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  1. I think you need to see a picture of a puppy or two.
  2. Uhoh, dragging trueblue into your mess? He can speak for himself, but he didn't confirm your claim.
  3. You are no fun, eleven. Do you drive a horse and buggy to work, slick your hair with grease, and crap in an outhouse? In all seriousness, you have failed to turn in the TPS report you promised from the last thread. Where is it? That hit Enroth's pad, RJ.
  4. I hope so. Then we can seriously entertain the idea of trading Miller for a stud centre.
  5. By the Paddle of Ethron! Maybe he didn't like Lindy...
  6. Grigs with Vanek and Pominville...not a good match for whatever NJ line that was.
  7. The offense keeping it in the zone ought to do wonders for their confidence.
  8. Hodgson keeps pulling moves out of his hat. This is the Enroth we all raved about back in the day. Rebounds and all.
  9. CoHo and Pommers have proved they don't need Vanek to get goals. I'd rather spread out the love...I forgot about Foligno; I guess he could work with Grigs and Vanek for now.
  10. I keep trying to remind myself of the awful mid-Texas summers every time the thought strikes me that I want to move south again. But I still want to move south. Anyway, my complaint is that sometimes I discover music that I missed out on like a decade ago. Got a whole bunch of Daft Punk CDs from the library the other day and am enjoying it all, but, again, a decade or so late.
  11. I would have to disagree with you. I think a confident Grigs and a Magic Man are a potent pair. I wish the Sabres had a bruiser/scorer to go with them instead of the likes of Pominville or Stafford.
  12. We're arguing about it because it's the ONLY thing the Sabres have done to address their situation. As any reader may note, there are many problems and many good arguments made for why any particular problem should be (or should have been) addressed first. The problem with us, or any forum culture, is that we're just bystanders, and with that comes huge, gaping holes in the collective information we draw on to assess the issues and propose solutions. Lindy Ruff is an icon of the Sabres...totally. I think I've called him Mr. Sabre in the recent past. For many of us, winning the Cup with Ruff would have been storybook. When the storybook dreams of a fan are shattered (in this instance, Ruff no longer able to win a Cup with the Sabres), emotions get in the way of objectivity. I used to buy into the storybook idea of Ruff. I still sort of do. But, after it was clear (to me, see my opening paragraph) the players didn't want to play for Ruff, and after it was clear the entire situation was affecting Ruff's decision making (relying on Hecht way too much, not using Grigs, questionable line combos, questionable match-ups, obvious frustration as examples among many), I was okay with letting Ruff go. If you're going to build a TEAM that contends, you simply have to address ALL weaknesses. The tragedy, the sick part, is that, so far, this is all they have done. I agree it's not fair, and I agree that Regier needs to go, and the roster needs an overhaul. It's disappointing. But PA, GoDD, Swamp, nfreeman, deluca, me et al, are NOT in control of the team's destiny, and DID NOT fire Ruff. And none of us started gloating and dancing around the forum when he was fired. And it should not be held over the head of anyone that is okay with the move, because it was a logical move, especially when viewed in the context of an over-arching strategy to turn the Sabres into a Cup contender. The fact that the move stands alone is the fault of the Sabres, not the fans.
  13. Of course, now he's looking for something I said to prove his point and throw back at me. Which, he may very well find... :blush:
  14. So, Pegula is not hands-on? With all that we have heard from the guy in press conferences and through stories from Black and Regier about "how involved" he is, there is still a question that Pegula is perhaps a bit too involved in hockey decisions? But, lo! I come prepared. The entire video, frankly, shows us just how involved Pegula is...he has equal face time with Regier here...but pay close attention to the times 1:40, 2:42, and 3:05. This is not a hands-off owner... http://youtu.be/xGEjjrXKhZE And, I don't personally have an issue with an active owner, actually. If I owned a team, I would totally be all over that like a '69 Roadrunner. But, I know when it's time to let the professionals take over; for example, there's no way I could manage an engine swap and make it run right.
  15. I can't think of any lucid regular who would seriously claim the Sabres would instantly become contenders simply with a coaching change. Key words: instantly, contenders. I don't recall anyone saying it and standing by it over time and it becoming a meme or group-think here. That you can not name names right now, or find a thread right now, makes me think that perhaps it's your emotions and memory becoming entangled and distorted, not mine.
  16. You have made this claim before post-Ruff and have yet to find a post from a regular that backs it up. I think everyone is hitting nails on the heads here...coached habits are one thing; collective roster skill, effort, and "chemistry" are another; effective leadership is yet another. The Sabres are deficient in all areas. This isn't a one-solution-fixes all problem, it's like a deep infection that still needs to be excised and treated with antibiotics.
  17. It was...or is...embarassing, isn't it? And Staal's swagger doesn't help matters, either. I want players with that swagger.
  18. Great goal by CoHo...I guess he's a keeper. What else is there to like about this team?
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