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Everything posted by Weave

  1. Perfect captain for this team. He represents the words and actions of the coach and GM perfectly.
  2. The getting some quickness and physicality back statement rose an eyebrow here.
  3. I didn’t take that as necessarily a negative. Different organizations have different methods of getting to the same place. Granted, I don’t see a downside to adopting the methods of an organization that went to the finals the previous season.
  4. You’ve never talked to any of the Stanleys in Cheektowaga, have you?
  5. The best part is, until just now I dod not get the reference to “weave” in shrader’s post. noone - no one potato - potato wait…… nevermind
  6. Lol I am very aware that I make grammatical errors that would make my old English teachers cringe. Usually it is sentence structure issues. I’d like to think I handle the basic grammatical stuff properly. Then again, I tend to put about as much effort into my posts as the Sabres do on a Tuesday night home game in December. So 🤷‍♂️
  7. That may have been a pressure game in Detroit. Will be interesting to see if they play loose and fast against Seattle, or if they can’t find a gear like in Detroit.
  8. Somebody was sleeping in class the week they covered contractions in grade school.
  9. He said he was a hockey guy that day. Thats the point.
  10. Yeah I was working on the assumption that Byram is 2-3 yrs younger than Dahlin based on previous post. In the very small sample size so far, Byram seems more dynamic than Dahlin. I’m impressed.
  11. Is Byram equal to what Dahlin was 3 years ago? I think these last few games, he looks like he might be at least where Dahlin was 3 yrs ago. You can make a credible argument either way.
  12. Seriously small sample size but Bo’s aggressive play is well received . If Dahlin had Bo’s aggression he would be approaching the generational label we were hammered with.
  13. I don’t buy that. We did not have. #7D that could he trusted as an NHLer. I wish KA aimed higher than EJ, but all of the alternatives are in Roc currently.
  14. I don’t know why anyone would try to predict the meaning behind any of Digg’s tweets.
  15. Wait…… I missed this. Kick cancers’ ass, will ya?
  16. Bettman is employed by the owners, right? I presume then a majority of the owners are OK with this. 🤷‍♂️ Where TF was this when we were trying to do the same with Tim Connolly? We have always been the awkward sister that is not allowed nice things.
  17. Oof. We’re all hear if you need an ear.
  18. I seem to recall a local Sabres reporter mention on the Twitters (a few days ago, maybe) that Quinn is done for the year. Maybe Adams wanted wiggle room in his statement, and the reporter doesn’t need wiggle room. Maybe it was an educated guess. Maybe he was fed different info than Adams stated. Dont know. Dont care. Just posting something I recall scrolling across.
  19. Hence my 2nd paragraph. My suspicion is, if he didn’t pull the clown act on his way off the ice as a <30 day employee of the NHL, the standard wrist slap and stern look would have applied. He went for the heel routine and got a much bigger ding.
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