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Everything posted by phil_soisson

  1. "His Corsi-percentage in the last five games: 37.2, 63.7, 39.5, 44.9, and last night’s 40.1 beer fart". Love it!
  2. Tremendous player! I remember the Knox's and Sabres honored him at the Aud when he was with the Nordiques, I believe. It was one more reason to feel proud I was a Sabres fan.
  3. It's a warship with transverse bulkheads and watertight doors. Assuming it's one breach, and those doors are closed, the flooding should be confined to one compartment. Obviously they were open.
  4. Been a Buffalo hockey fan since the late 60's, when Shorty Lalonde drove the Zamboni, and sharpened the skates, and "Phil Soisson" was the voice of the Bisons on WGR. Living out of state for decades, and not seeing many games, you guys and gals have become my connection to Buffalo hockey, and I very much appreciate it. Coming here is the closest thing to reading either Charlie Barton in the Courier, or Dick Johnston in the BEN, on the merits of a game. That being said, and with a general appreciation for everyone's input, these are my top five favorite posters, for the insights they provide: "LGR4GM", "Randall Flagg", "dudacek", "darksabre", "Eleven". Does anyone have favorites?
  5. I guess your right: I was in a manner sequestering getting to loose pucks and winning board battles from talent; an oversight on my part.
  6. J.T. Compher's younger sister, Jesse, getting it done for the U.S., with goal against Switzerland, on a pretty one-timer.. She scored against Russia, as well.
  7. The biggest thing (that I noticed) in the US women's win over Russia was that the Americans were the first to get to loose pucks, and also winning board battles, in almost every instance. Could these two simple aspects transfer to the NHL, and Sabres, vis~a~vis the win/loss column, irrespective of talent level?
  8. US Women's team dominating zone play early in the first period against Russians.
  9. Let's simplify things: Hence, let him be known as Count William.
  10. I loved the Sunday Courier Express, and Charlie Barton was the best hockey writer, bar none!
  11. Great! Another Pittsburgh reject to follow in the footsteps of Bylsma and Botteril, just to have someone help out the totally unqualified Buffalo Junior Sabres Kmart GM. You watch now,...promising guys like Borgen and Bryson, who finally made it up, will be shipped out so the "new guy" can put his stamp on the product. The ownership of this operation is toxic! It's tangible. You can feel it when you walk in the building. Fortune will not change until they sell, and are long gone. Til then, embrace the sucktitude!
  12. The poker face of Darcy Regier at trade deadline looks retrospectively desirable at a time like this.
  13. Some nostalgia:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ia65ilitJDw
  14. NBC Sports REMOVES analyst Mike Milbury for making 'insensitive' joke that NHL players were lucky they had 'no women to disrupt their concentration' in the playing bubble
  15. With all their wealth, they( Pegulas) come from a position of weakness. The thing they are best at is firing people who don't work out. Conversely, the thing they are worst at is hiring the right people. These people throw money around as a means to seek approval. Exhibit: that grossly ostentatious, entitled feeling locker room. Or, it invites sycophants. The former or the latter, you get impulsive hires like LaFontaine and Craig Patrick( can anyone tell me what Craig Patrick actually did for this organization?), Rex Ryan(Bills), extending Doug Whaley(Bills) on the yacht, before firing him, Russ Brandon (both), and that other guy who played grab ass with the female help at PSE and was fired.
  16. I think the organization should remove the espresso maker from the player's lounge, and really make a statement that failing to clean up your java bean spills will not be tolerated. Dammit, didn't they teach these guys during prospects camp!
  17. The officiating in that game, as well as the games in Sweden, was embarrassing and inexcusable. On another note, Terry and Kim: f**k you!
  18. Just my two cents...they need to gut that Ritz Carlton locker room. Everything about it says "entitlement".
  19. Losing is a disease. Ah, but curable. Now, I want you to imagine...
  20. ...and while we're at it, I'll take War Memorial, the Rockpile, and the the rinky dink AFL, and taking your personal safety into possible hazard when going to a game. There was nothing "corporate" about it,...official this, official that. It was organic, and it was love!
  21. Milt Ellis, Norm Wullen, and Tenor Joe Byron,...it doesn't get any better!
  22. Salt intake has been linked to stomach cancer? Show me the study, otherwise that's absurd. Besides, the salt you are referring to, industrial "table salt", has been heated to 500 degrees when processed for consumption.. Other than added iodine, it has no nutritional value. The human body needs salt(sea salt or pink Himalayan will do) for electrolytes, for proper nerve signaling. Not only that; in terms of pre-diabetes or insulin resistance, too low a salt intake is just as bad, if not worse than too much sugar. On average, you need about 1-1 1/2 teaspoons a day per gallon of water.
  23. The team appears better, and Ralph Krueger is a renaissance man in a city having its own renaissance. It's a long season; there will be losses, disappointment, and doubt at times, but it's a promising start. Bought in? Playoffs!
  24. Anyone remember what song organist Norm Wullen would play when the Bisons took to the ice before the start of each game, at least in the 1969-70 AHL season?
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