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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Cyrus whiffed on one block big time, didn't see any other singular disasters. And I'm definitely not thrilled with the receiving corps, it's a problem. Though I think it's a manageable problem...unless they routinely need to have extra blockers in to protect a weak line. Really wish we'd have added someone to push Woods for the #2 role.
  2. If (and I mean if) Dak ends up being good, he's a nice example of why teams shouldn't shy away from players with questionable character. I'm mostly serious, but a small part of me is gratuitously baiting Freeman here :p
  3. I've found that effort is negatively correlated with great things emerging from constipation.
  4. Nah. I think at the root of everything is we've all been spoiled by watching two of the three best QBs ever (Brady and Manning) consistently compensate for dogshit supporting casts. Even modern great QBs can't do that. As Hoss mentioned, Brees, Ryan, the other Manning...they miss the playoffs all the time. When I say Tyrod needs a functional supporting cast, I mean I think he can be genuinely good in such circumstances, not just scrape by. If 10 is HoF, I think Tyrod is 7 with the right support and 4-5 without it. An average QB is 5-6 with the right support and 3-4 without it. Hope that clarifies.
  5. I'm not sure we're so far apart here in analysis, just expectations. I like Tyrod a lot, and I think we can be a playoff team with him...but he's not the QB who is going to completely cover up shortcomings elsewhere. He needs a functional unit around him, and didn't get that today. He can absolutely save broken plays, but if the OL is under siege all day, it'll be a struggle. So yea, he was bad today...but it's precisely what I'd expect out of him given the circumstances.
  6. I dunno. I didn't notice much of a drop-off from Glenn to Kouandjio (which isn't to say there won't be when teams can game plan the difference). I'll still be sad if we let Gilmore walk because we valued Glenn more highly (and I say this initially being pleased with the Glenn deal). Shush you.
  7. I can't say I agree. Tyrod isn't Brady or Manning, he doesn't make light speed reads, he needs time in the pocket. I don't think he's capable of being good when the line is a tire fire. I guess that still falls under the umbrella of bad, but it's very much the expectation. Anyway, at least the Jets lost. But I do think their DL is going to eat our offense alive on Thursday.
  8. They've gone with header blocking schemes to adjust. It's not working, but to say nothing has been done would be inaccurate. Who missed that tackle in the backfield? Didn't catch it.
  9. I'm just talking about the defense man. He has plenty of warts as a head coach :lol:
  10. I'm going to use this comment to launch my "I told you Rex wasn't the problem" tour. You're all invited to my weekly tour stops! :D
  11. Would anyone really care if special teams were completely eliminated?
  12. Has Flacco even targeted Gilmore's man since that early catch? Total blanket. Hope we keep him.
  13. Taylor isn't playing great, but man, Baltimore's DL is schooling our OL. How many pass plays has he had time to set and scan? 3?
  14. Jerry Hughes is great. I'll deal with a handful of personal fouls a year.
  15. You're lucky you hate Bylsma, or I'd label your sports opinions as worse than your movie opinions :p
  16. So, you noticed the giant cutback lane he missed too?
  17. Football as a sport is fine. It's the NFL that has issues. I dunno. What did Baltimore do that was so impressive?
  18. Curous type, eh? Check your PMs :w00t: Or... Maybe don't. Yea don't do that.
  19. Wasn't on TV for me, and didn't feel like going out. I wanted to watch, though.
  20. If both Kulikov turns out to be a legit top pair Dman and Asplund (my phone corrected this to Assplunder initially...dead serious) becomes even a 3rd line NHLer, this trade is O'Reilly 2.0.
  21. I'd be awfully surprised if she was distinguishing between voters and supporters the way we do here. That said, I don't think she was really off on the percentage (research evidence gathered over decades tell is 20-25% really do have racially prejudiced views). My point was, this type of rhetoric is pointless. Throwing bombs at the worst of the worst on the other side does absolutely zero to solve problems. I want a higher level of political discourse in this country, and this election is somehow managing to lower the level of discourse, which is pretty impressive since we've never exactly been a public of political philosophers. I worry this could become the new normal. As the left embraces similar rhetoric, it can no longer be written off as an artifact of Trump. That's decidedly a bad thing. Who said anything about not fighting back against Trump? Do it the right way. Go after his completely lack of political knowledge and understanding of how the government actually works. Attack the depth of his views.
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