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Everything posted by kas23

  1. I wish I had never heard this interview. The business with the chiropractor adjusting his bones to stop a seizure is just bizarre. Lastly, neither the Sabres nor the CBA were stopping Jack from having the surgery he wanted. It’s sad that narrative still exists.
  2. If Calgary is battling for a playoff spot, and they likely will be, or have already locked one in, they won’t be able to trade these 2 players. It’ll make no sense for a GM to dump 2 star players heading into the playoffs. So, we’ll have Gaudreau 2.0.
  3. I don’t like how he jumped teams like that. He just signed a 3 year contract and quickly lost love for the game, but suddenly found it again after sitting on his butt for 6 months. Kinda like Florida is his rebound. Florida should’ve sent them compensation.
  4. I don’t see the need. JJP and Quinn can both be on the roster with no one trying to push on from below. It’ll take 2-3 years until someone is ready to.
  5. Agreed, but in doing so, they would be entering into a rebuild. Do they want one more year to see if they can win? I guess they can wait till the deadline to see which way the wind is blowing. Would dump them either to Nashville or Dallas.
  6. So, we’ll just left the gang rape go by? Old news? Bygones be bygones? These allegations are beyond vile. She was unresponsive and a video has emerged and given to police. This is why it’s occurring 19 years later. Because she probably had zero evidence at the time and would likely be blamed by our culture of silence. It if negatively affects hockey, so be it. This is disgusting. Listen you yourself. What if this was your wife or daughter?
  7. He’ll fit right in with the Sabres.
  8. This is interesting and I didn’t know this either. I suppose there’s some players out there, maybe in Europe, who really don’t want to move to the US and play in the NHL. It’s just strange there’s no formal process of throwing your hat in the ring. Teams must really do their homework.
  9. Don’t count out that he may start a game or 3 for us this coming season.
  10. Fantastic bump. Fast forward in this time machine and we find out Dahlin is really a RHD.
  11. I would also paste all the unsportsmanlike plays too (stealing Burns stick, Perry’s stick, breaking his stick over Foote, etc), but don’t want to clog up the thread.
  12. This is the guy we should’ve had running things during the fax machine debacle. Fax machine is broken? No problem!
  13. I can afford hundreds of printer, but don’t own one. Buying ink is always a pain in the butt and runs out at the worse times. I just use the one at work for stuff, which is definitely a much more expensive than I would ever buy.
  14. Remember Hasek? If there’s one position that can get you deep into the playoffs, it’s the goaltender. They can singlehandedly get you there.
  15. These teams can do this, but I believe they can only do this after the season has started. They will need to get below the cap prior to the season’s start.
  16. Yep. Sounds like more of a Terry wish than one of Kevyn’s.
  17. Dylan Garand, a Rangers prospect. Hmmm…
  18. Personally, I think we’ve jumped from KA asking Johnson “he needs to figure out what type of player he is” to we better give him a spot so he doesn’t jump to FA. Has he really shown a difference between then and now? I would tell him that he would be invited to camp to compete for a spot on the team. But, that he’ll be competing against players that already have a good amount of NHL experience. We don’t need to rush him and we don’t need to bend over backwards to give him something based on a perceived threat. In this scenario, he starts in Rochester.
  19. It’s refreshing that we’ve apparently graduated from the boneheaded moves category.
  20. He has a NMC, so will have to consent either way.
  21. I dunno guys. Portillo seems more polished and was much more comfortable talking about his lost equipment, while Johnson just seemed immature and uncomfortable speaking. Not a knock against him, it’s just his mental development at this stage. I do think he’s looking at this camp as an audition, like he alluded to. He could’ve easily just said he’s going back to school. Why not? 2 others already have. But, he didn’t. I think this is a hard decision for him. I personally think he needs more time to grow up and become more comfortable in his own skin, so should go back to school.
  22. Geez, how does he really think things are going to go?
  23. Toker is gone. Needs to be updated with Plague. I mean Clague.
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