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Everything posted by jad1

  1. Can Granato get this team to play from the net out? Does he even want to?
  2. Trying to figure out if it's more accurate to describe the Sabres as a developmental program or an AHL franchise.🤔
  3. What? So what are supposed to do now?!?!? Hate Okposo? And his kids?
  4. I guess the odd-man breaks aren't going away any time soon this season.
  5. Great, trade for a vet now to keep things moving and then move Bryson to #7 when those guys come back.
  6. Thompson's game has been terrible tonight. He needs to elevate his game against better competition.
  7. A player like Burns on the Sabres roster would help the development of the young defensemen. A top four veteren defenseman would help this team immensely.
  8. You don't agree with the Buy Time to Avoid Accountability management method?
  9. Dont need 12. A couple of more would have helped. Of course, it's hard to beat KHL rejects, but Adams could have tried.😉
  10. Too bad that didn't have $20 million or so in cap space laying around this past offseason to deal with things like defensive depth.
  11. Problem is that they keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different (better) results.
  12. Right, McDermott made the playoffs his first season, breaking the 17 year drought, winning fans over to the idea that he and Beane were competent custodians for the franchise. Let's be kind to Granato and consider last season to be his first with the Sabres. If Adams/Granato would have snagged the 8th playoff spot last season, the arena most likely would have been full to start the season. But they missed that mark by 25 points. And the general fanbase remains unconvinced that he can break the team's playoff drought. So they stay home.
  13. From top to bottom this organization has no real expectation of making the playoffs this year, and the fans recognize that and are responding by staying home. The NHL isn't a developmental league. Most fans aren't interested in dropping 100 bucks to see if this is the year that Casey Mittelstadt actually because a legit NHL player. While many on this board might be thrilled with the team's salary cap management, nobody shows up to a professional sports game to watch the home teams humongous cap space. The things that the Sabres management team values right now, isn't what the general fanbase values. If Adams and Co. believe that the team will compete for a championship two years from now, the fans say, great, we'll check back in with you then. As for high prices and the dump of an arena, the Bills play in the same city and have even higher prices and even more of a dump of a stadium, and even play in the elements. They have no problem filling the stadium. Of course, unlike the Sabres, they've had no problems letting everyone and their brother know that they expect to win a championship, and have made moves to accomplish that goal. The fans seem to like that and respond better to that approach that the Sabres current wait-and-see strategy.
  14. Fanbase is not buying into the direction of the team. Franchise is losing a generation of fans.
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