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Everything posted by cdexchange

  1. Having read the books, I've been eagerly awaiting the "Red Wedding" episode all season. Can't wait to see my wife's reaction tonight when we sit down to watch it...she has absolutely NO idea, hehe :devil: Hilarious!!! :lol:
  2. Awesome. We bought my Dad the same thing a couple years ago and he absolutely LOVED it. :thumbsup:
  3. http://io9.com/old-s...mmerc-493836696 http://youtu.be/WPkByAkAdZs
  4. Every time I see this my brain reads it as Judge Smails :lol:
  5. This, lol. Also, I'm just sitting here thinking about how great it would be if the first NHL player who "came out" was Crosby or some other superstar, or some NFL superstar like a top-tier QB. It would just make the whole conversation that much more interesting than if it turns out to be a fringe player. Also, I just want to express my hope that Crosschecking or someone of his ilk doesn't completely derail this thread. It's a very interesting topic and I hope this thread doesn't turn ridiculous.
  6. Love the show, and the books. I thought the first episode of the new season was particularly good, especially the scene between Tywin and Tyrion. Poor Tyrion...it's amazing with the way his family treats him that he seems to be the only Lannister with some semblence of honor and a conscience. You'd think he would've turned out to be the most evil of them all, given the circumstances.
  7. With respect, that was far from our biggest win ever.
  8. It's like when we had all those "snow" people on the board at once last year :lol:
  9. Briere got traded? :huh: EDIT: apus beat me to it.
  10. I literally cannot even bring myself to watch the video, knowing that a guy is getting paralyzed in it. I'm curious to see what happened, but I just can't make the conscious choice to hit play because I know I will regret it. :(
  11. Good one...I'll never be able to hear that song again without that fond memory. BTW, she's turning 50 this summer... :(
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qn3tel9FWU
  13. So that's definitely a girl, right? I find it extremely hard to believe that that's a guy doing a falsetto voice.
  14. So for those who listened on the radio, how did Hamilton do? I'm listening to the highlights now on the postgame and he sounds fantastic. I really like him and hope he is The Successor someday.
  15. Really glad Philly has no legs. 90 seconds to #1 in the EC... B-) that was scary
  16. No Pierre, I don't "love" seeing Vanek's face get smashed into the crossbar on a dirty crosscheck. <_<
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