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Everything posted by LTS

  1. Lazy, at this level, is a relative term I think. Staying late doesn't always mean you play your butt off on the ice. A few players on this team are playing a perimeter game. Eichel is the poster child for it right now. There are others. They play a stick check game when body check is required and their stick checks are hopeful swings as they drive by the puck carrier.
  2. I'm not saying that marketing isn't a good thing. But let's not overplay it. As for stress, there's certainly something to it. But it's still not the same as other walks of life. It's still a game. I know players. The one's who didn't really make it. I think the biggest demon they live with is knowing they couldn't make it. It's not the stress from others but the expectations they had for themselves that they could not live up to. There's a level of belief and confidence they have to have just to persevere but when it ultimately doesn't pan it's hard to accept. The same pride that got them so far works against them when it comes to an end. There's a point where people have to come to grips with the concept of "I did everything i could and I couldn't do any more."
  3. Wouldn't it be great if they could make a living as musicians as opposed to soldiers? Thanks for sharing.
  4. People are still watching games because they are fans and they get to vent. But you take that away from them and it won't be worth the effort. 2 - https://www.espn.com/espn/otl/story/_/id/9109024/top-athletes-charities-often-measure-charity-experts-say-efficient-effective-use-money The Sabres routinely visit what entities? Those non-profits that are Gold Ring Sponsors? Appearance clauses aren't necessarily charity work so much as contractual obligations of marketing the league and organization. 3 - There is zero proof of this. 4 - everyone is held accountable. If you outspend your wages, you outspend your ages. You spoke of the stress, whatever. Not everyone works harder to get where they are. They may work harder relative to those who have a similar skillset. As hard as I work, I will never beat Usain Bolt in the 100m. 5 - Really? farm workers, construction workers, law enforcement. You ever watch Dirty Jobs? Yeah.. there are some jobs out there that really suck and subject the body to all kinds of abuse. There's nothing wrong with a crazy idea, but before you implement it you really need to think it through. Determine what are the real constraints. You could solve for world peace by killing everyone but 1 person... as long as they weren't self-conflicted. That's a crazy idea too.
  5. Of course this is sports and its a business. So, even if he said it, it might not be true. Just like athletes saying "They never wanted to leave." There's an amount of public statement that can be made and it doesn't necessarily ever align with the truth.
  6. My country banned all non-essential travel yesterday. Of course you'd think a company looking to cut expenses would ban that anyway. I guess we had someone possibly test positive in one of our Washington state offices.
  7. Mountains of booger sugar will not help your long term prospects of a normal life. Source? First person observance in around 1993. That's all I will say. I am sure that didn't help his choices growing up. People around him need to intervene and get him help.
  8. Yep, he was also annoyed when Larsson skated by him and they didn't transfer the puck cleanly. Jack has to learn to take his prima donna skill and lose the prima donna attitude. After he was held along the boards (and he was held) he stood there yelling at the ref. He slowly skated up the ice. Then after the play he went BACK to the ref again to complain. The ref just shooed him away.
  9. There's a simple phrase in sports.. and in some cases life. "Don't be bitter, be better." If the criticism is accurate, then accept reality. In this case, fans don't like losing. They don't like spending their money in support of hockey players who aren't going to go out there and do everything they can. Enforcement of this idea would require such a big brother atmosphere that no one would go to a game. The desired outcome would lead to many people not attending games (because it won't stop at booing) and the system would crumble. 2 - The players are obligated in many ways to do this charity work. In many cases, players who start their own charities operate them as a form of tax shelter. 3 - You want a shot at the bigs you gotta pay the price. The minor leagues are minor for a reason. Players get paid a low amount, but they also have a lot of things provided while with the team. Not every job can pay the big bucks... in any line of business. 4 - People who go bankrupt do so through their own ignorance. This is doubly true if you are making the salaries NHL players make. The "pressure" is a cop out. NHL players don't have half the pressure on them as an urban, single parent, making $35k a year with 2 kids. The taxes? There are ways around all of that. Expenses? You live within your means. If you want to live the rich lifestyle without being rich, you are going to lose. All copouts. 5 - No, they don't. Players risk long term physical and mental ailments from a life of being hit and hitting. No one makes them choose that job and the risks that come with it. Moreover, those problems aren't reserved for professional athletes. There are plenty of professions that subject the body to constant stress and lead to physical ailments down the road. Since you are here to share your opinion you should consider the points being made against you. They are largely valid. If you are truly concerned with advancing your opinion you'll need to find a way to overcome the objections. Time to dig deep and come up with something better.
