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tom webster

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Everything posted by tom webster

  1. Good luck to you. We have a friend with an autistic child who has become heavily involved in local support groups and in fighting with the school system to get her son what he needs. She has been as devoted to her son and the cause as anyone I know. I would be happy to put you in touch if you think it would be beneficial.
  2. I meant to post something to you when I saw the Rangers waived him.
  3. You think 4 or 5 points is a lot? Especially considering games played?
  4. Sekera is having a great year. You don't have to exaggerate how well he is doing.
  5. Yeah Mike Glennon looked awesome against Buffalo, didn't he? He hardly looked much more promising then Manuel. Had some better TD numbers but had a lot better receivers to throw to. He won 4 out of 13 starts, EJ 4 out of 10. There is no way to know if you could collect on a bet about EJ's draft status but I will bet you any terms you want that Manuel is a better player in three years then Glennon. There is always a certain about of gamesmenship and selling going on. A better example is Drew Rosenhaus faking a phone call with Willis McGahee. It doesn't really matter in the end. I'm sure you would agree that if the Bills' truly believe that Manuel is a franchise QB it would have been foolhardy to take a chance that someone would take him before their 2nd round pick. Whether they are right will determine their fate in the end. If the draft was an exact science, KC wouldn't have taken Steve Fuller instead of Joe Montana and Tom Brady wouldn't have lasted till the 6th round. You have to take your guy when you have the shot and hope you are right.
  6. Thanks, I hadn't heard that . I consider Sal Pal pretty connected when it comes to Eagles and I remember him reporting on it right after the pick
  7. So you choose to believe the so called experts when they give you their informed opinion of a prospect but you choose no to believe them when they report on draft gossip?
  8. One thing that surprised me is that John Murphy mentioned that Bills would like a true MLB and move Kiko to the outside. I haven't heard that anywhere else but seems to make sense.
  9. The Bills talked about trading down again but decided not to because of rumors that Philly would take Manuel. Manuel might have lasted till the 2nd round , he never would have lasted till the third. I have no idea if Manuel will develop into a franchise QB, no one does. Hell after last year Griffin and Kapernick were sure fire franchise guys and now their teams aren't so sure. The notion that anyone knows for sure about any QB other then Luck before they play at least three years is laughable.
  10. Sorry did not see your earlier post. Wonder if they changed their mind or Ellis just did not get there in time.
  11. Buffalo News reporting that Larsson and Ellis joining Rochester for Cup.
  12. Maybe I will change my name to Barrie Moore just for the occasion.
  13. Well, so far no one seems to know for sure or is willing to go on record anyway. Kris Baker actually thinks you are right about at the draft but the other three guys all seem to think it is within 48 hours after the lottery. Not sure why the Sabres' won't go on record.
  14. I will be searching "mad thighs" on youtube in the morning.
  15. As I said before, it takes a big chunk out of his paycheck, so it does hurt him. Its part of the deal, however, and the players seem to deal with it.
  16. I had a conversation the other day on how this can end well for Snow. No way he gets a 1st and 2nd and a player back for Vanek. Any trade makes him look bad, real bad but it is the Islanders. I really think there is a chance of them imploding next year making their pick much more likely to be in play for worst in the league. Only way he cleanses it out is he gets a #1 for Vanek and resigns Moulson and even then he still loses because it will be a high#1.
  17. I'm thinking the cut in pay might not be so easily brushed off but on just a jaded, old capitalist
  18. Don't want to to turn another thread into a personal conversation but I have no idea if you are asking me or telling me something here
  19. Exactly but anytime someone asks about it, you jump in with a definitive answer. To answer your previous question, I don't require multiple forms of proof, But don't link anecdotal evidence and call it proof. As a long time member of this board I have seen it before where mis-information is written enough times that it becomes factual and them we spend half a thread trying to dispel the mis-information. I have sent e-mails to people that should know and should respond either confirming what I have been told, what you have written or something totally different. Trust me, I will acknowledge if you are correct. I have no trouble admitting when I'm wrong.
  20. I'm still not sure this is a hard fast NHL rule. I have been told that there is no set NHL rule and every trade sets its own parameters as to when the deferral is required. The article you cite doesn't really clarify this even though you continue to state it as fact.
  21. Obviously a lot depends on free agency but I would guess priorities are Right Tackle Left guard OLB TE #1 Receiver Not necessarily in that order and I agree, no way a guard in the first round
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