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Everything posted by inkman

  1. Hey Duffer, that wasn’t a wonderful period. The Sabres should have scored at least 4. This team just doesn’t have the conviction it takes to play winning hockey. Everyone is trying to dangle instead of forcing the puck to the center of the ice where their teammates should be, but unfortunately have no idea that’s how you score goals.
  2. Yep. The Sabres are more talented at every single position. Every player on Buffalo is immensely more talented than Philly but their team has to do the greasy stuff to win. They aren’t going to dangle or deke m. They are coming straight to the crease. It’s maddening that Buffalo is behind them in the standings. Their lineup is garbage.
  3. Joker didn’t play the body. He got duped by a bitch. He barely touched him. He has to know what he can and can’t do in that situation. Anything else is complete situational unawareness. Not only do they not use their bodies they don’t use their brains either.
  4. It’s officiating. And every minute of every game I’ve ever watched has been poorly officiated. So much so that it doesn’t even cross my mind. They made the worst officiating in the history of any league the standard for their sport. Unfortunately, no one that’s been running the Sabres have bother to cater to it. In a league that allows on ice assault. We assemble a team of figure skaters. If they drove the net and played through the body they would be up 4-0. They try to dance around every check, never hold their ground in front of the net or understand that when a whiny puss like Konecy is facing the boards, if you touch him he’s Greg Louganis. Hockey 101 and these dipshits can’t figure it out.
  5. Even if they are willing, who besides Tuch and Greenway could come close to not embarrassing themselves?
  6. I think you answered the question before you finished the sentence
  7. A down year year like 6-6 after 12 games? I think they’ll be just fine.
  8. Of course Bills Mafia are going to justify the deal. If Diggs blows up next season, I’ll eat my crow. His last 10 games here were fugly.
  9. Big Balls Beane usually doesn’t leave any position that vulnerable. I’d be surprised if they don’t bring in a guy or two plus whatever the draft adds.
  10. I think we’d need to know the numbers before deciding which term is best. If it’s a 6 year deal worth $30 million, it’s a heck of a lot different than 8 years $56 mill.
  11. They win, they’re tough (they could be tougher but they are the Broad Street Bullies compared to the Sabres) and they are loaded with prospects.
  12. His production is on the decline. WR with his skill set typically fall off fast. I wouldn’t be surprised is he’s the 3rd WR in Houston.
  13. Hopefully Devon can start using Rochester and the past tense a little less frequently.
  14. The problem I have is that you can clearly see the Sabres are better than every team near them in the standings but managed to piss an entire year of everyone’s lives right down the toilet. This team should be sitting comfortably in a playoff spot. Instead our kids couldn’t figure out how to get motivated to not be down 2-0 in 30 freaking games. Part of it is on the GM for not bringing in the leadership and players they needed to get over the hump. Part of it is on Granato for NEVER figuring out how to ensure they didn’t barf all over themselves in the first 10 minutes of every game. Part of it is on players like Kyle Woe-Poso and Erik “where’s my” Johnson for fostering resentment toward fans and not getting this team where it should be. There is nothing indicating anything has changed.
  15. I guess it’s fitting Jeff’s 1000th game is a meaningless nothing game winding the season down
  16. Post’s for everyone on Buffalo as usual. Maybe not try going bar down every shot. It works every 40th shot. The other 39 are turnovers.
  17. Girgensons is garbage. Had possession deep into the zone and shoots a half hearted pass/shot directly onto a Cap’s stick, Washington back the other way. By who again? Some dude I’ve never heard of. Sweet. And why is a dman overtaking Tuch when he had a stride and a half on him.
  18. I have one that is similar. When people say I am bias, instead of biased. Dude you aren’t a 6’9” basketball phenomenon that was getting comps to MJ. You are biased.
  19. I don’t care much for Jeff. I do hope tonight is not ruined because the fanbase has soured on the team. These guys only get a few special nights in their career.
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