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Everything posted by CallawaySabres

  1. J Banks - best suit for the money by a mile.......
  2. Cancel the season already. I would be totally fine taking a break from the misery of Buffalo sports for a year. No hockey and the Bills season should be over in about 3 weeks. Hey, at least the Bills made September exciting 2 years in a row!
  3. I was telling everyone who would listen that too many people people were concentrating on how bad the Jets O was going to be and not worrying about a defense that may be #1 in the league. You just knew our 3rd string QB was going to get ruined in NY
  4. It's called sunshine but I can't get the "time for a champion" line out of my head. This will be blaring on my first drive to the arena this season.
  5. Although I am not a big fan of BO, I did want to see his speech in case it was of the historic type and I gotta tell ya, it was like watching a balloon fly through the air while listening to the squeaking sound of it fizzling away. Instead of speaking with confidence, he just kept on saying how difficult it has been and how difficult it will be. Yes, it has been difficult but he had all the backing he could possibly want (those first 2 years especially) and not much was done. Compare the hope and change speech to this one and I see a guy who has lost his flare.
  6. Liars - all of them, everywhere, all the time......
  7. I truly did not know what I wanted to do: 1) punch the TV 2) throw up a little bit in my mouth
  8. Do any of these idiots on stage really expect us to believe them (much less have SYMPOTHY for them) over their tough go of it. Only the zombies in the crowd get choked up when they hear these stories (which is what they are) about how they had holes in their cars and such. This goes for the Republicans as well as the Democrats and it is pretty funny to see people eat it up....
  9. It was Obama's personality, charm and timing that got him into the office in 2008. Add the fact that many people were not going to vote for the Republican party after Bush's run was over (no matter who the name was) and you have an Obama victory. With the experience he had heading into that election, there is really no surprise as to the outcome 4 years later. He promised change over and over and people wanted to believe it.....
  10. This whole politics thing would make a lot more sense to me if they just got rid of the parties and people actually voted on who had the best ideas. What a concept! I would love to see how many people actually changed the person they voted for if they had no party attachment. The whole political process reminds me of an NFL season in reverse. In the NFL, the meaningless part of the season is right now where the teams show you nothing and then all the goods come out when week one starts. In politics, they promise all the good stuff now and then none of it is ever delivered once they are elected. Why I even thought of that - I have no idea......
  11. Just go back to the original blue and gold with the logo. Jesus H Christ, how difficult is it. Get rid of the black crap they have now and get the freakin' colors back.
  12. I hear ya. Honestly though, here is how I feel. If game one never happens until October 2013, I'll get over it. If they drop the puck at the opener vs Pitt, I'll be there with bells on. Either way, wake me up when the decision has been made.
  13. Honestly, at this point, I have never been less excited about an upcoming season. Once football starts (and the lockout continues), I will not even care if the entire season is cancelled. They all make me sick to my stomach and the nearly 3K I pay for 21 games serves as a steady reminder that they can all kiss my a$$. Cancel the season and know that this Buffalo fan won't miss the non playoff roster that barely shows up on a regular basis. I'll put my money towards a family vacation that will probably serve as a hell of a lot better memory. Even if the Bills miss the playoffs again, the tailgates and friendships will be well worth the $$ spent.
  14. Drool would be Girgensons making 3rd line Center while Leino was traded...then leaving Ott on the wing
  15. Well, as positive as I have tried to be on the lockout, no way in Hell this gets resolved by the September date. Not sure if I want them to target January 1 or just cancel the season. What a shiitshow this is going to be AGAIN
  16. Oh my gosh yes, Fox is only ONE of the offenders. Not only the reporting they do but the LACK of reporting that is done when it might offend the Obama side of things.
  17. 8 years and counting where there is nobody that jumps out at me. I am starting to wonder if I truly get behind someone 100% ever again with the way politics are these days. It is so freakin' corrupt and makes me sick to my stomach even looking at these people. Having said that, I just can't bring myself to the Obama vote....
  18. Bingo, you got it! That place is ridiculous (Mingh Cafe) - especially the crispy beef...
  19. Elmwood Taco & Sub - Taco Supreme (too bad their subs went down the crapper, used to be best in the city up until 10 years ago) Hutch's - Petite filet with brandy cream sauce BarBill - Medium cajun wings Chinese Restaurant on Main -incredible crispy beef (name escapes me) Mr Pizza - pizza (have not had in a while but I thought it was the best) Someone tell me where I can get a good toasted sub in East Aurora area.....
  20. The only people that ever thought he was coming here live in a 30 minute radius from the city of Buffalo. Doan never had interest in coming East (least of all Buffalo). Stick with the team they have now, try and land a 7-8, seed, let the new guys grow a year and make the real push next year....
  21. I would be shocked if Sabres were not at least "in the running" with the money being thrown at him. Having said that, I have pretty much written off the Doan thing.
  22. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=401361 Doan visiting Montreal next week? Now that would be interesting....
  23. Damn, Rangers are going to be a HUGE obstacle for Pegula now. NY is building a real powerhouse and as long as Henrik is in top form, they are going to be tough as nails. Sabres need at LEAST one huge addition this year or next if they are going to keep pace..
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