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I know this will be a limited involvement topic as subscribing to Showtime is required but does anyone else watch Shameless. My wife and I have been watching from the start it find it rather entertaining. William H Macy is basically a dispicable absentee father who wanders through life looking for the next high. Emmy Rossum, be still my beating heart, is the family's actual matriarch as she is te eldest sibling and really runs the family. It doesn't hurt we get to see her naked almost every episode. Thoughts?

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Never heard of it but thanks for the recommendation. The wife and I have been looking for a new show to marathon and this looks like one we might enjoy. We'll at least check out the Pilot - is that indicative of the series? I can't recommend Justified enough but the 1st season wasn't great and people give up on it. I'd say start with season 2 and figure it out from there.

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Never heard of it but thanks for the recommendation. The wife and I have been looking for a new show to marathon and this looks like one we might enjoy. We'll at least check out the Pilot - is that indicative of the series? I can't recommend Justified enough but the 1st season wasn't great and people give up on it. I'd say start with season 2 and figure it out from there.

I'll offer up a wee bit of warning. You will hate almost everyone. It's a comedy but man is it dark. You think you like certain character until at some point they make you hate them. Lots of sex, drugs and overall filth.


I guess Deb escapes the hate club. She a darling.

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I know this will be a limited involvement topic as subscribing to Showtime is required but does anyone else watch Shameless. My wife and I have been watching from the start it find it rather entertaining. William H Macy is basically a dispicable absentee father who wanders through life looking for the next high. Emmy Rossum, be still my beating heart, is the family's actual matriarch as she is te eldest sibling and really runs the family. It doesn't hurt we get to see her naked almost every episode. Thoughts?


I've seen every episode so far. Can't wait for the new season to start. January 7 I think.

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Seems more 'glamourous' than the original UK one. I might give it a go


I watched the first 2 seasons of the British version on netflix before the US version aired. The plot is almost identical (Frank gets dumped in Canada instead of France by Steve in one early episode but it's the exact same premise). The people on the American version are definitely more attractive though. How many seasons has Shameless aired in the UK?


Also, have you ever watched the British version of Weeds? I loved the American version for the first couple of seasons until they jumped the shark and the show got ridiculous so I was wondering if the UK's version was any good and if they possibly kept it more reasonable.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really enjoying is show. We're a couple episodes into season 2. Every time I think I can't dislike Frank any more, he surprises me. The latest was how he handled when Butterface's pager went off. He's a horrible person but William H. Macy is doing a fantastic job with the character.

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Really enjoying is show. We're a couple episodes into season 2. Every time I think I can't dislike Frank any more, he surprises me. The latest was how he handled when Butterface's pager went off. He's a horrible person but William H. Macy is doing a fantastic job with the character.

Absolutely but you'll end up hating everyone at one point or another. My God is Emmy Rossum sexy.

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