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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. The Pegula’s are an embarrassment of epic proportions. Is this the move that is going to convince STH to renew? ???
  2. Kevyn Adams? ???. Wasn’t he just in charge of the HarborCenter Hockey Academy a couple years ago? Just when you think this organization can’t go any lower, they make another head scratching front office move. I am so glad I gave up my season tix prior to last season.
  3. Not every defenseman on a team has to be a non-physical PMD. It’s okay to have a mix of different types of players both in the forward ranks and on the blue line. Keep putting together a roster of almost nothing but figure skaters, and you will keep the streak of missing the playoffs intact.
  4. The video of the Rochester business owners getting beat by thugs with 2x4’s is really sad. They were just trying to defend their business. ?
  5. If he can’t figure out how to use Skinner and Dahlin in order to maximize their talents....he can go with Botts.
  6. Eichel deserves better. This could get ugly as I am sure Mr & Mrs. Dumbass would never approve trading Jack.
  7. There should have been a follow up question... Why did it appear that Krueger didn’t care for Skinner at all? Is there a difference of opinion between the GM and the HC?
  8. SSSS? Regardless, if he is in the top 4 next season, the Sabres are once again in rough shape.
  9. No great loss. Small good skating blue liner. Plenty of those guys in the pipeline including Bryson and Johnson.
  10. This 100%. This plan to play hockey into July, August and even September is going to ruin two seasons.
  11. Very interesting. Someone’s future at PSE could be in jeopardy.
  12. Let’s see how “popular” the STH renewal numbers are with ownership.
  13. Already said this in another thread, but this is BS. Either a team is in the lottery, or they are in the playoffs. You can’t be part of both. The NHL continues to be a 2nd rate league
  14. I’m in my early 60’s. Maybe some info is buried in my brain never to return. ?
  15. We are smart...you are idiots...and if you renew your season tickets you either have a lot of disposable income you don’t care about, or you just continue to believe that this ***** show can’t get any worse.
  16. 3 things... - I was wrong. I 100% believed that Bettman would wait to see what the NBA plan is, and then just follow their lead. - BS on the draft lottery. You are either in the lottery or the playoffs. You shouldn’t be part of both. - Buffalo not even in the 10 finalists as a hub tournament city. Is the Pegula’s star fading as a result of their incompetence as owners?
  17. As we descend upon 2030’s, the Sabres have now missed the playoffs 20 years in a row....and this is after the playoffs expanded to 24 teams every year...after the coronavirus 24 team playoff. ?
  18. Poorly worded on my part. I meant I never heard about the wrong announcement. I fixed my post.
  19. Would Anaheim take back Montour for Henrique and retain some of his salary? ?
  20. I’d be shocked if they could get a mini training camp in place in the next 2-3 weeks. There is no formal agreement in place, and players are scattered around the world. I’m beating a dead horse, but just put this season to rest, and hope for the best come September.
  21. Sorry for those who don’t have access or don’t want to sign up for a free trial. I’ve been a fan since day 1, and I don’t ever remember hearing about the spin of the wheel announcing incorrectly that Vancouver had won the spin. Most of the other items, I have a recollection of https://buffalonews.com/2020/05/24/buffalo-sabres-gilbert-perreault-punch-imlach-rene-robert/?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=puma&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1590322234
  22. Just remember the player also has to want to sign the offer sheet. Say for instance Cirelli has no interest in playing for this train wreck of a franchise...then the Sabres offer sheet is not going to happen, no matter what the $$$ are.
  23. I can’t believe they are going forward with the playoffs in July and August format, and then screwing up next season by starting late and either ending late, compressing the schedule, or reducing the number of games. Anyways, I have tuned out watching the news because I’m sick of hearing the same stuff over and over...but hockey related...how are the hockey players from outside the US and Canada getting back here? Isn’t there an international travel ban coming into the US?
  24. I've been on the trade Montour bandwagon since last fall. Just don't care for his style, and he is one bargaining chip that could be used to bring in much needed forward help...by himself or in a package. Back to the thread topic...Risto was better than in past years, but that isn't saying much. I'd give him another season.
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