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Everything posted by Doohickie

  1. So... start a new thread for a single tweet? Serious question.
  2. Oh go on. You're always that guy. 😄 I think that's a question that is best addressed after next season. Will he still have anything left? Will Kevyn want him? Will KO want to play? I think if he's playing like this at the end of next year, sure, sign him to a two-year deal.
  3. If he was that hurt he shouldn't have been playing. He's streaky and probably will remain that way. I think declaring he would have another 30pts if not over that is unlikely regardless of injury. Olofsson has never been close to 60 points let alone 80 and while I think 60 is a reasonable ceiling, 80 seems above his abilities unless it is some type of 1 year fluke type of thing. This is the crux of the argument: Is the *real* VO the one from this season early and late, or does he (and will he continue to) disappear for long stretches of the season? Consider these stats: So when you look at it that way, in his prime, non-injured periods this year, he's been twice as good as he's been overall in terms of production as expressed by xGF (assume points, which this discussion has been using to measure production, roughly follow). So one of these conditions is true: This year's sample through October and since the All-Star break is indicative of the "real" VO and assuming he stays healthy is what we can expect going forward. His period of low production after the injury was part of his streaky nature and his production this year is typical of what to expect going forward. He is injury-prone, Samson isn't, so one must take that into account when gauging VO. Samson's best ability is availability, which sets him above the oft-injured VO. All three of these are true to some extent: He can be streaky, injuries will continue to affect his availability, but when he's on, he's gold.
  4. I've been watching all along. I think the only time it dropped off for me is just before Krueger was fired. But I wanted to watch the youth and see them develop. It's just a damned shame we didn't have a better head coach until now.
  5. Donny in the postgame: "The puck wouldn't settle." Several posters noted that in the GDT.
  6. Okay enough of He-Man Hey Hey Hey Hey... Switching over to this. John Valby wants to be here.
  7. Other than nostalgia, why? My response. I tried to be diplomatic. President of Hockey Operations.
  8. +3 tonight from a guy who can only score on the power play and sucks on defense.
  9. Good game guys. To celebrate the Power surge, here's ten hours of Hey Hey Hey Hey
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