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Sabres Fan in NS

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Everything posted by Sabres Fan in NS

  1. I highly doubt the PED suggestion here. It's much more likely that Tage is playing hurt and will have some sort of minor surgery after the season, or once the playoff have been officially missed. People tend to forget that he had a real tough go of it some seasons ago.
  2. Missed the playoff by 1 point last season. He's a coach in this league and a pretty darned good one. Fans are frustrated. The biggest issue this season has been the shift to focus on the defencive side of the game. The players are transitioning from a free-wheeling offencive game and it's a slow process. They are being taught how to play a tight game that will bring success in the playoff. I think they did this a year too soon. I believe if they played the style of last year the Sabres would be in the playoff at the end of this season, but likely eliminated in the first round. Then they would have a taste of playoff hockey and see what it takes to win in the playoff. They would be more receptive of changing their game.
  3. Welcome to our little corner of the internet. Seeing that you are a youngster I did not send you my traditional welcoming beer thingie. Losing may be accepted in the arena, but I don't think it is expected. And coach is not going anywhere soon. Maybe in the offseason, but I doubt it.
  4. This thread is freaky. In and out at either end and confusion / nonsensicalness in the middle.
  5. No deadline deal is going to make or break this season. I expect minor moves if any. The coming offseason may be another story. Most 'hockey trades' happen in the summer, especially if a team is not likely to play a big role in the UFA transfer window. Adams will stick to his plan. It is just now starting to show some results - growth of young players. Adams will keep his powder dry for another year or two until the Sabres are a perinial playoff team. Then at some point he will make a trade deadline deal that he feels has a reasonably good chance to get the Sabres their long saught after cusp and maybe even a cup.
  6. I feel better about this playoff than even the 4 Superbowl years. I just have a feeling that this is the year. The OT loss against the Eagles really sparked something. That and the new OC and the inspired D play has the Bills firing on all cylinders.
  7. The Sarbres are leading in SOG. What day is it? Oh, yeah ... it's a January 20, 2024 miracle.
  8. Those are studly numbers right there. The last 2 are pretty fancy and I don't care about them, or at least don't know what I am looking at. The first 3 are clear enough for me.
  9. 13:30 real time !! Nice break in the day. I am starting to work everyday again. Damn !! Someone remind me why I went for those blasted letters after my name. Anyway ... MUST WIN !! GO SABRES !! SWORDS !! This will be a good test.
  10. When I was a kid my cousins used to love the snow in Elma. They said it was great until the lake froze over and there was no moisture from it so snow was minimal. When was the last time Lake Erie froze ? I am guessing maybe 10 years ago. No freeze = more snow in Buffalo and area.
  11. Yous know quoting yourself is a sign of ..........
  12. At this point I think it is far more likely for Adams to trade A goalie than to trade FOR a goalie. There !! I've said it. 6K !! 6K !! 6K !!
  13. I don't get all the 'Bills Mafia' hate. Don't think of The Godfather trilogy. Don't think about gansters and hit men and organized crime. The Mafia (traditional Sicilian) was intensly loyal. That is why a certain element of Bills fans started calling themselves that. It has stuck and has garnered positive national attention.
  14. FIRE ADAMS !! Travel ban lifted in the city right around the arena does not mean much.
  15. Other than Turkish / Bosnian, eh !!
  16. Hey @PASabreFan, Your account has been hacked by the kittens and sunshine crew again.
  17. @Thorny why the eyerole thingie ?? It was a joke. Maybe a *dad joke*, but a joke none the less.
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