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Everything posted by sabresparaavida

  1. The "making a deal instead" of the offer sheet will never work out well. You would want something worth less than the 4 firsts (or whatever bracket it's in) and they would want more. If you don't give them a better offer, they can just walk away and get their picks. Your scenario really doesn't help us much at all in lessening the assets we would give up.
  2. Trouba RoR Kane Skinner Take your pick really.
  3. I loved the thanksgiving eve game against the Flyers during the streak. That first period was awesome. It also happened to be one of the only two games I made it to last year. (Both wins)
  4. I'm hoping UPL will make it to the NHL by then. You can protect one goalie, and UPL is exempt. No need to bring in one just to lose it.
  5. The blues in 2017-2018 and missed the playoffs. They won the cup the next year.
  6. I would say he is as much of a prospect as Casey. They both have played too much in the NHLto be considered a prospect, but are nowhere near done developing.
  7. Happy we picked a defenseman fairly high. I've heard next year's class is packed at the top with forwards.
  8. Hey, if he does it at the age mitts did, I will be very happy with him.
  9. I believe that the 2019-2020 season will be more about growth and seeing what the Sabres have more than anything. I do not see Jbots making any major trades to improve our current team. There may be a couple minor free agent signings. I think that 2020-2021 will be the year that we finally get somewhere. Young guys will have finally made the jump. Mitts will be ready to take up the 2C mantle. Cozens will be starting out. What are some projections for our lineup then? Heres mine: FA/trade- Eichel- Oloffson Skinner-Mitts-Reinhart Sheary-Cozens-Erod Larsson-Asplund-Okposo Dahlin-Montour Mccabe-Risto Fa/trade/prospect-Borgen UPL Ullmark There will certainly different players brought in, this is a VERY early projection. I have Skinner on line 2 because I think olofson will produce similar to Skinner with Eichel, but will not if he is not with Eichel. I expect Nylander to have been traded by then. Thoughts?
  10. The condition is if the cannucks don't make the playoffs, they keep their first and it goes to 2021. I would make that trade for the Sabres if I was jbotts. If we make the playoffs this year, we get good value for our late teens/twenties pick. If not, we would be making the playoffs in 2021 and the pick would still be good value. Of course, if they don't make the playoffs then, it won't be jbotts problem anymore, because he will be fired.
  11. So what do we like/dislike about him?
  12. I would happily do that. I would even move down a bit further. I kind of want Newhook, and so if I think he'll fall to 13 or so, I would be willing to go there.
  13. No way I give up the future of mitts AND Risto for a top 6 RW and a couple of third liners. That doesn't solve our 2C problem, and creates a hole in our defense. Sure, our middle 6 would be upgraded, but it is not worth losing our eventual (hopefully) 2C and a highly sought after defender.
  14. Just a little of putting my thoughts out there. Since JBot has been here, he's made 4 major trades, along with a few smaller ones. Kane, Skinner, O'Reilley, and Montour. With Kane and O'Reiley the power was definitely in other's hands. He clearly did have the power in the Skinner trade. With the Montour trade they seem to have been in neutral positions. He was buying in the Skinner and Montour trades and selling in the O'Reiley and Kane trades. He got fleeced in the O'Reiley trade. It's more arguable, but in my opinion he lost that trade too. The Skinner trade he definitely won. It's too early to tell, but I believe he won the Montour trade. I think he'll be a really good player for us. We know he's done well when he's in power and buying. We know he's done poorly selling and having no power. So I'm hoping that it's only bad when he has no power, and it isn't that he's just bad at selling. I'm really interested to see what he'll do in a real hockey trade like there is potential for with Risto.
  15. Wow. Jayden Struble has the strongest grip strength in both hands. Talk about ambidextrous.
  16. Did it once today, got second, decided not to play again to mess with that kind of luck.
  17. I'm actually feeling fairly confident that we get a win tonight for some reason.
  18. Is the condition whether they place in the bottom ten or if they pick in the bottom ten? I was thinking it was the latter
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