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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I'd like to see the links to these other online sources. I'll come up with a disparaging name for MSNBC when they hire a top democratic strategist to run the news department who issues a daily memo outlining the talking points for that day's programming and then threatens repercussions if anybody doesn't toe that scripted line. When MSNBC rises to that level of propaganda as a hired tool for the DNC, I'll call them all sorts of names. In the meantime, please back up your claim that Hillary Clinton destroyed the lives of anyone Bill Clinton had an affair with. Surely there are court records for the lawsuits brought against her. Just to be clear, I am not doubting you have other news outlets. It's just that what your claim about Clinton destroying lives is straight out of FNC broadcasts. Other outlets parrot the same propaganda, too. Carry your own water. But yeah, I take umbrage when a news organization deliberately pisses down my back and tries to tell me it's raining. Faux News would have flourished in the Soviet Union. Hell, I'm surprised they don't have a bureau in North Korea.
  2. What does it say about a person, let alone a person running for president, that this thought process doesn't even occur to him? I'm glad the AMA long ago made it policy not to diagnose public figures. The shrinks would have a field day with the list of symptoms he exhibits on a daily basis.
  3. You're just parroting the same unfounded crap heard 24/7 on Faux News Channel.
  4. Well, one candidate has a long record of helping those less fortunate, especially regarding children's issues and the other doesn't. Clinton's long track record of public service doesn't jive with your assertion that she doesn't care. I wonder what his perception of Trump is.
  5. What has she ever stolen from the poor? Sounds like her detractors are sore that they, too, can't make $52m a year giving speeches. That $52m ain't coming from the poor, that's for sure. If that was a joke, I'm not getting the humor. Speaking of the poor, how about we do a side by side of charitable donations between Trump and Clinton. I don't know if they were poor, but Trump certainly stole from the thousands of workers he simply refused to pay over the years. How many lawsuits is that?
  6. Regarding all these files, where's the there, there? And I love how the right has embraced Assange after they wanted to hang him in 2010 for his dirt on G Dub and the Iraq war. He's in bed with the Russian leadership, so I'm not surprised as the right as been polishing Putin's nob for a while now.
  7. Shameful. Simply shameful.
  8. Somewhere, Don Shula smiles.
  9. Seriously, in a world as scary and dangerous as Trump makes it out to be, how can reckless rhetoric like that help things? Answer: it can't. When did it become desirable for our president to sound like the drunk at a bar spouting off about what we should do "with em." 'Bombing the schit out of em" is barroom diplomacy at its finest. And it's pretty phuckin' stupid.
  10. You and I both know that names don't mean much in terms of philosophies, which is where I'm coming from. Labels can, however, put people off or incite fear if one doesn't wish to learn further about what's behind that label. Thanks for the clarification, though.
  11. Scratch fearful then. How about "against" it? Just an FYI, but McCarthy didn't appreciate nuance.
  12. I already know what Bernie Sanders thinks it stands for, I'm more interested in the viewpoint from someone who is fearful of it. If the Democrats win, you said you will consider a centrist GOP candidate in the future. What is it about a Democratic victory that shapes that view? What are your concerns (i.e. worries), that inform that view?
  13. What are you worried about, specifically?
  14. Pray tell, what does it "stand for?"
  15. A 45 year record of public service qualifies one for canonization? Does the Vatican know about this? For 23 years now republicans, at great expense to the taxpayers, have been trying to qualify her as "crooked" or worse. They are either flat out wrong or utterly incompetent. Take your pick. Haha. Got that right. The mere word "socialist" is enough to send shivers up the spines of people. Better to call themselves ISIS or something.
  16. Can you spare a square? I'm a bit misty myself after that read. Thanks for linking that incredible tribute by a son to his mother.
  17. Congrats to the US 4th Circuit Court of Appeals as they struck a blow for voter's rights today and overturned North Carolina's racist attempt to suppress black voters. I hope it has ripple effects on similar laws passed in other states.
  18. You'd have to be missing the human DNA.
  19. True that. He doesn't give a hashtag about anything.
  20. Wow. Powerful words from the father of a fallen Muslim-American soldier fighting in Iraq. I hope Trump was watching.
  21. That vast majority of that waste, fraud (especially fraud), and inefficiency is perpetrated by the private sector contractors we, the people, entrust to them. I am totally baffled by our lack of outrage at military contractors, especially. Our largest social program is rife with corruption.
  22. Glad to hear it. But based on what you shared, age was the issue when it shouldn't have been. I hope you realize that the problem wasn't with the ACA per se, it was with a provider's inability to follow the law. The ACA had no impact on what was covered under medicare and medicare never imposed age limits or otherwise qualified coverage based on life expectancy. Private health insurers, on the other hand...well let's just say they are free to be a bit less scrupulous.
  23. If your father was denied medicare benefits because of age as you said above, then whomever denied them broke the law. From an article: The language can't be clearer. And it sounds like your dad has a case.
  24. Yes. There have been some bogus claims made regarding seniors and medicare and how the ACA might impact them. Is your father on medicare?
  25. Jesus Phuckin' Christ! Are you totally incapable of taking a joke? Lighten the phuck up for crissakes.
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