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Don't go comparing Vanek to Savard. They are completely different players. The only "Vanek" Boston ever had recently was lefty Kessel.

I only meant it as someone they could use as an excuse for not winning.

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Just to throw something into the mix. The Knoxes, God rest their souls, hired winners to run the team. Imlach, who had won Cups in Toronto; Scotty Bowman; John Muckler. Brilliant hockey men with Stanley pedigree. It didn't work, ultimately, but you can't fault ownership for trying.


This franchise is begging for a big, bold splash at the top. Not many of those guys around, but go find the next one. You're telling me future management stars aren't sitting around Pittsburgh and Detroit?


A hockey man, at the top, what a novel idea.

Are you talking about the Larry Quinn level? If so, I agree totally.

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That is not my opinion.

I can tell you're down on Lindy, and since I respect a lot of your other posts I have a question. Do you have any thoughts on what they SHOULD do in relation to Coach and/or GM? I think it's easy for many on the Board to say "get rid of Ruff", or the same for Regier, but whom would you hire? This seems to be parallel to the Bills situation last winter, although Lindy is surely not as bad as Jauron. But the parallel is, "who would come here?". It's not like a Coach or GM job for a team that has a history of not winning and not spending is in high demand. So, you would have to roll the dice on folks you think have potential (similar to Ted Nolan back in the day)... young guys. At least that's my thought. Any come to mind?

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I can tell you're down on Lindy, and since I respect a lot of your other posts I have a question. Do you have any thoughts on what they SHOULD do in relation to Coach and/or GM? I think it's easy for many on the Board to say "get rid of Ruff", or the same for Regier, but whom would you hire? This seems to be parallel to the Bills situation last winter, although Lindy is surely not as bad as Jauron. But the parallel is, "who would come here?". It's not like a Coach or GM job for a team that has a history of not winning and not spending is in high demand. So, you would have to roll the dice on folks you think have potential (similar to Ted Nolan back in the day)... young guys. At least that's my thought. Any come to mind?

Sure, I'll answer this question.


Gilbert Pearrult as GM with Rick Martin and Renee Robert on his staff.

Pat Lafontaine as Head Coach.


Why you ask?

Well, the answer is really very simple. These guys could have done as good a job as Reiger and Ruff's record over the last 11 seasons and actually have ties to teams past, giving them a vested interested called passion, something that goes beyond what atleast Regier obviously has. I'm serious, bring these guys in, see what they can do, they were all great hockey players for the Sabres, and the know the game and understand players and their strengths and weaknesses.

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Anyway, why does the problem have to be one or the other? If this organization truly needs the fresh start that so many people think it needs, the changes need to be complete from top to bottom.

And it starts at the top. Get a President/GM with a winning pedigree or a Pittsburgh/Detroit-type background and let him have at it.


Ideally, IMO, he'd let Lindy coach for another year and see how things go. If things aren't working after that, bring in a new coach.

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Is the problem the talent or how they are being used or coached? I see this off-season being more divisive than any in history. This team spends close to the cap so I don't see ownership as a real excuse. Tom Golisano may be a absentee owner but his checks seem to clear which is all that is needed from him. Larry Quinn? He is to the Sabres what Russ Branyon is to the Bills. A guy in a suit that means nothing.


So, instead of a 100 threads lets try to keep it to just one. Save some server space for SDS. Which is it? Ruff or Regier? Where does the blame belong?


Let's all take a step back from the edge for a second. Not sure you realize but Golisano is building a business, nothing new, but what I mean is he is in it for the long term. That trickles down. Darcy and Lindy are here for the long term. Example: Last off-season they realized they needed to address their size and toughness, so what did they do??? I'll tell you what they didn't do: Go out and sign some big, tough veterans who could make this team instantly better and help our youth and Make a RUN at the Cup.

What they did do: DRAFT 5 guys all over 6 feet tall and most over 200lbs. What does that say?? Long term!


What was their goal all year??? Make the playoffs! They basically achieved their goal on and off the ice and their business model is very sound. So, c'mon get a clue if you think anyone is leaving in the front office.

What really bugs me is from day one or %^I*&k, day one from this franchise. How do they get away with a goal of: making the playoffs??? "Let's just make it back to the playoffs...hey anything can happen in the playoffs, right?" Well, I say HORSE-S%#$%!!!! Do you really think teams like Detroit talk about making the playoffs. Do you ever think they had that goal.......Damn, all anyone talked about the whole off-season was how if we had just one one or two more games, we would have made the playoffs. We need new goals!!! :wallbash:

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"Hey, number 19, you're playing like you're Betty White out there !!!"

And the one liner of the year award goes to this fans response.

Loved it, thanks for the smile this morning.


To Tom G.,

Please fire Regier and get a GM in here who doesn't make trades for guys like Moore and Torres and who isn't afraid to assess what the teams needs are.

I mean Tom, come on now, Vanek and Roy have been screaming for a RWer worth something and Pomminstein finally gets Ennis on LW but with no Franchise Center?


New GM please, and the sooner the better, as a fan since the teams inception into the league, I ain't gettin any younger. The kids are starting to question there fan loyalty to a team that never brings home the big prize.


Lets move on this Tom, make it happen for us here in Buffalo.

