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Everything posted by Radar

  1. You have no way of knowing it doesn't reduce the spread.
  2. Saw this coming. Me first and team last. Said before season he'll miss key game and many fans will be pissed. Now we're seeing it. He's most likely another government hater and league as well. It's all about Me the rest can take a hike. Loved when they signed him but he's turned me off. This is politics period. Go back to Texas and run for something.
  3. I hate shootouts more. Go back to the way it was.
  4. Washington maybe a bit tired but our kids played tonight.
  5. Yes. But they don't need a microphone their franchise is embarrassing enough.
  6. These owners became invisible as soon as there was any media criticism. They started out much more visible it seems when fans were excited after purchasing the franchises. They are clueless owners whose only hope is catching lightning in a bottle.
  7. Typical for GR. They had Radio.com and that needed reboot with practically every commercial break. Now they're with Audacy and worked for awhile and now having same problem get some stupid sports talk show. Frankly I think WGR is minor league at best. Once again missing Empire Sports Network.
  8. I was saying this from the start of the season and some criticised my take on this team. They are not that good plain and simple. 1-4 against good teams. Loss to Jacksonville, blown out by the Colts and losing to Tennessee? Even if they were to make the playoffs they're a one and done most likely. One dimension offense. Possibly one of the worst offensive lines in the league. Josh and a few receivers that's it. Defensively good not great and can be run on.
  9. NE will win this with their ground game. Just my opinion. I think even without the weather this would be a tough one.
  10. I honestly think our talent level is maybe better than NE. Unfortunately that doesn't mean our play is. I think NE is better coached and playing more consistent right now. We are prone to stupid penalties at critical times and our O line is sub par. NE can run the ball. We can't. Josh will be in weather that isn't favorable to the passing game sounds like. New England wins this I think and becomes favored to win division.
  11. I may be mistaken but I thought I had heard the Sabres were willing to offer same contract as Bruins and he chose to sign with them. Personally glad he did as I wouldn't have wanted them to sign him for that. Buffalo error was allowing it to get to UFA to begin with.
  12. Yeah but all that expansion money for owners who cares about a watered down product. The owners love it.
  13. Depending on the cost.....why not. Can't be worst than what we've seen.
  14. Totally understand been here since their inception. The Pegula era has been the most frustrating.
  15. Why do you believe that had influenced the decision to give him time off. I separate that from Ulmarks contract situation.
  16. A mistake to give a player time off because of the passing of ones parent. I would not like go think of that being a mistake. Some things are more important than sports in my opinion. Caring about others being one of them. JMO.
  17. Being one of those critical posters about Dan I want to say it's not personal at all. In fact my impression of him is positive as far as him personally. I wish him well and will pray for his wife most certainly as well as Dan and thier family.
  18. Seriously I'm getting a little concerned that Dahlin will never live up to our or the "experts" expectations. He's young still but with all his skills he seems lost at times. So far a disappointment. Hope that changes.
  19. Don't be annoyed. This typical SS posting. Like we need to be informed.
  20. I understand. Just at times a comment can be let alone.
  21. Seems no one can say anything in a positive sense here witbout the same posters not just letting it be but have a need to needlessly dampen anything positive. Just sayin.
  22. We would be even better with someone as good or better for less $ and term. I wouldn't have given Ulmark the contract he got. I wish we extended him before free agency at less cost.
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