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Everything posted by jad1

  1. If Granato is shuffling lines, put Cozens and Tuch together.
  2. Sounds like Robin has been scammed by a literal snake-oil salesman.
  3. If Krebbs would have been stronger on that zone exit, Okposo's penalty wouldn't have happened. The zone exits need to be better for the Sabres to evolve into a playoff team.
  4. I know faceoffs aren't important, but Cozens might want to participate in the next one he takes.
  5. They're the color of casino carpets when Fredo was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time.
  6. Bills win, getting revenge for their early season loss to the Dolphins. Sabres win, getting revenge for their early season loss to the Coyotes. It's been a good night for vengeance. Happy Holidays everyone!
  7. Are you talking about last season when Eichel was on IR, waiting to have surgery and had no contact with the team, and thus no leadership impact?
  8. I also said that I thought they would improve in the standings, but they haven't done it yet. The point was that if Eichel's leadership was the anchor that some have claimed it was, getting rid of him should have resulted in an immediate and impressive improvement in the standings. It hasn't. It doesn't mean that the Sabres haven't improved in certain areas, because they have. It doesn't mean that they won't improve. It just means reasons they will improve will have nothing to do with Eichel's leaving, and more on the emergence of players like Thompson, Cozens, Dahlin, Quinn, and the rest.
  9. The Sabres posted 75 points last season, their 4th best season total since 2015. They are currently two points ahead of last place in the division. No doubt several of their young players are developing. And the fancy stats do suggest optimism. But the overall team progress in the standings does not suggest a team that has greatly improved since trading Eichel. I believe that the Sabres will eventually improve in the standings. But the gap in the timeline between Eichel leaving and the climb in the standings will suggest that the reason will have little to do with Eichel's leadership or lack thereof.
  10. No-showing for a period isn't a good look for a young team. This team seems to do it a lot.
  11. Yeah, he showed that he's not a top six forward tonight.
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