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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. I am really looking forward to this game. However I've removed everything under fifty pounds from the immediate vicinity so I don't have something to throw at it.
  2. Don't know the dude and it sounds like some people aren't exactly thrilled about it but I'm glad JB still has a pulse. Was starting to think this was a Weekend at Bernie's situation with him.
  3. Hutton keep it up you glorious bastard! If you're that close can you tell them they need to win?!
  4. You've been around the entire world and couldn't find any replacements for some of these sorry sacks that call themselves Sabres?!
  5. Could always trade the entire Buffalo area for good measure.
  6. Maybe it's an overreaction to the season or a lack of hockey knowledge but my concern is his development. If he's around players with lazy work ethic and/or piss poor attitudes and lousy coaches I fear the worst.
  7. The team really does look lost. Isn't that a problem for the beginning of the season and not the end?
  8. True it's not all doom and gloom but going from first in the league (briefly, I know) to a few stairs short of the basement is an absolute kick in the dick. At least the days are getting longer...
  9. Telling yet doesn't seem to apply to just the hockey organization of Buffalo.
  10. I have a feeling someone knows why and we're just not privy to that information (Whaley pun intended). Something seems to be rotten in the state of Denmark. Maybe it's the win streak or the alcohol talking but this is ***** *****.
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