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Everything posted by TrueBlueGED

  1. Good, I've always liked Dunleavy and think he's improved over time. I expect he'll continue to get better the more games he calls.
  2. I love Klefbom, especially at his current salary. But maaaaaaan that injury history. It's tough to commit to, but I think I'd do Risto for Klefbom + 10. I refused to get my hopes up for Dahlin. I will also refuse to get my hopes up for Tavares....may the results be similar though ;)
  3. Yea well, we don't want you, and look how effective that's been :p
  4. One of the relatively few O'Reilly trades I'd happily make.
  5. What!?!? Why?!? I have a hard time seeing Poile go full Bergevin.
  6. Do you want owners to meddle, or hire people and get out of the way?
  7. Has Bob had any bad seasons? I thought it was just the playoffs. And I think you just made the argument against spending big money on good-but-not-great goalies. I'd happily take Rinne for Bogosian, but let's not overrate Rinne in the process. $7 million for what Rinne is likely to give is a bad contract. It just happens to be better than Bogosian's. Edit: Lundqvist > all. 922 every freaking year.
  8. And for you to ignore the other bad seasons in between them :p Edit: of course, we also know that not all of the Vezina voting was supported by the numbers.
  9. Well, he was mediocre last year and terrible the year before. Taking the last three seasons in sum, I'd say mediocre is a pretty accurate description.
  10. Neither does anyone else opining on the quality of his leadership.
  11. Gio wasn't even close to one of the two most effective players on the team. He was downright awful until his minutes got cut way back, and there's a reason he sat most of the year without an NHL contract. On your second point, I agree that it's not realistic to expect him to actively undermine the coach. However, I think there's a middle ground there. He probably could have played a part in bridging the gap and bringing both sides together. But he chose to carry Bylsma's water instead.
  12. If Risto is so uncoachable, why did two consecutive coaches keep feeding him 27 minutes per game? I don't have any source on this or anything, it just seems incredibly odd to me; it really strikes me as people coming up with a post hoc explanation for why he hasn't developed me, when occam's razor would suggest maybe he doesn't have any more to give.
  13. *I* certainly don't care in the sense that it ended the drought and all of the commentary that comes with it. But when Freeman planted a flag in the ground declaring how impressive their win total was, inferring a level of capability of the regime, I took issue with that.
  14. The only sport I'd consider chess is football. Regardless, baseball remains unwatchable on TV. It might not be as bad as watching golf or NASCAR, but it's not too far off.
  15. Denver, Miami, and Oakland were all bad last year. This is the NFL, the previous season's record is pretty meaningless. None of those were quality wins.
  16. Hey now. Let's not conflate casual snark with actual anger. I make no claims of avoiding casual snark! :D See: Woody's correct opinion on the sport.
  17. I'm not even miserable! The playoff run was awesome! I just think it was more good fortune smiling on us than a sign the regime really is a cut above. I honestly can't believe a season like this didn't happen in the previous 17 years. Bad teams fall into the NFL playoffs all the time! This just happened to be our turn. Ahem. That's Mitch "Better than every QB in this draft according to Eleven" Trubisky.
  18. I most certainly will not freak out when a rookie QB tosses 3 picks against one of the best defenses in the league. In fact, I don't plan on freaking out with Allen at all. The most I plan on doing is either "Told ya so" or "GOOD LORD THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME HORRIBLY WRONG I LOVE YOU FOOTBALL GODS!!!!" That's kinda my point. I don't freak out over the inane.
  19. I didn't have a ton of faith in them to begin with, so yes :D
  20. Look, when I go off the handle over a game in the first quarter of a stupidly long season, then fine. Until then, you've got nothin'.
  21. Or how completely irrational their respective fan bases are.
  22. And got obliterated by several others. Anywho, it was merely a rebuttal to Freeman's obviously false claim of more quality wins than in the last 17 years combined.
  23. They beat two teams with a winning record.
  24. I can't imagine caring this much about a baseball game in early May.
  25. Except LeBron can, and does, play every position on the floor. He's more of a point forward than small forward anyway. His game means FAR more to his stats than his formal position on the depth chart. Of course, as someone who hasn't watched the league in nearly 20 years, I wouldn't expect you to appreciate what he does and how he does it.
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