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That Aud Smell

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Everything posted by That Aud Smell

  1. I'll click through later. I do wonder: How does Bucky ascertain the state the fans are in? (We're somehow homogeneous?) And to what state does he propose they move? And to what anticipated effect?
  2. Sorry. It was discussed in another thread, I guess. Sens owner went on local AM radio and talked mad sh1t about Crosby being a cheap whiney beeyotch.
  3. Brisson (whodat?) being quoted on Twitter saying it's absolutely shameful for an owner to talk crap about a player not on his team. I gotta say: I can't really recall this sort of thing happening in the past -- in the NHL or otherwise.
  4. Effin 'A. Is that the contract that eventually makes us bust out torches and pitchforks for GM TM?
  5. That's some impressive chirping from a team's owner -- calling out the league's best player as a dirty whiner.
  6. I had been unaware of his shot on O'Reilly. I'd bet dollars to donuts that's payback for something. It doesn't overly concern me. As for the finger chop, I don't think a suspension is really warranted. How many times do players get slashed on the hands every night? Dozens of times? It certainly seems like it happens all the time. This outcome seems like a freakish, unlikely one. Or is it the case that Crosby is an elite hand-slasher, just like he is with just about every other thing he does on the ice?
  7. Haha - well, what can I say. I've reconciled myself to the fact that there's some goofy, idiosyncratic stuff coming from the team's principal owner. We can first recall his assessment of Gaustad on or around Pegula Day - he adjudged him to be a leader of men. Based on what? I still don't know. The cut of his jib, I guess. Whatever. I'm not sure how that sort of stuff gets avoided. It's fairly inevitable, it seems. My hope is that, while misguided, Pegula doesn't prove to be stubborn and dumb as well. That's sorta where I am as well. It seems like a total train wreck - but maybe the train's somehow going to arrive at the station? My emotional investment in the Bills allows me to look forward to seeing what good comes of the season. When they stink or lose, I just walk away and really don't allow myself any significant aggravation. I'm a recovered Bills fan, essentially.
  8. ^ Whaley had to know he was on his way out after that God-fearing, state champ wrasslin' workaholic came on the scene.
  9. I think all of this is going to prove to be substantially, if not almost totally, accurate.
  10. Agreed on Murph. He's been promoted beyond his skill set -- but he's a good dude, smart guy. As for calls for violence against the chinless derp: It's always a metaphor, for me. Didn't we run through the metaphysics of this with someone else a while back? Interesting take on Twitter's role in this. That warrants further reflection on my part. That may be the root of all disaffection for me, with him.
  11. I think the bozo who prompted the new thread is worthy of the designation. I'll readily admit to running afoul of PA's oft repeated objection with Harrington: I have not read anything he has written in years. But I'd had enough. I signed off. I blocked him on Twitter. I never read anything he's written, once I see him on the byline. He readily makes my list of "Top 5 dudes who need a square punch in the face." That said, Bucky also deserves consideration owing to his hack's writing style. A legitimate dark horse could be Tim Graham. He probably does not come close to taking the title because the dude can write, and write well. And he researches like a mofo. That said, his tendency to indulge in condescension and smugness puts him in the conversation.
  12. Risto not in top 20 of star time D?
  13. If young Eichel were to gather enough Ginos and Apples so as to finish the season with > 1 PPG, I swear: It'll move.
  14. I'll cop to it: GM TM acquired a lot of goodwill and patience with his unusual manner and demeanor. And deservedly so. But the time for "ZFG," Dwight Schrute memes, and such is long since past. He needs to make this team better. And fast.
  15. :lol: There's something about that first offering that is so fitting for the idea.
  16. If only for the lulz, you should have one of those "jersey foul" split-jerseys. Whose names might adorn it? You could even go with a single player -- Danny Gare. (I know, I know - never do that. Ever.)
  17. Agreed. I think there's a small chance the Bills take him. I think there's an even smaller chance that he becomes a starter in the NFL.
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