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Everything posted by jad1

  1. Here's where the Sabres would benefit from having a veteren defenseman. Steady things down on the back end.
  2. They also need a veteren version of Samuelsson and a veteren 3rd line center. The list isn't long. There is no reason that winning shouldn't be expected this season. The rookies are contributing. The vets (Tuch, Thompson, Skinner, Dahlin) are playing playoff-caliber hockey and deserve the chance to legimately compete. Rather than burning the season to see if Mitts, Krebs, and Bryson can break thru, Adams needs to add a couple/few vet pieces and Granato needs to tighten up the defensive zone play. Goaltending will continue to be an issue, but the train left that station when Adams refused to pay Ulmark, so they need to figure out how to work around the deficit at goalie. It's time to rally around the new core. There are lessons in losing, but those lessons are limited. There are better lessons to be taught in winning. It's time to focus on helping this core of players learn those lessons.
  3. He's got no confidence. Should have been in Rochester, relearning how to play more aggressively.
  4. You asked if someone who's highest season goal total is 20 can be a 30 goal scorer. My response, using Thompson as an example, was yes, a player can become a 30 goal scorer when their previous career season high was 20 goals (or less). Tuch is a player who many would acknowledge can be a 30 goal scorer, even through his career season high is just over 20 goals.
  5. I'll let you know after I check Thompson's career stats (and Tuch's).
  6. I got a wacky, poorly-sourced theory that he loves the NHL lifestyle waaay more than the AHL lifestyle. He needs to stay healthy to prove it out.
  7. I'd throw Cozens in that group too. He's close.
  8. Nice call Granato! Full marks to the crowd tonight.
  9. Cozens is getting there. Olofsson needs a consistent center.
  10. Love it when they they don't eff up a 3 on 1.
  11. That move should be called the Drunken Giraffe.
  12. Rob Ray with the 'Who are you wearing" interview.
  13. They got bored watching Skinner get mugged and decided to call a BS tripping call to liven things up.
  14. Man, the first line (Thompson, Skinner, Tuch) is playoff-quality. Dahlin is too.
  15. Right, they'd need something like $20M in cap space to do something like that. 😆. Seriously, not looking for them to sign 3 or 4 defensemen, but they had a chance to sign Reilly to upgrade the 7th defenseman (whether it's Bryson or Reilly), position and they let it pass. Would have helped? Who knows, but it it would have been a better look than doing nothing as the team plummets down the standings.
  16. This assumes that there will be no further injuries on defense. If that's the case, Adams can sit on his hands. However, if he assumes there will be injuries on defense, he might want to proactively address the potential disaster of Pilut and Fitzgerald re-joining the roster. Or he can stay on auto-pilot, while the losses pile up, believing his owner will continue to fail to hold him accountable based on the belief that the current roster is locked in and is destined to win multiple playoff series.
  17. Problem is the talent pool is years away and there is no plan to use the salary cap to better the roster while the talent pool matures. Hard to get behind the plan that someday, these guys might be good while the losses continue to pile up (again).
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