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Cascade Youth

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Everything posted by Cascade Youth

  1. Distraction from what, exactly? Winning games? Because that isn’t what’s going to be happening with or without Eichel. This is a bottom five team this season no matter what - we should be able to stomach the “distraction” if it means getting a higher return for the future.
  2. Right that’s what I’m saying but you’re saying it better. They decided last year they were trading him and once he gets the surgery he’s a frozen asset for at least 1-2 months and a potentially damaged asset depending on how the recovery goes. They’ve never been worried about the risks of the surgery as it relates to him playing for the Sabres.
  3. If he has the surgery now he really can’t be traded until they can measure his recovery from it. Maybe refusing to allow the surgery has always been about wanting to trade him, not the medical concern.
  4. I still think Adams blinks first. They won’t want this type of distraction and the public griping by Eichel gives them the cover they need to sell a poor trade to their fanbase - “See? He was a cancer and we just had get rid of him for the sake of the young core.”
  5. Matches the Sabres’ timeline for competing
  6. Another way to look at it is he’s putting the pressure back on Jack and his agent to get the word out that Jack is healthy and ready to play. If Jack is truly motivated to get himself traded he should be motivated to prove himself healthy.
  7. I mean, Adams announced (through the Buff News) that bringing Ullmark back to be the starter was a priority heading into the offseason. The whole thing comes off as disingenuous at worst, inept at best. And lurking in the background of all of this is the well-known fact that the owner loves UPL, the guy who Ullmark would theoretically be “blocking” 2 or 3 years from now. It’s really hard not to be fed up with all of this.
  8. The issue is they’re boxing out their own fans. People have a limit.
  9. Notice all the cheap one-year contracts. This is a financial plan not a hockey plan.
  10. They are conserving assets. Not in order to win, but in order to save money, offset some revenues for tax reasons, and position the team for sale. They have destroyed the franchise.
  11. “We have a little bit more information than maybe a fan does, some inner workings that we see some positives in.” Kim Pegula said this in May 2020 in justifying the decision to retain Jason Botterill. Jason Botterill was fired one month later. These people.
  12. You are projecting a hockey plan onto what appears to be a transparent tax planning maneuver. They’re not focused on winning now or in five years from now. They’re cutting their losses and using the hockey team to offset some taxable revenue. And they have no problem selling hope to the fans in the meantime. They don’t give a rat’s ass about the fans. This is fraud. IMO
  13. Attacking the people on this site isn’t really warranted or mature.
  14. It was an issue last year and Adams did nothing to address or plan for it. What are they selling the fans for 21-22?
  15. The plan for next year is to use the Sabres as a loss to offset some PSE revenues for tax purposes. That’s what I infer from what’s going on. Anyone who pays for this product is a serious masochist.
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