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Everything posted by PerreaultForever

  1. Not sure about Columbus, but I think it's an indication of feeling they were close and trading away for the immediate in the last few years. Nashville felt they were just a step away when they lost in the final. Washington knew they had a small window and Pitt knows their big guns are getting closer and closer to the decline years. Nashville I think is the one that blew it. San Jose I thought had some decent prospects still but they were all in on Tavares and that was a colossal mistake so we'll see how that shakes out. About us, we were told a few years back we had a full cupboard and then suddenly it was empty again and now it's being restocked. Penetrating look into the obvious, but none of it means anything unless your prospects actually step up and become nhl'ers. I like what JBot has done though. All those D men. often these guys take a little longer to develop and with a slew of them at various stages of readiness we POTENTIALLY can become a defensive powerhouse and have the wonderful future dilemma of too many good D men and the ability to trade some of them to "win now" (in a few years). Would like to see a larger goalie stockpile, but one step at a time I guess.
  2. I didn't really follow Winnipeg, but I think, from things said lately, that he showed real leadership abilities from day 1 so it was an easier bet to make. probably a bargain. People say Sam has hockey smarts, but I don't think we've seen leadership from him or consistent play. matter of fact, he's often called slow or soft (not entirely fair, but those things get said) and his work ethic has been questioned (as has Eichel's) so there is no solid reason to dump the money at him. The smarter gamble says he is unlikely to be better than he's shown.
  3. Unless they trade Sam (unlikely) I don't expect any more moves and I am satisfied with what Jbot has tried to do, and the direction he is trying to move in. I'm most interested to see if Tage Thompson will turn out to be a diamond in the rough or just another Joe Kowal. Dahlin? Dahlin is simply going to give everyone hope again.
  4. I agree fully they won't get an "open slot" and this year is likely their last shot, but they may also be the only stop gap options if they want everyone to play a certain way (up tempo). The leash will be short.
  5. I'm sorry but this is crazy to me. Scheifele was a leader on that team and a playoff stud. In no way has Sam shown anything near that. Let me put it this way, would anyone here not embrace a one for one swap of those players (aside from lurking Jets fans)? They'd riot in Winnipeg if they did that. Just don't see why so many people want to dump money and term at a guy who has not (yet) given us a full season, and although decent at times, at other times has looked downright dreadful. The fact that this deal is taking so long makes me think JBot might feel the same way. Barring a trade, a bridge deal is the only way to go imo.
  6. I'd change that to Baptiste and Bailey get a serious shot at making the team. What we still desperately need is someone/anyone who can actually finish and put the puck in the net.
  7. I'd just question if anyone "shined" at anything over the last few years.
  8. I think JBot pretty much confirmed the issue around the time of his door slamming. He talked about the culture having to change then, he just didn't name names (which was smart). We have to trust/hope he has fixed it. There is no question Eichel has to be a new leader, he's signed for a decade at a price nobody will pay if he isn't. Dahlin is supposed to have a dedicated personality, Samuellson is supposed to be a leader type. It all hinges now on how good JBot's draft picks will be and possibly if there are any hidden gems or late bloomers etc. from Murray's. I truly believe we are FINALLY headed in the right direction.
  9. Sheary - Eichel - That is the only combination I am almost sure of. At least to try. I really don't know the St. Louis guys so not sure if they're better as wingers or down the middle. I think they are temps regardless. If any kids step up they'll be bumped down or dumped. I also think Housely will try Reinhart at center again UNLESS Casey is ready to start as #2, but I think it more likely Casey STARTS the season in Rochester. As for D, if Dahlin is ready, I'd want him with Scandella since he's the steadiest guy we have and the best guy to learn from initially. But I will admit I have absolutely no idea. It's going to look very different from last year. And that's a good thing.
  10. crack or meth? We will start to improve, but we are way way way off being better than any of the teams that made the playoffs last year. We can be better than Montreal, Detroit, Ottawa (who I pick for dead last), maybe the Islanders if they fall apart and maybe Florida if they made a toxic trade, Possibly even Carolina, but we will not make the playoffs until Dahlin is ready and an allstar.
