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What's a good dumb phone?


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I really don't need a smart phone. I may want one, but I don't need one — too costly and I don't want to become one of those people who are constantly connected to the web, apps, Facebook, Facetime, whatever.


However, I like being constantly connected to voice and text capability. Hence, the dumb phone. I've had an LG something or other for three-plus years. It has the QWERTY arrangement for texting and a decent camera. But the keys are repeating and texting is a bitch because of it. It's time to retire it.


What's a good dumb phone for me? Maybe with a decent sized screen so I can actually see the photos I've taken? And some advanced texting capability, whatever that might be?


And the Jitterbug jokes begin in 3... 2... HA! You've been JitterBlocked!

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Man. I dunno. Your options may actually be fairly limited.


I'm going to keep an eye on the thread, though - to see if anyone has any ideas.


p.s. It's not strictly what you're asking for, but the nearest I can get is one of the Google/Motorola products (Moto E or Moto G, I think) on an alternative carrier like Republic Wireless. They make you pay a decent price for the device ($140 or so), but then you get a very affordable unlimited voice/text deal that goes on a month-to-month basis. Wifi connection only (and you can always turn that off, if you prefer), if you decline data.

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I have a 10+ year old Audiovox flip phone ... a dumb phone ... well I may be the dumb one, as it can receive and send texts, access the Internet and take pictures ... but, I have no idea how to do any of that stuff.


It does have a speaker phone, which does come in handy for when I need to take notes when on a call with a client.


There are similar phones available, but the key is when you sign up, don't take a data plan (used for Internet and texts) , if you have the option ... no data plan will turn any *smart phone* into a *dumb phone* immediately.

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What carrier are you on?  I would suggest going to your carrier's site and see what upgrades are available to you.  There are some pretty good phones that are designed for industrial use that still have keyboards and (I think) don't require a data plan.  If you get a new one, though, they may still be kind of pricey ($300 and up) since they're ruggedized.  It seems like that's the only market they're supporting for basic phones anymore (at least for my carrier, AT&T).


When you're talking about texting, SMS is the simple texting (text only, one-to-one messages only, etc.), MMS is the fancy texting where you can send pictures, have group conversations, etc.

no data plan will turn any *smart phone* into a *dumb phone* immediately.


Be careful... sometimes a smartphone without a data plan will still send/receive data and the customer gets charged at a much higher "a la cart" type of rate (pay per the byte!)

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I shopped E-Bay. Have a great old plan but if I go to Verizon and want a new phone they "get" you by saying "in order to get that phone at our great price you need to sign up for this plan..." which is always more expensive than the plan I have now.


Follow NS's lead and find a carrier that will offer you a voice/text plan only, then find a phone on E-Bay that will work on that carrier's system. My phones (LG G 3)are 1 generation older than what is currently on the floors at Verizon stores. They are reconditioned and look as new when the arrived and have worked great plus the seller offered an exchange program if the phone didn't work with free shipping.


You can get a 2 generation old reconditioned phone that will appear as new for $75.00, will take great pictures and easy to use for texting off of Ebay. The Motorola Droid Razor comes to mind.


Just so you know while shopping the SIM card is free at the store that you get your plan from.

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The term dumb phone is interesting. This little piece of crap I have, in addition to being a phone, texts, takes pictures and videos, has a great little audio recorder, stopwatch and calculator, and serves as an alarm clock. Viewed from the not too distant past, this thing is a miracle!

Edited by PASabreFan
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I sense the snarcasm. I don't love it. I'm not married to it. I'd like something better.


No sarcasm.  I miss my old flip phone dearly, but it won't do what I need to do for work. I also miss my blackberry because it had a keyboard, but that won't do what I need it to do, either.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I grabbed a free phone from net10, basically the first one I saw. I decided not to overthink and overresearch. It's a refurbed Samsung Galaxy Centura, probably three years old. It looks nice. I'm sure it makes and receives calls and sends and receives texts. Whatever.

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