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Everything posted by Huckleberry

  1. My colleagues now wondering who this Kevyn idiot is 😄
  2. You can use som hawk tuah, might brighten your mood 😜
  3. Im probably only one liking this pick 🙂
  4. Just Imagine Toronto trying to make space for him by trading Marner and Stamkos then signs with Buffalo.
  5. He is from Detroit, would figure he would play for them.
  6. Probably going to Detroit, Wouldn't mind him next to Power though.
  7. The way I see it, this draft is a bit of a crap shoot after the top 3. Mock drafts are all over the place more than any year I seen them. I would be more pissed about this trade as a Sharks fan.
  8. Went with Helenius, don't think Iginla will drop. Eiserman I know nothing about but if liger likes him sure why not 🙂
  9. The sens sure do love trading for players that are not locked up long term. I think Linus sees this as a year where he can prove to the league he can play 60 games as 1A and get a long term 7 mill AAV deal somewhere else. The sens worst case have a goalie they can trade at the deadline and get a good return.
  10. Personally I would still love to see Reinhart win it, but im not biased either way. 🙂
  11. Got to love that this went to a game 7 though , unless you are a panthers fan.
  12. I think him and Benson pulled the most PP for our team last year. Not any stats out there for that?
  13. I don't know about this, besides him being overpaid by 2 million, he does bring us 30 goals a year. And really don't see him as the big locker room cancer some are making him out to be.
  14. Its ok, he is not worth 3.6 million anyway, he really isn't that good like he was for Tampa.
  15. Looks to be more of a move to be able to reach cap floor, that team is tanking one more year.
  16. Manager titles are handed away like free candy on Halloween nowadays. I know plenty 'managers' making less than me 😄
  17. Maybe he needs to bulk up still , but the Swedes compared him with Forsberg once and I can't get that out of my head 😄
  18. Guess I need to keep mid june 2025 free now 😛
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