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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. You can’t see the games in person and you can’t see them with the MLB season pass. Only in WNY would we get so excited over something so meaningless.
  2. So what are the chances of them having a higher point total than the Sabres in their first year?
  3. You don’t really believe that Pilut is an upgrade over McCabe?
  4. Good to know Kym is going to be a director in this new venture. I guess being president of multiple sports teams is not enough to keep her busy.
  5. Isn’t the schedule all worked out? If they play in Pittsburgh when the Pirates are away, I’m sure their current schedule would have to be reworked, which means everyone’s schedule has to be redone.
  6. I have a renewed interest in baseball over the last few years, but I could not care less if the Jays decided to come here for the season. If you can’t attend the games, go play them in the middle of Montana instead. So they would use a hotel for a couple months. Big deal. Other than that they are going to be quarantined. No local businesses will benefit from a bunch of millionaires being here for a short time.
  7. I think Borgen has a really good chance to be a 5-6-7 blue liner this season. All depends on what the Sabres do in the off-season via F/A or trade.
  8. I’m not advocating for a blue line full of guys who skate like they are in cement, but I also don’t want 6 guys on my blue line who aren’t physical and don’t have a clue how to defend in their own end. There is a balance to be had, and right now that scale is tipped one way too far.
  9. I’ve thought this all along. Not everyone on defense has to be this great skating PMD who is usually lacking in his own zone.
  10. ...and not a complaint, but tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of this thread.
  11. I’m okay dealing with all the Covid related restrictions because it’s summer, and even just sitting in the backyard with an adult beverage is great. BUT...if this thing comes roaring back with a vengeance in late fall/early winter when the weather in WNY turns to crap, and we are all stuck in the house for the most part for weeks on end, IT WILL REALLY SUCK. ?
  12. ...and in the end, two different owners, but the same ***** results.
  13. ...and if Larry walks, Malone could have slid right into the 4C spot. I'm going to LMAO if he goes to Nashville and makes their roster. What a train wreck this organ-EYE-zation has become. ?
  14. How many of these options are UFA's? Keep in mind, if Larry walks because of expensive salary demands, the Sabres could be looking for a 2C, 3C, AND 4C.
  15. It doesn’t surprise me, I don’t blame them, and I hope some of the games bigger names join them. ?
  16. No offense to Theana12345, but if the Sabres hold on to 8OA, instead of trading the pick in a package for immediate help, to quote a former GM of the Sabres... ...be prepared for suffering.
  17. Well he had almost a full year to figure out how to utilize him best, and failed miserably. Not sure I have faith, next year and beyond, will be any different...while they continue to co-exist.
  18. I retired at 55, and have not a single regret. Life is good! ?
  19. ^^^ This. 4th line centers with good defensive skills, should be able to be found for 1/2 that price. On a team that will quickly become cash strapped with upcoming contracts to Dahlin and Reinhart, it would be crazy to spend 3 mil in cap space on Larsson.
  20. Some good suggestions, but Larsson at 2.8 mil per year for 3 years? ?
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