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Everything posted by kas23

  1. Here in Maryland, we closed our schools statewide on 3/12. NYC closed theirs on 3/16. I would classify that as a mistake that didn’t take any kind of special insight. NY is going to reopen schools if Covid test positivity results are less than 5% on a 14 day average. Maryland’s 7-day positivity rate is 4.69%. The 14 day rate is lower. That would qualify for reopening schools if we were in NY, but it’s been decided to go virtual for the 1st half of the year. Interestingly, our positivity rate of 4.69% earned us a travel ban to NY.
  2. And just think, Maryland and Pennsylvania rejected these games due to increased transmission risk. Forgot Canada too.
  3. Hotels must be ecstatic. That said, Buffalo will now have large groups of people from all over the US. To think they won’t be breaking quarantine would be naive. Shock Cuomo allowed this actually.
  4. That and also there has probably been a much greater urgency in getting every possible person immunized against the flu. We are about to see this here in the next couple months...but then again, people in the US may think getting a flu shot is restricting their freedom.
  5. Johnson has a $5M cap hit for the next 4 seasons. Taking on players like him has never worked out for us. If we were ever going to relieve TB of this problem, a great asset(s) has to be coming along with him. That said, I’m sure there will be at least 1 GM of a bottom feeder that will take him off their hands. This is how bottom feeders stay bottom feeders.
  6. The issue is that he was the one that created the problem in the first place. All those players coming off the books (except Bogo), he’s the one that gave them a spot on the team. Instead of actively trying to fix his problem, he used tincture of time (and the hope that players would lose their passion for hockey) to fix his problem.
  7. When I think of hard to play against, I think of Barnaby smiling with his mouth full of metal teeth. That team was a bitch to play against. When they weren’t grinding you down, they were eff’ing with you. And it was constant.
  8. Shocking. But, it makes sense for them to be playing in another MLB stadium while the “home” team is away.
  9. Dude’s a scum based on those comments. But he does have a point about Weir and why he was terminated. This issue may come down to what exactly was documented in his termination. Was it due to him speaking openly about his sexual desires or was it due to classless behavior? One last thing. I remember when I was in middle school, I traded a Jeremy Roenick rookie card for an Ed Belfour rookie card. Bad trade?
  10. Nice analyst. But, you’re missing the biggest factor. Don’t forget the pull ups! Zero, zilch, nada. It was all downhill from there on in. Seriously, the hockey combine may be a joke, but why not prepare? I see dudes as big as he was doing pull ups at the gym all the time (or used to :()
  11. I will say this though, in terms of double standards, the mods around here are tolerable. Go on to the Bills message board for awhile, then come back. It’s like a breath of fresh air. I’ve never seen mods that are that vindictive and opinionated. Even though I may like the Bills more than the Sabres (who doesn’t right now?), I always come here for a dose of intelligence and reason.
  12. I have a feeling I’m just being used as a pawn in some other argument you may be having. So be it. However, I’ll let nfreeman decide, but I don’t think writing the word “politics” or “political” makes a post political. It’s usually the negative insinuations towards other posters and endless arguing that usually pop up when people start talking about their political views or beliefs.
  13. Who is defending who? I’m merely stating facts. Personally, I think everyone should be wearing a mask. We’re not required to wear one here, but everyone does. I was merely pointing out facts. This debacle in Georgia is not about the pros and cons of wearing a mask like the media would like you to believe. Every politician believes you should wear a mask in Georgia. It’s about a political power struggle between two politicians who don’t see eye to eye.
  14. There’s a big difference between requiring people and putting them in jail. Like I wrote, we are “required” to wear masks in Maryland. At the same time, they make it clear that they will not pursue charges against anyone who chooses not to. Everyone does.
  15. No. What was directly implied was that the Governor didn’t want people wearing masks and was suing a Mayor who wanted people wearing masks. And I’m not sure what you are saying about “banning” masks. No one is taking that position. Again, all these politicians are pleading with their constituents to wear masks. What brought on the lawsuit was the punishment of $1000 and up to 6 months of jail. I live in Maryland. Governor Hogan has asked everyone to wear masks. He even said it was an “emergency directive”. He also said, while it is law, it will not be enforced and there will be no punishment for wearing a mask. What has happened? Civility did. We all wear masks. Everyone.
  16. This is actually fake news. If people read beyond the headline (or the tweet), which 99% of readers don’t do, you’ll see it’s a political tug-o-war between the Atlanta Mayor and the Gov of Georgia. First, both are on record clearly saying everyone should be wearing a mask in public. This lawsuit is about who has the right to make restrictive directives. The Gov‘s emergency directive specifically says no city can make make laws more restrictive than the state-wide ones. Mayor Bottoms went and placed a fine and jail time up to 6 months for not wearing a mask in public. Then the lawsuit came.
  17. Who is Alex Nylander? Tell us who Jokiharju compares to, Dom.
  18. Yep. Energy is a very cyclical industry. If he hasn’t recognized that by now, he wouldn’t be an owner of professional sport teams. My guess is that the majority of his assets are tied into non-energy at this point. Nevertheless, it appears the Sabres are losing a good amount of money yearly. No business person would like that.
  19. Of course they are. Players are likely salivation. Big contracts are done for the time being. Players will cash in however they can. Desperate times calls for desperate measures I guess.
  20. I think the days of taking on salary dumps is over for now. It’s not just the Sabres that are hurting, but likely every team that actually has salary cap room. They have this room for a reason. I don’t think they are going to fill it up with other teams mistakes. If it does happen, I can see it being a Brock Osweiller trade, where the team gets assets to take on the dump.
  21. Agreed. You can’t lengthen the season for players who aren’t playing in the CBA-approved playoffs. But you can assign their order based on how well they play in their remaining 10-15 games. Lol at the comment of giving the top pick to playoff team. It’s almost surreal.
  22. I’m not so sure if teams will like the distinction of winning the Piss Cup and the CBA wouldn’t allow it. That said, they could draw a line with 10-20 games left. Of those that are mathematically eliminated from the playoffs, the team that wins the most games for the rest of the season wins the 1st, the 2nd most games, the 2nd, etc. It would make it extremely hard to tank, but if a team did, it would make it competitive. Teams in play for a playoff spot wouldn’t qualify and would fall into draft order based on their end of the season record. No lottery. The issue with the trade deadline is, it’s almost like a date on the calendar teams officially give up. This would eliminate that as well. More butts would remain in the seat until the end of the season = more league revenue.
  23. What is the logic behind hiding injuries (or even Covid)?
  24. I’m not quite sure why the Canucks are trying to dump BB. They certainly have other people they could dump, but maybe he’s the only one that would net them decent assets in return. But, yes, they have cap problems. So basically they are looking for draft picks and/or prospects? The only thing we have in this department is #8.
  25. No, I was definitively joking about the Eichel talk. But was serious about Skinner and forgot about his NTC. Other than that, he’s a good asset, but apparently doesn’t seem to be in our plans.
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