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GDT - Sabres vs Leafs, 22/09/17


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So Austin Matthews, wasn't that impressive tonight.

Matthews is an impressive player. I'm very rarely consistently impressed though when I watch him live. Little flash, long stretches of being invisible, then he'll get to the right spot at the right time and make an amazing play. And he'll do that more than most players, as he's an exceptional talent.


But he's a grinder, and a poor man's Crosby stylistically. And a poor man's Crosby still happens to be a top 10/20 player in the game.


I'm frequently more impressed with Willie Nylander and won't be surprised if he becomes a better player. Hot take.

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I'm just damn impressed by what the Leafs can do at speed, going back to last year. Even their grinders can keep the puck and make quick, smart plays at high speed. I see no reason why that team won't be in contention for the division, even when injuries hit harder than they did last year. 


I'm interested to see how the better Sabres do when they have a little more room than these ones had tonight. 

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Also, dudacek mentioned often how we needed 1 or 2 of Baptiste, Bailey, Fasching, Nylander to step up and cement themselves on the roster, and every single one of these guys is shrinking at the task. Fasching has been completely neutral, easily the best of the bunch, Nylander was invisible and then injured and out of the picture, and Bailey/Baptiste have been downright bad. duda's "13th forward" Rodrigues has been blowing these 4 out of the water (and now may have a concussion)

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Also, dudacek mentioned often how we needed 1 or 2 of Baptiste, Bailey, Fasching, Nylander to step up and cement themselves on the roster, and every single one of these guys is shrinking at the task. Fasching has been completely neutral, easily the best of the bunch, Nylander was invisible and then injured and out of the picture, and Bailey/Baptiste have been downright bad. duda's "13th forward" Rodrigues has been blowing these 4 out of the water (and now may have a concussion)

Agreed, the Leaves played a lot more of their starters tonight, but they outskated the Sabres.  Antipin looked better,  forwards look awful.  Didn't see much of the third, but jeez hometown refs. Non calls on them, Sabres too much time on the penalty kill.  That being said, they could use the work and did pretty well.  Fasching wasn't on the specialty teams much so didn't notice him much in the first two periods.  EROD looked good but may be out.  Rough hit. Good learning experience for the young Sabres and what they need to bring.  Pu looked decent, played hard but a little raw like he wasn't totally sure how to deal with the Leafs speed.  Lot of bouncing pucks and ice was terrible in the first, Sabres couldn't seem to keep the puck on their sticks in part because the Leafs aggressive forecheck. Again learning experience for the young defenders and what is needed to move the puck.   Looked in someways they were trying to figure how to implement Housley's breakouts... not rote yet, against a tough forecheck. Pouliot looked meh...

Sabres could use Nylander and Middlestadt now!  Middlestadt especially.

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Also, dudacek mentioned often how we needed 1 or 2 of Baptiste, Bailey, Fasching, Nylander to step up and cement themselves on the roster, and every single one of these guys is shrinking at the task. Fasching has been completely neutral, easily the best of the bunch, Nylander was invisible and then injured and out of the picture, and Bailey/Baptiste have been downright bad. duda's "13th forward" Rodrigues has been blowing these 4 out of the water (and now may have a concussion)



Should we be starting up the injury thread? Things progressing as usual for the Sabres I see. Scandella, Nylander, Rodrigues, anyone else so far?


I fear the only apt observation the Leaf commentators made: something like "Pouliot looks like the same Pouliot the Oilers passed on"

I wonder if we should be lowering our expectations in general. If the 4 Flagg mentioned aren't going to go out and earn a spot, and Pouliot is looking below average, and Rodrigues is hurt, we're looking mighty short on wingers, again. Hello Reinhart back to wing, with all our talent crammed onto 2 lines again.

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Remember only half the team played tonight... so what Liger said has some merit.... except  Poulliot...meh, not impressed.... larger version of Moulson...

In fact if Poulliot plays that passively during regular season, would prefer Moulson... yeeeesh... ducks. 

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Risto, Scandella, Beaulieu, Bogo not playing.  McCabe and an inexperienced Antipin... Faulk... Tennison and who else playing D... pretty tough to play against Toronto's top line...  esplains a lot.

Definitely. 100% unconcerned with losing a meaningless preseason game. The lack of progress in camp in general though from the likes of Baptiste Bailey and Fasching, though, is rather concerning.

Fasching I have been seeing progress... the other two especially Baptiste have been pretty uninspiring.

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For a moment then ...no. These guys, Griffith, Moses, Erod, Teenyson, Fedun, Falk are what they are, AHL players. That we have borderline NHL players in Pouilliot and Josefson is more disturbing.

Edited by 3putt
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Poulliot...meh, not impressed.... larger version of Moulson...

In fact if Poulliot plays that passively during regular season, would prefer Moulson... yeeeesh... ducks. 


I was thinking a less dynamic Drew Stafford...


Moulson can actually finish on the right line, and knows how to get into scoring positions when playing with people who can open up the ice

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I think it's a little far fetched to expect a team of underagers and AHL vets to look good against an NHL lineup. We had 1 top 3 line nhl center playing... and we expect the wingers to look good?


Right. And you can bet they're feeling the pressure to impress every shift.


They'll look way better if they're on lines with ROR, Eich, or Samson and another veteran winger

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I was thinking a less dynamic Drew Stafford...


Moulson can actually finish on the right line, and knows how to get into scoring positions when playing with people who can open up the ice

OMG... Drew Stafford came to mind too, just didn't want to jinx him... but LOL

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