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Everything posted by Flashsabre

  1. This summer has to be a massive overhaul from the top of the organization on down. They talk about culture, there needs to be a culture overhaul. This can’t be Adams is back, Granato is back, we have switched an assistant coach. There needs to be a complete overhaul of the philosophy and way they build the team. New leadership on and off the ice. If Pegula loves Adams then promote him to President and let him talk to Pegula all the time. Bring in a seasoned GM that has a vision and brings in a seasoned coaching staff that demands accountability. Okposo, Girgs, Skinner need to go. Skinner will be tricky to move but find a way. Sink some money into seasoned vets that can still contribute and add grit and leadership. The most frustrating part is that the bones of a competitive team is here already. I just don’t trust Adams to add the right pieces to push it forward.
  2. I was at the game today. Levi looks like college Levi😃. Keep him down for the season facing a ton of rubber. Marlies goalie made a couple of unreal saves but I thought Levi was really impressive for the Amerks. They said the Marlies had 53 shots but I didn’t see 53 shots on net. I think they were generous with the counting but regardless it was a really reassuring game for him. Let him keep building off it.
  3. Yeah who cares. If the players don’t want to put in the effort to win regularly then so what? If the organization doesn’t want to make the playoffs for 13-20 years then so what? If the organization wants to continue to raise the prices on tickets for fans to come and sit through this garbage year after year after year then so what? If the fans finally say enough is enough and there are 2000 fans in the building next season then so what? If Terry gets fed up with the lack of fan support and sells the team to Salt Lake City then so what?
  4. Good post. There is no way in the world a rebuild should take 13 years and counting. It is culture. Boston don’t get high draft picks every year. They have a strong winning culture. They have people in place that have identified what it takes to win and they look for coaches and players that fit that mold. Their vet leaders understand it and lead the way and new players and young kids coming in are held to those standards and learn to play to them. Every year the Bruins lose key guys and everyone writes them off yet they still end up competing. There is none of that in Buffalo. Just year after year of first time GMs, first time coaches with ECHL assistants and a lack of quality vets in the ice to lead the way. Just a boatload of young picks being thrown to the wolves without a plan or culture and just hope they somehow figure it out. The frustrating part is that this isn’t rocket science. Look how Tocchet, Foote and Gonchar turned Vancouver around in one season, Bowness in Winnipeg. Accountability, expectations, simple, structured defensive system and a solid plan on the PP
  5. Take some ownership for your major part played in this mess😜😄
  6. It’s painfully obvious that the Sabres leadership is failing the young players and there needs to be some major changes this summer
  7. This is the point right here. It’s not whether a player is standing at centre ice holding their stick up. It is that a team that has not made the playoffs in 13 years is spending more time thinking of a way to get back at their own fans then a way to improve and actually be competitive night in and out. Maybe the leadership has decided that they should just not win any games at home so that the fans don’t get the satisfaction of being happy for the team.😛
  8. If the players are that weak then trade all of them. That story is beyond pathetic and embarrassing. Grow a set, step up and have some pride and make the playoffs once in forever.
  9. Good now leave him there for the rest of the year. Let him get every game he can. Have two goalies developing well at 2 different levels. The future is finally bright in net just let it play out.
  10. Jesus that is pathetic. This whole organization is so out of touch with reality. You have not made the playoffs for 13 years in a row and you still have fans showing up to support you. The idea of “sticking it to the fans” because they had the audacity to express their frustration with your lack of any success for over a decade is mind boggling. The coordinated effort by the leadership of this team to do something so petty tells me exactly why they are in the spot they are and this won’t get better anytime soon. So sad.
  11. “UPL we need you to go away for a while or we won’t be Celebrating for Celebrini”
  12. He would be the exact type of guy to staple to Power long term. The contract is long but with his skating and brains I don’t see him as a guy that falls off a cliff. In my mind their biggest need is a top end RHD to pair with Power long term and help him along.
  13. Odd time of the season to do it so there must have been a major disagreement on how to proceed. I don’t disagree with the firing at all just find the time of the season a little odd.
  14. If her husband is out of a job she’ll consider it
  15. Hey you stole my dream scenario😛
  16. If they let him have the net in Rochester for the rest of the season to develop then I think he will be. If not find a solid backup for one more season. It’s time to role with UPL as the guy. I think he has earned it. He has given them a chance to win in most games. Adding an impact defender and tweaking up front should be the priorities Sabres singlehandidly destroying an entire organization 😂
  17. Auditions for young players or auditions for coaching staff?😛
  18. It’s been a long enough stretch now that I just expect a solid start from UPL. Keep Levi in Rochester for the season. If they want an upgrade on Comrie to spell UPL from time to time I can see that but trading for an impact goalie at this point makes no sense. UPL-Levi are good enough starting next season. Trade for an impact Dman.
  19. The Sabres are single handily going to force the Kings to dismantle their organization this season. MaClellan canned after last lost, GM Blake fired after tonight?😜
  20. Peca has one year of NHL assistant coaching experience. NO to him as head coach next season. My one pipe dream is that Carolina’s owner sticks to his guns and won’t pony up the money for Brindamour and Adams uses their friendship to lure him to Buffalo. Then Rod tells him the actual moves to make to put a competent competitive team on the ice.
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