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Everything posted by Indabuff

  1. Lots of commercials and camera panning on the GMs?
  2. If we're rolling like that give me the bearded Swedish one with the ? in his last name.
  3. Speaking of which, I failed to realize they have re-runs on cable now along with Alfred Hitchcock. Loving it.
  4. Not sure, I have a feeling searching that on a work computer might be problematic.
  5. Ristolainen: Maybe we need to mother f**ker each other a little more....be harder on each other #Sabres @WKBW Say what now?!
  6. Wasn't sure what their plans for site seeing were. Also whether they were looking for good wings or wings in the vicinity of downtown. The first one is in South Buffalo. My personal favorite.
  7. 1) Nine Eleven 2) Bar-Bill 3) Mammoser's Late to the party and you've probably filled your bellies with good wings but my 2ยข if you haven't.
  8. Looks like the wife is driving home. *Orders another drink before the end of the family vacation*
  9. JFC these interviews are depressing. These players are just going through the motions.
  10. ***** losers. Sorry but how can anyone be optimistic right now. Embarrassing.
  11. Good for him. Only person I wanted to score.
  12. To see Lehner shut this sorry ass team out.
  13. Well if it's another couple of years it would be on JB if he was still around.
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