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Mustache of God

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Everything posted by Mustache of God

  1. The off center jumbo tRon is not as distracting as I thought it would be... 12 shots after two periods is pathetic. I hope they find their legs for the final frame.
  2. What a snooze fest tonight. Ullmark looked interfered with on that goal...was expecting DB to throw the flag on that. Boring uninspired hockey today, which is disappointing because I don't see them often
  3. I'll also be in attendance tonight for my second game of the year. I was at the 2nd game of the season (first lightning loss) and I'm hoping to see a little more spark for the game. I'm worried about my seats because my idiot friend bought limited viewing seats in section 104...well see how that goes. I'll also probably miss the beginning of the game as I have a beer league gameat the chelsea piers at 530. It'll be a race on my bicycle to get down to Barclay for the game. Anyone know if Ullmark is starting?
  4. I'll tell you who it won't be, Gionta, unless missing the net can somehow turn into a hatty. Eichel ROR or, as a few have mentioned D-London and I mean that with all seriousness. Anyoke know who scored the sabres last hat trick? I can't recall.
  5. Perhaps it's an elaborate conspiracy theory set up by RJ himself to ease the eventual passing of the torch to DD. RJ has a great call lined up and he's secretly whispered it to DD already and is intentionally "tanking" his own call of Eichel, the generational player that RJ knows is not of his generation. He knows his time is running out and how it won't be easy for DD to fill his shoes. This mis-call by RJ is a selflessly clever way to ease the burden for DD. At least that's how I see it cause yeichel is just turds.
  6. Looks like the refs got the memo that cross checking is a penalty for this game.
  7. Blown 5 on 3. Couldn't really get a puck on net. Fransen is starting to look like zhitnik with some of those shots.
  8. Nice to have one of those goals with less than a minute left go in for our benefit. How many goals does jack put up before he gets an assist?
  9. Looks like there was a reason nobody picked him up in the off-season. Glad Murray didn't sign him to any considerable length even though two seasons might be too much for my liking. It's still early though so maybe he can turn up the offense.
  10. The past two seasons have conditioned me to figure the game over with if the Sabres went down by 2. I have to re-assimilate into the mindset that the Sabres have some fight and have the ability to come back. On a completely different note, F Crosby.
  11. Seriously. In addition to the Sabres and Bills this past weekend I had games in the two hockey leagues I play in on weekends and my teams lost both games. It's been a rough stretch of days.
  12. Everyone crying for Eichel and Kane to be separated should be happy.
  13. This is the play we should be expecting out of Johnson. Hopefully Ulmark shows some jam tomorrow.
  14. Ok noys. Quick power play play goal here. I smell a comeback
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