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Everything posted by PromoTheRobot

  1. Insurance could very well be voided by a surgery that is considered experimental. So why doesn't Jack get the surgery on his own? Aside from the CBA, Jack likely needs the Sabres to pay for it too! So would you roll the dice for a player who doesn't even want to play for you? Does any team that would trade for Jack have the same issues? Adams is playing this correctly.
  2. I need to know what would a "savvy" executive would have done with Eichel by now? Take the first offer? Kowtow to Jack on surgery?
  3. I'm certainly not as negative as you are about his chances. Because the most important part, right now, is changing the culture. I think Granato will do very well making that happen.
  4. Speak for yourself. I'm looking forward to the season.
  5. Okay, okay. He stinks. But he's not going anywhere. So deal.
  6. 🤣 Two weeks too late!!! He gave the WRONG answer at a presser!! OMFG! What's sad to me is not seeing a situation for what it was. KA had to abide by Krueger's wishes because he was the incumbent. No players moves Adams made under Krueger should matter one bit. Also consider what it took for a rookie GM to go to the owners and tell them Krueger needed to be turfed! The clock on Kevyn Adams, for me, started with this offseason. He hired HIS coach and assistants. He signed who he signed for whatever reasons. Judge him going forward from here.
  7. How does having a positive opinion of a player become overrated and "a few games away from greatness?" All I'm saying is Cozens has leadership DNA. I do agree that Okposo and Girgs will contribute. Zemgus has been the forgotten Sabre. I'm curious to see how he'll look after that injury.
  8. I think in hockey you need a locker room leader. Someone who won't let anyone slack or give less than 100%. That's what I see in Cozens. He won't let anyone take shifts off. The last few Sabres seasons there was too much self pity and frustration (Some of that coming from you know who.) That was understandable under inflexible Krueger. I think it will be much different with Granato.
  9. Metric? More wins. Better attitude overall. The team doesn't have to make the playoffs to show improvement. I do think these kids will surprise. Cozens has that Josh Allen vibe to me. He carries his home town with him. He's not going to let them down.
  10. Watch Dylan Cozens this year for an example of team lifting leadership.
  11. You've already passed judgement on a 2nd year GM and a coach with about 20 games as an interim. I can tell you no one thought McDermott or Beane were the answer for the Bills when they came in. So give them a chance since you don't have a choice.
  12. At the very least playing like you care. I expect that under Granato to start.
  13. And I disagree here as well. The Sabres brought in talent. It didn't mesh. That's on the inferior coaching. But GM Tim Murray also brought in toxic talent like Kane and Lehner. But I disagree the Sabres didn't try to build around Jack.
  14. I disagree. Certain players can and do lift their teams. Did Chris Drury lift the Sabres? It's not always a question of talent but leadership.
  15. That's the laziest excuse. "Jack can act like an ass because the Sabres blah blah blah..." Ideally, no.
  16. Why defend his behavior? He wants out but he's making it hard on the team he's the captain of. I think he thinks he's adding pressure on Kevyn Adams. All he's doing is making himself look bad.
  17. I could see the league being unhappy with two of its premiere players in the two most invisible markets. Eichel in NYC is a marketing opportunity. If Gary wants it bad enough make it worth our while.
  18. It's was a poor attempt at humor. Of course I applaud Kev for holding firm. He's holding up against attacks from all sides.
  19. Even after all that pressure and embarrassment that, by total coincidence, hit the Sabres and KA all at once. This team can't even cave properly.
  20. 4. College girls. (Or boys. It's all good.)
  21. I don't know how good Aaron Dell will be but he's going to look sharp on the ice.
  22. It's a rare indulgence for me. And never more than 10.
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