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Everything posted by Radar

  1. Tend to think it's our O line not our running backs. In any case I'm less confident in our defense than our offense. I'm okay with one corner if he's healthy but Wallace I'm less so. Overall we're not a good tackling team it seems at times. I like our safeties. I would concentrate on improving both lines.
  2. Allen is a very good franchise quarterback. Best to ever wear Bills uniform? Let's talk about that🤔.
  3. Worst professional sports franchise ownership. I know that's really saying something. Where are the.dim wits anyways? Haven't heard from them in years.
  4. We don't need another coach. We've been there and done that. We need another owner and if he moves the team so be it. Would anybody who appreciates hockey really miss what we've encountered under these owners?
  5. Didn't see "listen" button. No problem. Tired going to bed. Just fed up with the Pegula era of this franchise. They are a joke as everything about this franchise has gone to shi..t
  6. Thanks, but just another thing we never had to jump through hoops to listen to games. Man, it's hard to find anything about Sabres that is top shelf. Maybe drop GR?
  7. Why do I never get Sabres games on GR since they went with yet another app. (Audacy). Man this franchise f's anything they touch. Guess I'm not missing much to put a positive spin on this.
  8. Let's not forget DG has coaching experience. Yes he's into player development but that doesn't mean he can't game coach as well. We need to keep in mind the team he's coaching.
  9. WGR sucks. Audacy getting some stupid talk show. Sabres can't do anything right!!!!
  10. Nice to have an "elite" game changing center for sure but you can win with two to three very good ones.
  11. Hate to admit it but this is me. Fan from teams inception but interest has definitely been evaporating. Some of it could be age as I'll turn 79 in two months but a lot is just the franchises history of downward spiral in all facets. Bankruptcy literally once and figuratively in general. Yeah, I still pay attention but the passion has gone. This is true in sports in general I have to admit.
  12. Had my eye injection today. Watching this hurts more. Tired going to bed.
  13. Tried to listen on GR. Well the team sucks, the owners suck, and it's only reasonable the audacy app would suck. Sports talk,seven straight stupid commercials and no Sabres game......... Guess it's merciful by the sounds of it here. Pegulas just f everything up they get near I guees. Night guys.
  14. Speaking as a true ......hole .
  15. As would most quarterbacks be with what's in front of him and no running game and questionable coaching.
  16. Maybe having possibly the worst offensive line in football and we're looking at Josh? He's fine and a few of his receivers as well. The rest of the offense and coaching has sucked.
  17. Sorry, it's already been made political. Having said that I agree with your assessment but the fact is one side of the political spectrum far and away are less vaccinated than the other side of the political spectrum. Like it or not it's been made political since the start of covid. I have also stopped watching "news" as well.
  18. Depends your political bend. This is politics pure and simple not science or statistics. Right vs left.like everything else now. Listen to someone for five minutes and we can tell whether they're Fox News people or CNN or MSNBC. Sad the lack of depth of thinking and coming to individual conclusions.
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