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Everything posted by Radar

  1. The Sabres have pretty much gutted the team. When they rid Eichel from the asset column they will have. Could this be positioning for the sale of the team? One would hope so, at least I would. Doubt that's the case but here's hoping. I think we may have the most inept owners in hockey. They probably mean well but that's not the sole criteria needed unfortunately. Just random thoughts.
  2. I'm in this same boat. No expectation and just want an entertaining team and see the kids develop.
  3. It's rather unrealistic for him not to address it with the media obviously going to want that. Personally stating the obvious is not unprofessional and at the very least the Eichel camp hasn't been any more professional. Telling it like it is in this circumstance was fine with me. KA critics would not agree however he answered n my opinion. I'm neither pro or anti KA. Still haven't reached a strong opinion on him but find absolutely nothing wrong with the way he addressed this.
  4. I'm not "attached" to any athlete. Period.
  5. Thorny,I agree. But at the same time we were a bottom team with these same guys. Eichel, Rhisto and Rhino were part of the losing. The problem it would seem is not building around them. Obviously the decision makers chose to start over fresh and build from the ground up. My hunch is it was a choice made for them because Jack is unhappy here and Rhino wanted out. The franchise has been poorly operated and they're paying the price for it. I don't hold KA responsible for any of this. Whether he can get the job done and do it free of Pegula interference is questionable but right now KA is working with the hand dealt him. I do question his decisions on goalkeeper.
  6. All of this is true but we're talking one hour vs two and to add to Bills coverage is ,at this point, gross overkill.
  7. Agree. We reduce the time just as hockey season is about to begin. Typical of the way things operate. Maybe they wanted a place for Sal to strut his stuff. If I were Peters I'd be upset as well. This is about the Bills, more Bills and then again more Bills. I'm a Bills fan but enough is enough.
  8. Don't think I could muster the attachment to any player, entertainer ect. that some fans seem to have. Too many others and things occupy that space in my life I guess.
  9. I'm too old for long term rebuilds. Just vive me an entertaining team. Not so much interested in competing for the cup.......just freaking entertain me PLEASE!!
  10. Actually our run game is less worrisome than our run defense. Hopefully that's improved. The League now is an offensive game. Very few low scoring games now. You typically now need thirty points.
  11. As much as people seem to say this I don't see it myself. It's their job to ask questions not be a ego booster for players. Frankly ,in my opinion, Hamilton is more knowledgeable than most Buffalo media types.
  12. Just what I said. This has been mishandled. His switching agents seems to possibly indicate he agrees. What change? We have to wait and see.
  13. Wouldn't it be something if this leads to the two sides to reconcile their past differences.
  14. Yeah, when it's the regular season and we lose a game these guys are ineligible because of tbis I hope the fans and fellow players who support these guys don't whitewash it. In my opinion for most guys this is making a statement not fear of the vaccine. We know who they're listening to and it's Fox News. I would love if Beasley took this act back to Dallas. Liked the signing but now could care less to see him around.
  15. Agree. Fans need to give this guy some time yet. I'm optimistic he'll be a good NHL player but we're going to wait a bit to even begin to evaluate how good.
  16. Yes we need a goaltender. Please go back to an organ! Can't stand the music now.
  17. Agree. I have been critical of his attitude myself. Then again at the age of 78 and looking back at age 24 my attitude could have definitely been questioned. Jack is such a talent I only hope he can find guidance in handling the pressures he encounters. I believe it was a mistake making him a captain and I also feel the organization has failed in it's handling of this situation.
  18. I have an understanding of the meaning of apparently. Further I'm sorry if you took my post as aimed at you. Notice I said posters. I can't count the trades the Sabres could have made ect. ect. I stand by my statement "posters".
  19. Thank you. So tired of posters saying definitive statements when they have no definitive facts to back it up. Don't need to do that to emphasize what we already know about this franchise.
  20. Those guys were great. RJ is their equal in hockey and we're so lucky to have had him right here in Buffalo.
  21. Unlike Dunleavy. Like the guy but on radio I have no idea of what's happening. Hope he improves.
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