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Everything posted by Derrico

  1. Let’s hope this turns out differently.
  2. Well if the Pizza man says it. I think it's fantastic you still use your TRpm's analysis.
  3. I think this shows it doesn’t move the needle too much either way. Five ‘best’ schedules in terms of back to back last year all missed the playoffs.
  4. Look at the list of RFA. Sure it rarely happens but there has never been close to as good of an RFA class as we’re seeing this summer. I think we will see atleast one. Best anti-leaf situation is the threat of offersheet forces the leafs to pay $12 plus on a 5 year deal or we see an 8 year offer sheet at say 12.75 or $13 and then the leafs match.
  5. Keep the updates coming for suckers like me stuck at work!
  6. That Cornel pick looked brutal from the beginning. I barely watched any Pete’s games but the few I saw he didn’t have a clue out there most nights. Even at the time I thought no way is he worth the 44th overall pick. He had one decent year a couple of seasons ago where I was surprised the numbers he was putting up. Otherwise he was never even close to being a real prospect. Who drafted that gem 44 overall in 2014? DR?
  7. Most camp invites and even draftees are not signed to contracts at the time of development camp. I would say this doesn't matter.
  8. Sweet Baby Ray really is the best BBQ sauce choice when grilling some ribs. Not sure about burgers or chicken tho.
  9. And the one sat game is the day before the Super Bowl. Yep, really encouraging those southern Ontario fans to drive down and make a weekend of it watching the sabres......
  10. Only one Saturday home game between Jan 12 and March 20. Awesome.
  11. Maybe it’s wishful thinking but potentially other gms all saw how they missed out on ROR trade last year and want to make sure they don’t miss out on another perceived buffalo fleecing thus driving the price up?
  12. Wowzers Rakish. I would love to know the criteria you use as you’ve been very right on guys in the past. But having guys like Lukas Rouset and Alex Nylander way ahead of Mitts is crazy town.
  13. Ya this guy seems like he has a ton of potential but will be a longer term project. Botts went with what he thinks Johnston can be in 5 or 6 years vs the competition for that pick.
  14. @Randall Flagg - Came across this interesting fact: Have no clue if Cozens even plays a similar game to Point but he's sitting in pretty good company.
  15. Decent scouting report. https://lastwordonhockey.com/2019/04/04/dylan-cozens-scouting-report/
  16. I don't doubt at all they are on a 5 year plan. I still think he needs to be active this summer. You can't miss the playoffs and win the cup in a couple years. Get a couple of stop gaps (ala Stasney) that help us get in the playoffs today and get some valuable playoff experience for the group. Maybe this pushes Mitts down a line which is fine. Coz will keep developing next year in Lethbridge. My point is, I agree with you and things look really good about 3 years from now but let's supplements the existing core to bridge us to a top 6 that includes Mitts, Cozens and possibly Olofsson. This is the line I had an issue with I guess.
  17. From everything I've read and watched I think you're selling him short. He put up some pretty big numbers and looked very good at international tournaments. That release he has on the wrist shot is not something you can easily teach. He is also a tremendous skater with a great first step which I think translates well to the NHL. Hockey sense seems very good too so I don't think we're looking at an Evander Kane type. I also have to think there may be a little untapped potential. I admit I don't have all the research but didn't he move from the Yukon around age 12 to play in BC/Alberta? This was basically because they don't have a program up there for him. Most 7 or 8 year olds showing elite potential have elite coaching available in other parts of the world. He did not. Once he got down south and obviously in the WHL he was exposed to it but can't help but wonder what the Sabres training staff will do with him. Maybe it's nothing, I don't know. I think we're spoiled with Jack. We know we have the #1 C in place already. Any other year in which we don't have a franchise C, there would be an obsession that Cozens will be that guy. Why not? Pick 7 in a pretty good draft have some pretty high expectations.
  18. While I agree with your last sentence I'm not sure things can get much worse in terms of Buffalo being a destination. They've already been out so long, small market yada yada that we already have to overpay for all these things. My biggest fear is eventually someone big on the team will want out. They have to become a legit playoff contender this season. Not until American Thanksgiving, not until March, until the very end.
  19. Because everyone already knows Dahlin and Mittlestadt. I’m not interested in where they are in our pecking order. I want to learn and debate the guys not on the team that are coming.
  20. Imagine how far that move would escalate the cross border rivalry? I still ***** hate Edmonton for the vanek offer sheet. A move like that could revive the war of 1812.
  21. But signing him to $12 and forcing the leafs to match is just right.
  22. Only thing about Offer Sheets is those 1st rounders are unprotected. How many trades do you see now of days where the first rounder is not protected? Should a team that hasn't made the playoffs in nearly a decade be giving out offer sheets to anyone? Those 4 firsts hold a lot of value. I think I would focus on trading with teams who are right at the cap. I think you can get some good players for a (relatively) cheap price. Having said that, Point is one of the few I would look closely at offering it too.
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