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Everything posted by Wyldnwoody44

  1. Looks like me and juju have a good one going on.... I needed Manning to have a bigger 2nd half tonight..... I think you'll edge me this week with a QB and a kicker in play compared to a lions backup RB.... Still tho its nice when they're close like this
  2. I don't even have a starter for RB, so I'm rooting for a frank gore, Reggie Bush injury, my WR core isn't too impressive either.... Anyone wanna trade with me lol
  3. Sabres are gonna win the cup this year..... While being dead last in scoring Enroth/neuvirth combo will accomplish a total of 62 combined shutouts Nolan will fight someone on the other teams bench Our leading scorer will be lucky to have 20 goals St Louis does a 180 and takes the 1st overall pick Oh and everything I post this year will be a steaming pile of dog s#it
  4. Haha you dastardly fellow!!!! Good luck to all, and here's to hoping the waiver wire finds me well!!!!
  5. If Manning goes down then ill average around 50 pts a week, Damn I'm never auto drafting again, I didn't know what I was doing. I feel like the buffalo Bills of the sabrespace league haha
  6. Thanks I'll be sure to do that, I just have such a hard time keeping up with the league and news like I used to. How did he get suspended
  7. I'd be willing to part with Manning for a decent QB and an upgrade to my RB/WR position..... But right now I need a record year again. Good thing this is a free league..... I was so excited to draft, then a Damn baby had to be born
  8. hmm that's odd, I def didn't put those 2 positions up very high, then again I've never really auto drafted before and I had a hard time finding my way through the site, granted I was on mobile a lot..... Here's to hoping I get some luck on my side because I'm one injury away from becoming the ville Leino of this league
  9. I think the bills and sabres will both peak around the same time.... 2-3 years.... Then instead of arguing, we'll be getting our stomachs pumped from the excessive celebrations
  10. I think a C..... I only had a lil bit of time do research on my preset draft rankings on the off chance I got called into work, and of course I did..... I got Manning and the Seahawks D but other than that, I'm sorely lacking
  11. Damn I missed it and had to auto draft, frickin work..... team doesn't seem too terrible tho
  12. I'm still on the galaxy S3 I hate hate hate iPhone... My power button on the side finally took a poop, but I downloaded button savior and all is well now..... I hate changing phones
  13. Girgs, he has a great game and has missed some easy scoring chances last season, I'm looking for his tenacity to pay off on the score sheet. Enroth, it's time to prove that height isn't a make or break stat for goalies.... No more pre game coffees Obviously Stafford because of a contract year, although if he has a phenomenal year I want him traded because the cycle of him playing well in a contract year is growing old on me Lastly, I want to see Hodgson step up into a #2 role and up his defensive game as well, it's a year that he needs if he wants to stay off the trading block.
  14. In my journey I accidentally signed up for 3 different leagues, anyone know how I can get out of the ones I don't need, I can't find options anywhere
  15. got it, thanks..... I gotta get outta the other 2 leagues I accidentally joined now, man I hate technology I've got woody is going for the championship!!!
  16. So I joined, I think I'm in the right one.... Is there a "Peyton team" and a "yo mama" Also how do I set my rankings just in case I miss it? I haven't done one through NFL before
  17. With the hours I work, it's tough for me to ever win these leagues and hopefully I can make it to draft time... But consider me in as the dark horse!!
  18. I have to agree that EJ seems to like his check downs an awful lot, which usually means his receivers aren't open or he gets a bit panicked easily, his progressions don't seem smooth in the preseason so far and he does stare down his receivers from the little I've seen.... I still think the jury is out on the Hackett/Marrone combo as well. There are some bright spots, our #1 D and O line looks fairly decent, having Kiko would def be a boost, but I can see the team clawing it's way to a. 500 season with a little luck
  19. same spelling too?? Crap I knew there was one out there I forgot about..... Seems I owe you some allowance and such Btw I hope sabres take #1, even tho they won't
  20. IMO tiger is pretty much washed up, ever since the incident, his play has been bad, and he's had injuries as well.... Fowler and Mickelson were really battling it out yesterday and I was rooting for the lefty, however after. McIlroy nailed that Eagle he hit a zone and he was going to win. it was a pretty bizarre ending last night with the darkness and etc
  21. Clearly the Leino led 13-14 sabres were closest to the cup, duh......Not the Stanley Cup but a cup that is worn with a jockstrap
  22. No its a lil hole in the wall, man vs food was there..... Dogs with homemade chili, slaw, onion and mustard..... Guy doesn't allow ketchup in there... It's old school and its pretty popular, I highly recommend stopping in Maybe hit the Hibernian this weekend
  23. Raleigh grill has some amazing hot dogs, I will be going back before I leave
  24. The fix was in the whole time...... I knew it..... ;)
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