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Everything posted by K-9

  1. So, what do you have in mind? Is it one test for all the people or is it adjusted for certain social strata? How about differences in geographic location? Should it focus on civics or current events? Who determines what current events are included?
  2. Pointing out Romney's first name has nothing to do with pointing out he's white. Just like pointing out Obama's middle name has nothing to do with him being black. The pejorative use of Obama's middle name is to create the connection to Saddam Hussein, Islam, the MIddle East, terrorists, 9/11, etc. solely to appeal to our base emotions. Another Roger Ailes strategy. And it seems to work on the simpler minds out there in the electorate.
  3. I can't speak for anyone else but I use Romney's first name to clarify that he bears a resemblance to the actor who starred in a movie of the same name. I'll let you decide which one he looks like.
  4. Mathematically you're completely right of course. And I'll be cheering come hell or high water. But it's the way we've screwed the pooch that has me concerned. We just don't pass the eye test as a competitive team. And it seems like the edges are fraying if Kelsay's words are indicative of anything. GO BILLS!!!
  5. Speaking of the Rangers, how do the fan loyalties get divided in Brooklyn? I gotta believe it's mostly Rangers with a smattering of Devils. But there's gotta be a fair amount of Brooklynites that came of age during the Islander glory years, too. \ GO SABRES!!!
  6. Yeah, he got the limp removed. GO BILLS!!!
  7. Appeals to our base passions has long been a Republican strategy. Particularly prejudices and fear. What Karl Rove orchestrated against McCain in South Carolina is a good example. Bush's entire 2004 re-election campaign was an appeal to our fears. And today we hear news that Romney's campaign is sending direct mail DVDs which claim Obama is the love child between his mother and a black communist activist in Chicago. They hit the trifecta with that one. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/10/24/us/politics/strident-anti-obama-messages-flood-key-states.html?_r=0
  8. What was so curious about it? Romney said it in an interview on CNN in March. Of course Fox and the Republican blogosphere are busy trying to parse the language in determining the difference between the words "foe" and "threat." In fairness to Romney, he said that our biggest national security threat was a nuclear-armed Iran.
  9. Everybody in the free world knows this was a terrorist attack. The rest of your post is nonsensical in every aspect.
  10. They even posted their responsibility for the attacks on facebook and twitter. That's all I need for confirmation.
  11. Proof? From Egypt to Libya to India to Indonesia, Muslims hit the streets in DIRECT response to the youtube video. This is undeniable. I'm not going to waste any time linking the media reports, etc. that bare this out. For the record, I am NOT confusing the terrorists with the protesters.
  12. Regarding the video and the ensuing protests throughout the Muslim world in the Middle East. Is it possible that a terrorist organization exploited that opportunity? Would they have attacked the consulate on their own without the support and confusion of the protesters who were there? There is no doubt that the protests were directly related to the video so I think it's a fair question to ask.
  13. Hollow or not, it means that the Romney campaign failed in trying to suggest that the President shirked his responsibilities and that led to what happened in Benghazi. But nobody could speak more hollow words than Romney in the hours after the attack occurred.
  14. I posted my theory as to why during the debate. I guess I was hoping for a little more detail than "it was a strategic decision." Why the strategic decision not to engage on the question of Benghazi?
  15. What was more sickening was trying to score political points by exploiting the death of four Americans. In the midst of confusing reports from the CIA and others, when details were still coming in, what Team Romney offered within hours of the attack was planned, measured, and deliberate and for no other reason than to further his campaign. Like bad economic news, it was seen as a great opportunity by his campaign. The immediate aftermaths of national tragedies have always been rallying points for us and times when politicians put down their swords and come together in a show of strength to the world. I can find nothing honorable in how Romney acted. And his shameful attempt to link himself with Glen Doherty while stumping further underscores that. And he'd STILL be doing it if Doherty's own mother hadn't demanded that he stop. The President has said point blank that the buck stops with him on the question of Libya and every other US diplomatic outpost. I'd like to see just an ounce of contrition out of Romney for how he acted. I guess all he can do is simply agree with Obama's foreign policy instead.
  16. Thanks. Just as all the bloggers out there. Just as all the op-ed writers out there. Why do you suppose Romney didn't make hay out of the Benghazi attack when he had a wide open opportunity in the last debate?
  17. K-9

    F You Hull

    I wonder if he carved that thing himself. Pretty good work. And it IS funny. C'mon folks. Where's our sense of humor about these things? GO SABRES!!!
  18. Stands to reason why the President referred to the attack as "an act of terror" the very next day.
  19. Last year it was news that Obama fathered a love child. Last week it was Obama was gay and covered up sexual harassment charges while at Harvard. This week he's the love child of his mom and a communist activist in Chicago (I heard a rumor that is now a direct mail piece in Ohio). Now we have divorce papers and the Republican machine once again sticking their noses in private family business. Such a proud and courageous group. Jerome Corsi hard at work and earning every nickel of his salary.
  20. Just a carryover from the lessons learned from the first debate. What "lost" that debate for Obama was the downward cast of his eyes as Romney was merrily dancing to the middle on every issue. Obama's team was simply not prepared for that kind of tectonic shift. In debate number two you could see the difference. Obama looked Romney in the eyes the entire time and called him on every contradiction and it worked. Made sense to carry that over to debate three. But again, the Obama team was unprepared for yet another iteration of Romney: the liberal Romney that simply agreed with Obama on every foreign policy issue. I think it was a good strategy by Romney, too.
  21. That comment is gonna bite him in the ass. That said though, the whole question of sequestration comes down to opposing political ideologies on how best to reduce the budget deficit. Groundbreaking news, I know. I submit that as soon as the decision was made to LOWER taxes and then prosecute TWO WARS, a tax increase was inevitable. We weren't asked to sacrifice back then, we will have to sacrifice now. The obstructionist Republicans in Congress, including Paul Ryan and the others that voted FOR sequestration, will simply have to put aside their interests and compromise on the issue.
  22. Being an insufferable internet Spelling Nazi seems to be your most endearing feature. Well done.
  23. I don't think Obama wants to cut the defense budget by $500 billion but he's gonna need cooperation of Congress before they automatically kick in to prevent them. Personally I think this is all posturing during a Presidential election year. And that's never without the requisite amount of fear-mongering that goes along with it. http://www.cnn.com/2012/08/07/opinion/wilson-sequestration-pentagon-cuts/index.html
  24. As per your usual insults, you are wrong and have no phucking idea of what you're talking about when it comes to even beginning to understand my thinking on the topic or any other topic for that matter. The only thing you know about me, my political philosophies, and personal motivations is that I'm not voting for the same guy you're voting for. Period. But go right on pretending that you do and continue to make an ass out of yourself in the process.
  25. Totally serious question. There are numerous terrorist groups around the world that label themselves Al Queda that never had anything to do with the organization put together by Osama bin Laden in the 1980s to combat Soviet troops and go on to become the terrorist organization that attacked us. Osama bin Laden's Al Queada were organized, armed (ironically by the US), and well funded. That organization is a shadow of it's former self. Many people use the word "Al Queda" to represent a generic term for a movement of Islamic terrorists that have little to do with each other and nothing in common except for their use of terrorism as a military tactic. While I'm sure Gen. Looney was referring to Osama bin Laden's Al Queda in 2006, I was simply wondering if he also used the term in a more generic sense as well. There are certainly remnants of bin Laden's Al Queda who are and will be seeking to re-organize. But Obama labeled terrorism as the number one security threat to this country and like I said earlier, that hardly qualifies as burying our head in the sand.
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