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Everything posted by biodork

  1. Every time I watch one of Jo's trapeze routines, I'm in awe of how incredibly strong you both need to be to pull off those moves! Amazing. Meanwhile I took out my bike for the first time since last fall on Sunday and rode for about 2 hours, and all day yesterday my stupid knees hurt. I'm turning into an old person, dammit. :( How is it that I can go snowboarding for 4 hours or hike 10 miles over 6 hours and be fine, but 2 hours on a bike hurts?
  2. Dealing with effing incompetent people all week at work. Mostly outside vendors who have promised various things and are either extremely poor at communicating or just not delivering as promised. I've had to write several very direct and unhappy emails this week and I don't like doing it because it makes me feel angry and hostile, but every one of them deserves to be put on notice because they are keeping me from being able to do my work with their ineptitude. I don't know how some of these companies can make it so difficult to spend money with them. It's the end of the fiscal year and crunch time for most of us to get purchases through for use it or lose it funds, but no one else seems to have any sense of urgency.
  3. Late to the party, but that looks amazing, Jo!
  4. :cry: She sounds like an amazing lady.
  5. You and me both! I only started watching over x-mas and recently finished season 3, so I still have a ways to go to catch up! I want to watch the season 7 trailer, but I'm sure it'll be a spoiler for at least something I haven't seen yet. But I'm hooked and can't wait to watch more; it really is an excellent show. Just don't get discouraged in the beginning when they're throwing 30+ different new characters at you and you're struggling to keep them straight!
  6. LOL I have no idea if that was sarcasm, but it was hilarious either way!
  7. Nice hike today in Littleton with views of the foothills and Red Rocks. Round-trip was 6.3 miles with 1171 ft of elevation gain, and I made it up in 1:15 and back down in 1:00. Also made a little friend at the top who was enjoying the crumbs from my snacks, lol.
  8. My dad wrote a book! It's one of those projects he'd been wanting to do for a while, and after his diagnosis a few years ago he decided to write a self-help book of sorts detailing his experience. I haven't even read it yet, but I'm proud of him.
  9. "I LOVE YOU, PIZZA GUY!!!" Looks like an awesome trip, MODO. Hope your mom's treatment is going well.
  10. I'd always heard if you put something on the body they can't breathe and will come out on their own (although that sounds stupid typing out), so we always used something like Neosporin to cover the tick body and wait it out. Little buggers are stubborn if you tug on them.
  11. :( Sending prayers your way, 11. No one should have to go through what you did once, much less twice.
  12. Thanks, folks. :lol: After my SIL confusion the other day, I have no room to mock. :cry: Sorry to hear it, jsb... it never does get easier. 15 is pretty amazing for a dog that size! You must've given her an excellent life.
  13. Finally have a functioning kitchen sink as of 9:15pm last night. I never thought I'd say this, but I can't wait to do dishes! Now for an actual complaint: my mom has been in a slow downward spiral for a long time now, and it's accelerated over the last two weeks. My brother and I had been trying to plan an intervention of sorts and convince her to finally get counseling, but last Sunday she sent us a message admitting that she's severely depressed and needs to seek help when she can afford it (before launching into an airing of perceived grievances). We thought at least now she's ready to get help, so the last several days we've been reaching out to potential therapists to find someone who is a good fit, close by, has availability that might work with her schedule, etc. Finally found a good candidate yesterday who had an opening as soon as this evening and regular evening sessions, and she was willing to work with us on pricing as well since this is likely to be a long-term project. Sent my mom her info and asked her to take a look and that if she's ready to start talking to someone that my brother and I would cover the first two months so she didn't have to worry about the cost. She sent back a one line response, saying that she appreciated it, but was exploring another avenue. I don't think she even clicked on the link I'd sent. I really thought this time was finally going to be the one. She's in a dark place, and she's rapidly damaging her relationship with my brother. She has no friends and is heavily in debt. And she won't let anyone help her, much less help herself.
  14. D'oh... I don't know my brain decided SIL = the spouse of his brother. :doh: Need caffeine! :oops:
  15. :D Looks colder than it was; I was hiking with a light long sleeved shirt and a short sleeve shirt over top (no jacket). Didn't think to put sunscreen on the back of my hands, though, so I have some goofy-looking burn lines. :doh:
  16. More hiking / snowshoeing in Rocky Mountain National Park this weekend... almost 8 miles through variable conditions. Worth it. :)
  17. That is seriously bad-ass, lady... very, very cool!
  18. Last weekend I refinished my ugly laminate kitchen counters, and had planned to replace my kitchen sink, faucet, and disposal at the same time. Had a handyman come out last Friday to remove everything, I did the counters over the weekend, and the handyman was supposed to come back Mon. morning to install the new sink and replace the beat up floor of the cabinet, which he expected was going to be 2-3 hrs of work. Monday he calls at 7:30am to tell me he'll be there closer to 9:30 (was scheduled for 9am). Around 9:45, he calls to say he's on his way from the store where he got the board for the new cabinet floor. At 10:45am he finally arrived, offering no explanation and barely an apology for being late. He screws around with the cabinet floor board, mis-cutting at least twice and needing to redo with a new piece, and ends up leaving around 1:15pm after having only replaced the cabinet floor. He offered to come out the next evening after I got home from work to finish so I wouldn't have to take any more time off. Tuesday afternoon he called and said he'd forgotten he had his son that evening and wanted to reschedule for Wednesday night. Wed. I was running late at work and asked him if he could get there at 7pm instead of 6:30, and he insisted that was way too late and rescheduled for 6pm tonight. Tonight he called to say he'd be there closer to 6:30, then texted around 6:30 saying he was on his way, and finally arrived around 6:50pm. He attached the drains to the new sink and reinforced the back of the counter top (prior folks had not sealed properly around the old sink and part of the laminate had rotted) before realizing the opening is just slightly narrower than the sink requires. Doesn't have a saw and doesn't want to stay late to finish it. He's planning on coming back next Wed. evening.
  19. B-) I'd love to go if I can swing it, but like other out-of-towners, I'll have to see once dates are selected, I think. Near a holiday is probably worse for those who have to fly, though I understand if that's easier for the local folks as far as time off.
  20. JEALOUS. Safe travels and have an excellent time!
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