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Everything posted by ubkev

  1. Ennis stares at the ice and kicks a stick around like a fat kid in right field. Hodgson says mean things while being held back with 2 fingers.
  2. ######!!!!!! I didnt get home in time to bet and,i didnt have my phone! I would have bet the sabres all in though so if boston wins it was over either way.
  3. What was the point of the article in general. I'm willing to bet 10 bucks that at least one of the seven qbs he likes better than EJ wont start more than 5 games in the NFL. Crap article.
  4. No you're not the only one. Classic fat trimming/some vp sitting in his office cutting pennies in half, trying to figure out how to do more work with less staff.
  5. Im kinda partial to the wife beater and cargo shorts look, myself.
  6. I didn't say no filth flarn filth, and I'm offended that you called!
  7. This was fun again ladies and gents. Nobody, thanks again.
  8. Agreed! Which is why im thankful that genetics blessed me with speed and the ability to be sturdy on my skates, and absolutely no moral compass at all! I will ever so graciously put that guy on his ass simply by turning up ice and steppin in front. Most of the time they get the hint to control themselves after the first one. The refs in my league are also very good at seeing that nothing gets out of control. We havent had anything but a staged just joking kind of fight in at least 4 years. Seriously? Must be the only action he can get. We have i think 3 girls in our league. 2 of whom played big time college hockey and one who is just getting exercise. I dont think ive ever seen them get hit. Its not a pity party or anything because they can actually play, i think it may be a latent chivalry thing coming to the surface.
  9. I'll take that bet. I see your back to Philly/ Detroit cheap and I'll raise you a He's out of the league forever after the last game this year.
  10. My season starts next week!!! Holy hell im excited! Been off the ice for 2 months and i cant take it anymore. Last session i played, my team won it all. After that we got the cup engraved and we hung a banner in the arena (great use of corporate sponsors) at the banner raising ceremony we had Bobby Day, the PA announcer for the WBS Pengins read a montage and the championship roster. It was kinda epic.
  11. Haha, i know. I've done it before. I grew up with tim and tom, that's the only reason i noticed.
  12. 26CB I must express my disappointment with your GDT. Tom Sestito is a Vancouver Canuck. His older brother Tim Sestito is a New Jersey Devil. Come on man!!! Seriously though, how do you have the patience to go through all this every game for this garbage team. Gold star for you!
  13. This list of for sports droughts.
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