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Reiger and Ruff aren't going anywhere folks. After 2 years of not making the playoffs and then winning the division do you really think the organization is going to make a change now? If the Sabres were going to make a coaching change it should have been at the begining of this year when Dave Tippet was avaialble-you know the guy who is on the verge of having Phoenix eliminate Detroit.


Realistically this team had a hope of winning 1 playoff series, The Sabres are not ready for a Stanley Cup run-yet. We have a lot of young players with upside to build around but we need to shake up the core. Lets hope Darcy has some balls this offseason and makes some deals to better the team.

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True, but Boston won it without their "Vanek".


Here's your problems:


Center ice -----> Connolly,Roy,Gaustad. Pathetic.


GM Regier ----> keeps letting players go for free and gets nothing in return and then he signs crappy rental players for premium draft picks!


Ruff has done an amazing job with the crap the GM keeps supplying.

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I can tell you're down on Lindy, and since I respect a lot of your other posts I have a question. Do you have any thoughts on what they SHOULD do in relation to Coach and/or GM? I think it's easy for many on the Board to say "get rid of Ruff", or the same for Regier, but whom would you hire? This seems to be parallel to the Bills situation last winter, although Lindy is surely not as bad as Jauron. But the parallel is, "who would come here?". It's not like a Coach or GM job for a team that has a history of not winning and not spending is in high demand. So, you would have to roll the dice on folks you think have potential (similar to Ted Nolan back in the day)... young guys. At least that's my thought. Any come to mind?

I absolutely have no idea who should replace Lindy. I don't have a name in mind and at this point I don't really care. Did anyone really know the name Dan Bylsma before he replace a Jack Adams nominee in Therrien, and then won the Cup?


Making the playoffs was great but let's be honest, with the amount of teams that make it in, losing in the first round means you're only just above sucking. And for me, I watch hockey to be entertained. I wasn't very entertained this year because this is the third time in a row I've seen this season. I think what upsets me the most is that I am not upset that we lost. I pretty much knew how it was going to go and it happened, not much will be done about it, so why should I care.


If Lindy goes, it would be a pretty big statement that someone cares (for good or bad), but at least I will care again either way.

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Just like Wayne Gretzky understands the game and players strengths and weaknesses?

It must be nice to pull out one excerpt from a post and handle it with an off cuff remark. Any real input to add here, or just some of the same?

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It must be nice to pull out one excerpt from a post and handle it with an off cuff remark. Any real input to add here, or just some of the same?


Your entire post that I responded to was about replacing our entire front office with legends from the franchise's past. I'm surprised you didn't suggest Hasek as goaltending coach. These guys have been out of hockey for years for a reason. They're either not made for that kind of job, or they're not interested.


Maybe it was sarcastic, I don't know, but I cringe anytime I see they typical "make Jim Kelly the coach" posts.

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If Vanek doesn't get hurt we win this series and we're not having this conversation for another few weeks if ever. Makes me wonder.

I still think that was a massive cheap shot... and don't understand how the guy made it through the Series without having to answer for that action. But I do agree that Vanek could have been a difference maker and it would have changed a lot of current perceptions if so.

But we're better than the Wild (I also live in Minnesota right now, and HATE IT). ;-)

This is the so-called "state of hockey" and yet the Wild are ignored and all you ever hear in MN are ridiculously overrated stories on how good the Twins or Vikings are.

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Anyway, why does the problem have to be one or the other? If this organization truly needs the fresh start that so many people think it needs, the changes need to be complete from top to bottom.



I think the fear is that accepting your premise, that both need to go, then that puts the Sabres "that much" farther away from winning a Cup. I know the opposite can be true - see Pittsburgh last season - all I'm saying is that I think people may be afraid that if both go, then the team is officially "rebuilding" which around here means "several seasons away from any shot at a championship".

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Fire Darcy and let the new GM pick his coach. If that guy decides Lindy is his man (with absolutely no pressure from above to keep him), then we find out how much of it was Lindy. If not, we never know, but we see if a chance can improve things.




Agreed 100%. It starts with Regier and his mismanagement and dreadfully patient approach to making moves and developing players.


I don't blame Ruff, but it may be time for a change.

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I think the fear is that accepting your premise, that both need to go, then that puts the Sabres "that much" farther away from winning a Cup. I know the opposite can be true - see Pittsburgh last season - all I'm saying is that I think people may be afraid that if both go, then the team is officially "rebuilding" which around here means "several seasons away from any shot at a championship".


I'm just not so sure that a case can be made for keeping one over the other. If a move is made for the sake of making change, in my mind, both guys are equally likely to leave.

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Your entire post that I responded to was about replacing our entire front office with legends from the franchise's past. I'm surprised you didn't suggest Hasek as goaltending coach. These guys have been out of hockey for years for a reason. They're either not made for that kind of job, or they're not interested.


Maybe it was sarcastic, I don't know, but I cringe anytime I see they typical "make Jim Kelly the coach" posts.

It was sarcastic. I was implying you can pull a name out of a hat and they could have done just as well. He!!, you and I could have done just as well. The larger point is no Lord Stanleys Cup in Buffalo. Not just this season, but for the entire tenure of Regier/Ruff. You don't think you and I or Joe and Blow or Cindy and Sandy or whoever else couldn't achieve no Stanley Cups in Buffalo?

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