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Everything posted by kas23

  1. I would’ve sent them the rights to Johnson.
  2. I’d take Samsonov as a reclamation project, but only if he comes cheap and doesn’t have an attitude problem.
  3. The price of others may not matter if they don’t want to come here.
  4. I’m happy for him. Imagine being that young and suddenly getting paid that much money to play a game you love. Congrats to him.
  5. I think there’s a healthy trade market for decent goalies. I would sign the best goalie we can get for the 4-5 year term they want. I won’t give them a NMC though. If Levi or whoever is progressing faster than planned, you ship them out to the highest bidder. If he’s not, then we still have our decent goalie.
  6. All I’m saying is you suggested this was a “need” pick instead of a BPA. And I’m saying we have needs everywhere, so you can’t distinguish the two. We have no centers in our pipeline, so were all of our first rounders also need over BPA? Heck, you could also say defensemen are a need too based on who we had playing in Rochester last year.
  7. How so? If anything, it’s a reminder to keep drafting them. They take forever to finally reach the NHL and if you miss on one, you’re in our current situation.
  8. But isn’t this an inherent part of the draft itself? Teams are drafting players because their pipeline needs players.
  9. How can this be “need” when everyone and their sister knows this kid won’t reach the Sabres for at least 4-5 years?
  10. Agreed. It’s a stunning thing to behold. I also feel if he also grew a mullet, he could fill the void Eakin is going to leave on the roster.
  11. I disagree. Not saying you’re wrong, but the Pegulas didn’t come into the conversation until the 1:32 mark. It was the question specifically about Kevyn which caused the tears to flow. He pulled himself together enough to mention the Pegulas at the end.
  12. That’s gender insensitive. It’s chest-feeding.
  13. Our defense played much better when Dahlin was playing his off-hand for the last 10 or so games. I don’t see why he shouldn’t be considered a RHD going forward. He put up 9 point in his last 10 games.
  14. If all 3 are in the NHL, then we really had a problem in developing what we already have. It likely means there were 3 failures already on the current roster. What KA is trying to produce is a logjam to get on the team. Right now we basically have a bare cupboard of prospects because most are already on the Sabres. The Amerks roster has been raided. We need to fill that hole back up. I hope Kulich plays for the Amerks for the next 3 years and we don’t need to call him up.
  15. I agree. I dug up this article earlier today. It’s a good read. While I don’t know if Portillo is going to walk, I don’t think leaving before graduation was ever an option for him. https://www.buffalohockeybeat.com/sabres-goalie-prospect-erik-portillo-stands-out-on-ice/ I’m not ready to write him off yet. Every article I read about him brings up his view of academics.
  16. Crap. In 4 years we’ll be wringing our hands over his pending free agency.
  17. So, where is this kid playing next year? Back to Winnipeg?
  18. And that stranger could very well be a KGB spy.
  19. We could’ve done that Husso deal, even if it ended up blowing up. 3 years is not a long time.
  20. Are we not allowed to have nice things?
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