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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Ultimately I think the problem with racial discourse in this country is the left is willing to say race is an issue on anything where there's even the smallest possibility, and the right basically always dismisses it because people aren't literally saying "I hate the coloreds". Each of these tendencies feeds into the other, and we get stuck in a negative feedback cycle. The left's loosey goosey racial accusations only reinforces the right's belief that they just label everything racially, and that dismissal from the right only fuels the left's belief that the right is actively trying to deflect from real racist beliefs. And round and round it goes without meaningful dialogue to move things forward. However useless it is, the constant cycle of accusation and denial is self-reinforcing. What we really need is a large group of leaders on the left to say things like "Yea, bad things are likely to happen if you go for a cop's gun and that's not race-based" and a large group of leaders on the right to say "Yea, there are some very real racial biases that need to be addressed, and_____ is an example of it". Neither of those things appears to be on the horizon, unfortunately.
  2. I don't like seeing you grateful and joyous. How can I go about ruining your day? Create a Corsi statistic for politics? Call RJ washed up? :p On presidential health, here's a timely article on the scenarios if something happens to the top of the ticket: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-cage/wp/2016/09/14/what-happens-if-a-u-s-presidential-candidate-withdraws-or-dies-before-the-election-is-over/
  3. I can't believe you included Miller without a WTF wave gif. For shame. I'm sure PA will rectify this...unless Freeman broke his hands this morning.
  4. Risto is gonna have a huge season.
  5. Good to see Pekka Rinne in last season form.
  6. There's a joke about the Bills offense to be made here.
  7. Thanks. I can't believe I couldn't remember the lacrosse shoulder pads.
  8. Steve Shields! I was at the Philly playoff game where he fought...someone? Philly has had so many goalies it's hard to remember.
  9. Yes--gotta put ol' Ripper in the will.
  10. Fine, but when you get stuck with Pi's old avatar, you'll have nobody to blame but yourself.
  11. Yup. Marginal effects. I'm old enough to remember Romney promising under $2 gallon gas if he was elected. Then it happened... under Obama with no change in policy to promote it. Business cycle gon' business.
  12. Maybe next time you should construct your team as to not rely on a defense on Monday night. I'll be happy to offer fantasy football lessons for a reasonable price.
  13. Players always say that. Though to be fair, if a reporter got wind he was sore and sought a medical check, I can see how that'd get blown out of proportion pretty easily.
  14. Was there a stat correction or something? I could've sworn I had 124. No matter, pretty sure you'd win anyway.
  15. So if the Rams defense gets 8 points, my trash talk against WildCard will come to a screeching halt. Unfortunately for me, against the 49ers,I think it's more likely they get 80 than under 8.
  16. No joke: I was literally in the middle of doing this. Then the Watkins news broke, and I deleted it all and ranted :lol:
  17. We have enough pot smokers on the team to help with that. *ducks*
  18. Oh, me sideways with a rusty spoon. Abandon ship! Edit: if he's out because he re-injured his surgically repaired foot, somebody has to be fired. Everywhere I read said the biggest problem with that injury is potential for re-injury if the player comes back too soon...that the team itself would have to pump the brakes because players always want to come back too soon. And there we were in training camp, Sammy coming back sooner than anyone expected. For sake man :wallbash: Edit #2: this is in addition to rushing McCoy back last year, when everyone who has ever watched football knew that hamstring injuries linger and re-injure if not fully healed. Lo and behold, he got hurt again and had to miss time. These are the types of stupid decisions that get made when decision makers are under pressure to break a playoff drought of other people's making. Whenever a change happens, I hope the leadership team has the stones to tell the fans to be patient and deal with another year or two of missing the playoffs if that's what's necessary to build it right. And I hope the fans have the wherewithal to not hold that group accountable for the past 16+ years.
  19. Not sure how I missed that, but I did. The more ya know... :bag: Totally agree on your second point, btw.
  20. Got arrested for DUI in the run-up to the draft. And nobody will remember because they won.
  21. I didn't think it was possible, but somehow, the postgame hysterics are worse than the game itself.
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