  10. Funny, I enjoy watching 21, 22, 28 play. I enjoyed watching Lazar. They play like they care. The body attitude permeating off the ice on 9 and 26... not so much. Certainly not last night.
  11. Hah yeah. Driving 4 kids last night.. there's no way I even consider it. I see you are in Lincoln.. I was planning on being there for work in the next month or so, but they just stopped all travel. I'll let you know if I reschedule.
  12. And that every time he's on the ice players are looking for him.. even if they should not be. But he's also checked out. No, I don't think he scores much more the rest of the year. Sadly I think this team will drop like an anchor.
  13. Okay.. I am recovered from last night. Easily the most tired I've been after a game and I didn't consume a drop of alcohol! As we entered the arena last night the boys were greeted and asked if they wanted to be participants in Bubble Soccer between the 2nd and 3rd period. At that moment I knew my night was going off the rails. Okay, so for the game. Unfortunately missed a good part of the 2nd period as we were escorted into the depths of KBC. Here's what I saw.. 1. WTF is with that first Pens goal (no I have not read this thread) 2. Jack is into WGAF mode again. He floated. He had a chance to lay a GREAT body check and did not. He whined all night. That's the wrong Jack. That's the Jack that I want traded. He's worthless and frankly I think that impacts the team overall. I just think no one in the locker room wants to say it. 3. I know it's easy to blame the GM, but honestly, the team is quitting right now. This is a team that has won games but not when they play like this. One could argue that Botterrill needs to get guys who won't quit on a season and I'd agree, but right now it's the captain who appears to be that player. Could he trade Eichel if he wanted to? I don't think he'd be allowed to do it. The team needs talent, but it needs a reason to play. They aren't good enough yet, so without that fire, they are going to get walked over. Of course, I, personally, would use such a pro-Pens crowd to be motivated.... but that's me. Overall the team had chances, but they are playing passive hockey again. They are backing out off the forecheck too soon. If they have an opportunity they are trying to run a 2 man forecheck but there were plenty of times last night where I think they could pressure the puck on a forecheck and they simply moved out into a 1-4 blue. That said... watching these idiots destroy each other on the ice was awesome. My son is the blue player next to the red player. One of the guys had to be on red.. ?
  14. Well, in this case it's accurate. You get pass. ? Indeed. Ahhh yup.
  15. Yeah.. and you can take it down even further. I played against a kid from Ohio State one year (when I was 23). He never played professionally anywhere and still made us all look stupid on the ice.
  16. The good news with self-publishing is that you can start and no one else has rights or control. There are quite a few authors out there who started that way and then grew their business. It could help to seek a few out and potentially get their feedback or read on their experiences.. Since I don't know any publishers, it's the best I can offer. ?
  17. I'll be there tonight. Taking my son and 3 of his friends to the game as part of celebrating his 16th birthday. Lord help me the 4 of them (friends in life, hockey and baseball teammates) are insane when they are together. I'm looking forward to it. Hope the Sabres win. That would be nice. ?
  18. Might be that every thread doesn't need to have the management pulled into it? I mean, this can very well just be a conversation about the salary cap right? This is what permeates this forum. I get it, people aren't happy, but when every thread devolves into commentary about management, it starts to lose its shine. I fast forward through most threads now because they all seem to boil back down to complaining about the situation at hand. It's not just you, but in this thread, it was you.
  19. For me, people who do this, about anyone, only succeed in getting me to dismiss them as reasonable. It's shallow to do.
  20. That's how I see it working. I think Biden will get the nod. And boy won't that be interesting to watch those two sides go at each other. Hoooooooooo
  21. Who's the author? Has she considered self-publishing?
  22. All the pep talks in the world don't overcome the reality that you aren't making the playoffs...
  23. Sucked that the Sabres played Colorado who have won 7 straight and then Vegas who I believe had a winning streak going but are 8-2 in their last 10. You go up against hot teams, it sucks. Arizona was the game they had no excuse for... they started out well and then bombed... big time.
  24. Everyone thinks it is the worst possible outcome, until someone else set a new low bar. We thought the Sabres points in 2013-2014 was awful.. a points % of .317. That's awful... but that's only the 46th worse points % season in NHL history -> https://records.nhl.com/records/team-records/standings-points/fewest-points-season-70-game-min The Red Wings this year are at a .257 pace.. only 35 points.. yikes. I mean.. it's not good, but someone will come along and make it not seem so bad. You just have to wait. ?
  25. And has been mentioned before.. what if that problem is #9? He seems to be better this year.. but in the past there were plenty of reasons to think it might be. It might still be for all we know.
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