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GDT: Sabres at Jets 1/19/12 8:30pm


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It's obviously true that you can hire a coach that is dreadful. However, the way the Sabres are playing right now has all the hallmarks of a team that has lost all belief in what they are doing and who has no one who can lead them out of it. Ruff says he is the one who has to do it, but he hasn't and in my opinion he shouldn't be either, the group should ideally be able to overcome rough patches by themselves. That said, when the culture of a club has become so obviously poisoned as it is in the Sabres club house right now, the only way to break out of the spiral is to force a reboot and the easiest and most common way of doing that is to fire the coach.


I personally love that the Sabres have the longest serving coach in sports and a former player at that, but this is a minor feel good point in the bigger scheme of things. If the Sabres want to turn thing around this season they need to fire Ruff, if they would rather drag this out and call off this season for a solid draft pick they can keep Ruff and do some off season personnel moves. Just something like starting a new season might be enough to clear out the mindset that has stuck this year. Dragging this season out is a high risk sport however, the fan base is already showing signs of not handling a season like this very well, how damaging will it be for the franchise to keep stumbling around like this for three more months?

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Its not anticipating...its planning ahead. IF the road gets rocky you should have a right mind about it so that you can handle it properly, the world isnt all flowers and rainbows. If you carry an umbrella you arent hoping for rain but you are prepared for it.


Anticipating and planning are the same thing, for starters.


Second, again, what is the point of doing so? So that you feel better if the time comes where it doesn't work out? So that one can get on his high horse and say "Well this was a risk we should have considered!"


No sh*t it's a risk. Why does that matter?

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Anticipating and planning are the same thing, for starters.


Second, again, what is the point of doing so? So that you feel better if the time comes where it doesn't work out? So that one can get on his high horse and say "Well this was a risk we should have considered!"


No sh*t it's a risk. Why does that matter?


So your idea is to be unprepared for the risks?

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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.

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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.



I LOVE this idea

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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.


James Patrick and Teppo Numminen? :P


Seriously though, love it.

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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.


Great idea but methinks there wouldn't be anyone left in the locker room to take the ice and play.



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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.


on second thought who on this team would have enough balls to go into lindys office. Either no one would move or they would all g to the pressbox.

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The sad fact is that I honestly believe that Lindy Ruff is a more than capable NHL coach, I don't even think the current state of the Sabres is his fault. I think this season died when Gaustad looked the other way. The thing is, the best way to break the downward spiral is to fire Ruff. It's not guaranteed that it will work, but it has worked out many places and in many sports before. Look at LA for example, fire their 'big name' coach and turned their season around (so far)

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Anticipating and planning are the same thing, for starters.


Second, again, what is the point of doing so? So that you feel better if the time comes where it doesn't work out? So that one can get on his high horse and say "Well this was a risk we should have considered!"


No sh*t it's a risk. Why does that matter?


I don't see why you are so against contingency planning, especially when your location is listed as "one step ahead." Being prepared if Plan A doesn't go according to plan is part of being successful, be it in sports, business, or life in general. Good coaches go into a situation with a game plan based on film study and analysis, of how to attack an opponent. But if it doesn't work, do you want a guy that says "oh crap, what now?" or a guy who says "ok that didn't go well, but we can still try B, C and D." It's the reason you don't want to be exactly at the cap every year...you don't go into the year expecting your roster to fail miserably, but if it does, you want the flexibility to make adjustments instead of being trapped because you refused to acknowledge your plans may go amiss.

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I would like to think so, this is a professional organization no matter how hard they try not to be.


This isn't about the organization. This is about the personal fears of the fan. I have no doubt the organization has plans for the anticipated failure of a coaching change, but worrying about that potential failure on our end is pointless.

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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.

You're forgetting the group that has tuned Lindy out. They are going to still be sitting there, because they didn't hear a word he said. :nana:

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I don't see why you are so against contingency planning, especially when your location is listed as "one step ahead." Being prepared if Plan A doesn't go according to plan is part of being successful, be it in sports, business, or life in general. Good coaches go into a situation with a game plan based on film study and analysis, of how to attack an opponent. But if it doesn't work, do you want a guy that says "oh crap, what now?" or a guy who says "ok that didn't go well, but we can still try B, C and D." It's the reason you don't want to be exactly at the cap every year...you don't go into the year expecting your roster to fail miserably, but if it does, you want the flexibility to make adjustments instead of being trapped because you refused to acknowledge your plans may go amiss.


Like I just told cvanvol, my issue is not with the organization's plans. It is with your fear of risk. You personally as a fan. Why does the risk of failure matter if failure is the continued result of not taking that risk?

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You're forgetting the group that has tuned Lindy out. They are going to still be sitting there, but didn't hear a word he said. :nana:

Maybe Lindy can have the training staff load the message on to their IPods while their practicing. That is of course if they don't wear them during practice.

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This isn't about the organization. This is about the personal fears of the fan. I have no doubt the organization has plans for the anticipated failure of a coaching change, but worrying about that potential failure on our end is pointless.


Oh well i was talking about the oranization, I have no fears, blow this ###### up, I dont care. They will entertain me either way.

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Like I just told cvanvol, my issue is not with the organization's plans. It is with your fear of risk. You personally as a fan. Why does the risk of failure matter if failure is the continued result of not taking that risk?


I don't have a fear of risk, I have the ability to acknowledge that risk exists. This entire thing started because I think it's absurd to insinuate that getting a new coach and GM cannot fail, because it can. This doesn't mean I think the status quo is preferable, or that a new coach and GM will fail, or that the possibility of failure is justification for keeping the status quo. Plenty of teams mire in mediocrity and churn through several coaches before getting it right, but this doesn't mean they shouldn't replace guys who clearly aren't good enough. It just means that change doesn't automatically mean things will be flowery and wonderful, and to argue that it will, is silly.

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Lindy should just walk into the room and say

"Anyone who wants to get traded, Darcy is waiting in the hallway for you"

"Anyone in this room that's given up and isn't pissed off enough about losing to go kick some ass tonight, the press box is upstairs"

"Anyone who has a problem with me come into my office"


Whoever is left in the locker room plays.



Now why can't I change that freakin picture??? I don't want to be Timmmaay

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