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WTF Wednesdays

Samson's Flow

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Got a cheque from a client today, so I decided to walk to the bank to deposit it ... it's a pretty nice day here today.


I was crossing the main street in the neighbourhood in which I live at a light where the cross street joins the main road at a strange angle. The stop lines on the road have not been re-painted for some time and, therefore, cars rarely stop where they are supposed to. This is probematic for people crossing the street ... have to meander around cars. One guy stopped half way through the intersection, so I had to cross in back of him, or her ... not sure.


The WTF moment happened when I made it across and the light had not changed yet. A lady, who looked to be about 100 years old, driving in the other direction went through the red light completly oblivious to everything around her. She then slammed on the breaks half way through the intersection as if nothing was out of the ordinary. She sat there for about 5 seconds until her red light turned green and was on her way, probably to do the same thing at the next light.


WTF ... and good thing no one was going through the intersection the other way, with the green light.

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Went to Baja Fresh for lunch (semi-fast food Mexican, somewhat like a Moe's or Qdoba). A guy at work was talking about Burrito Dos Manos and how awesome they are. Another of the guys I work with ordered it 'enchilada style'. Out comes two *giant* burritos, covered in brown sauce and cheese. (Dos Manos == two hands). WTF, why would someone eat that much for lunch? I would eat half of one of those for a lunch. I guess if you want to feed a family of 4 for $14, though...



Those numbers are for *half*, as in one of the two burritos.

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Went to Baja Fresh for lunch (semi-fast food Mexican, somewhat like a Moe's or Qdoba). A guy at work was talking about Burrito Dos Manos and how awesome they are. Another of the guys I work with ordered it 'enchilada style'. Out comes two *giant* burritos, covered in brown sauce and cheese. (Dos Manos == two hands). WTF, why would someone eat that much for lunch? I would eat half of one of those for a lunch. I guess if you want to feed a family of 4 for $14, though...



Those numbers are for *half*, as in one of the two burritos.


Psh, that whole meal is like half the calories of a garbage plate. :o

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Went to Baja Fresh for lunch (semi-fast food Mexican, somewhat like a Moe's or Qdoba). A guy at work was talking about Burrito Dos Manos and how awesome they are. Another of the guys I work with ordered it 'enchilada style'. Out comes two *giant* burritos, covered in brown sauce and cheese. (Dos Manos == two hands). WTF, why would someone eat that much for lunch? I would eat half of one of those for a lunch. I guess if you want to feed a family of 4 for $14, though...



Those numbers are for *half*, as in one of the two burritos.


There's a place like that down in Phoenix. My wife and I frequented there about once every two weeks. Their burritos were the size of my friggin' head. We're talking "orange on a toothpick" sized head (or, in my case, orange on a bunch of toothpicks. I have a rather thick neck. :) ) ANYway, yah. Their burritos typically went for about $10. We'd get one, cut it in half, split the half, and take the other half home for another day. And they were *excellent*. Not sure on the caloric value though. Probably don't want to know.


As for a WTF moment, I had one all lined up last Thursday morning. Can't remember what it is now. Must be the old age. Now THERE's a WTF moment!

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I can't believe that someone made a call into child protective services over a video like this. WTF?





hahahahaha ###### loved it!!! Looked at the run time and originally thought, "no way in hell i'm watching an 8 minute video" but i couldn't turn it off.

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