  11. Cry baby? The good news is the tear down is over. There's nothing more to tear down. The cap is in great shape, there's very little costly dead weight, it's all good. Moulson will just wither away in obscurity non issue. Maybe Bogo or Okposo are buyout candidates if they suck bad but not likely. No big issues. It's now all on how well he drafts just like any GM. We'll also be in a great position to try to nab any big name FA over the next couple years. Sounds like good management to me. The bad news is this plan of JBot's has always been a slow methodical rebuild from the core out with young players and it is going to take a slow steady trajectory. In the meantime, we'll all be sickened by Toronto Toronto Toronto...........might need to take a year or two off hockey.
  12. We have St Louis's 1st now right? With ROR in their lineup they should challenge for dead last. It's what he does.
  13. Definitely looks better than Fasching did to me so it's an upgrade on potential wingers from what we had before. he might surprise. be patient.
  14. So, here's my take, JBot inherited a backed up toilet of a team. he tried to flush it, but it just flowed over and made a bigger mess so he dug in and unclogged it, flushed the worst bits away and is now cleaning the bowl. The water should be flowing clear soon. Sometimes, a condemned outhouse can't be fixed with bits and pieces, it has to be torn down and rebuilt.
  15. Wow, 18 pages of............ JBot slammed a door and proclaimed the culture HAD to be changed. Is it not obvious that that is exactly what he has done? Everyone who has been mentioned as a possible locker room problem (not confirmed, it rarely is, but "possible") is now gone. So now there is no excuse on that level. If the losing culture, failure to compete continues next year then we know he tagged the wrong guys and then...........it's who.........Jack? Sam? ..........Well we shall now see right? It's now ready for a new culture to take hold. That is step one. Forward from here on in. BUT, this is going to take a long time and we will not be good until Dahlin is an allstar and we have a top goalie and so much more.
  16. i think we all agree this is Ullmark's job to lose, but I wonder if a bought out (and thus cheap) Steve Mason wouldn't be a better short term or back up option? Mason is very hot and cold, but he's had some good stretches. I dunno, really just hope Ullmark shines.
  17. That is my position, O'Reilly has to go if they think he's the problem (or part of the problem). I think I lean to the assumption that he is probably a problem because they have shopped him around so publicly. Why would you do that otherwise? Now maybe O'Reilly has asked for a trade (in private) but either way, it'd be bad to keep him under either situation.
  18. You can relax, TSN tonight is saying JVR is going back to Philly.
  19. To remove the uncertainty. One would have to trust that JBot has figured out who is a problem and who isn't. Not fixing the locker room this off season would mean he fails imo. Can't have a broken locker room going forward with the youth coming in. So if JBot doesn't trade ROR I'll have to trust that he thinks he's not the remaining problem. I'd just like the issue to go away so we can get back to discussing things like why is San struggling again at the beginning of next season. :)
  20. That's just cause he's Latvian. When the Latvian team toured Canada a few years back the entire team was apparently out drinking almost every night. They down vodka like it's water. They need it to survive. I think it would be 2 steps forward and 1 small one back. ROR has to go. We can't know for sure he was part of the locker room problem, but no one here can be sure he wasn't either. Best to remove the possibility and see what Captain Jack can do.
  21. Picks, including next year's first. One more chance to win next year's lottery.
  22. This is why we must get Montreal's first round pick as part of the ROR deal. If there was a way to get Ottawa's away from Colorado I'd do that too. Sam Pollock 101.
  23. Possible temporary stop gaps, Bozak or (my preference) Riley Nash. Girgensens (or Reinhart) could also move back to center. We won't be strong at center, but you can't fix everything all at once.
  24. Winnipeg wants Stastny badly but needs cap room for players they need to sign. Edmonton is already in cap hell. If we can move ROR to Montreal or St. Louis as rumored it'd be worth JBot looking at another Sheary/Hunwick type deal with either Winnipeg or Edmonton. Might be able to pull off a steal or two.
  25. It's also a negotiation between friends. There could easily be an "I'll owe you one" in there between them. But the bottom line for me is 3rd, 4th I don't care. The deal makes us a better team and gives us time to develop kids JBot has drafted.
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