Pringles sold in the USA are made from a different menu of ingredients and have a different nutritional value (or lack thereof) then of those sold in Europe, then one might want to know why, especially if the European ingredient list can be deciphered without the use of a dictionary and Wikipedia. Upon an examination of the ingredients of the USA Pringles one discovers ingredients that have negative health consequences, one might want to discover why Pringles would do such a thing. One obvious place to look is at the leadership of Pringles to determine their motivations. As we know, compensation and lordships (ie. having a fiefdom and yielding power within it) are great motivators for the un-conscientious.
  11. People who need summer and nice weather in order to enjoy the outdoors and be happy are soft. 😂
  12. Dunleavy is OK, but they need a better color guy.
  13. I am not a fan of summer. It can take as long as it wants before showing up. If it doesn't show up at all and we go right into fall, I'm fine with that, too.
  14. I have not thought of Dan Dunleavy of being bad enough to bother me. The one good thing about combined radio TV broadcast is it forces him to call the game and not discuss stupid stuff like they do on the national broadcast networks. Rob Ray will lead him astray at times but he does try to get back to calling the game most of the time. I could live without Rob Ray. He is not the most insightful color man. I think it would be better if he or someone else was up in the press box next to Dan.
  15. Don't trade out of the spot just because you have a strong group of similar prospects in your pipeline. Always take BPA.
  16. Not trying to argumentative, but I’m not aware any Sabres executives who actually worked either of those guys at the time they were hired. When I see “guys we’ve worked with” I read it to mean that it means guys they actually worked with, like Adams and Ruff, or Karmanos and Ventura.
  17. Abso-f$%*ing-lutely. In 2000, Shea's was nearly dead after being run into the ground by political patronage appointee Patrick Fagan. Fagan had no business mind, overspent and put Shea's into serious debt. Shea's was literally less than a year away from closing its doors when they dumped Fagan and put a real, no-nonsense business person in the President's seat. It'll be interesting to see what happens now as it seems history is repeating itself. Shea's building itself is owned by the city. Shea's relies on donations. Shea's also relies on volunteers to run the shows and do restoration. As a so-called cultural institution funded, in part, from government grants and protected, in part, by federal, state, and local law (ie. National Historic Site designations, etc.), we the people not only pay for much of what goes on there, but are also affected by the "culture" promoted by it. It is therefore in the public's interest to be advised of the details of the leadership, since much of what Shea's does is as a publicly funded and protected entity.
  18. I’ve never visited cap friendly or any of those sites even once. I’m also somewhere near your age. I just can’t imagine telling other people how they should be enjoying things.
  19. Today
  20. Duh, thanks. I was brain farting on that one. I'm now thinking that Craig Patrick is the root of the Pens-affinity in the Sabres' hiring. I vaguely remember talk of "pulling people from the Pens because they're successful" early in Pegula's ownership. You're right, it might all be connections in other orgs. Leone and Appert are both former USNTDP coaches, so "guys we've worked with".
  21. Playing GM or even one layer lower, studying the salary structures of the teams, might be part of fandom. But it's so far removed from what a sports fan is it's asinine. The real issue I have of course is that Sabres fans have been reduced to this, the actual product having been so unconsumable. By doing this, you're not enjoying the sport. Sorry. You're enjoying how the sausage is made.
  22. I believe my comparison was between the Sabres and Shea's. As a patron of Shea's, would you like to look through the books?
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